subscribers of the benchmark may submit complaints on whether a specific benchmark calculation is representative of market value, proposed benchmark calculation changes, applications of methodology in relation to a specific benchmark calculation and other editorial decisions in relation to the benchmark calculation processes;
there is in place a target timetable for the handling of complaints;
formal complaints made against the administrator and its personnel are investigated by that administrator in a timely and fair manner;
the inquiry is conducted independently of any personnel who may be involved in the subject of the complaint;
the administrator aims to complete its investigation promptly;
the administrator advises the complainant and any other relevant parties of the outcome of the investigation in writing and within a reasonable period;
there is recourse to an independent third party appointed by the administrator. if a complainant is dissatisfied with the way a complaint has been handled by the relevant administrator or the administrator's decision in the situation no later than six months from the time of the original complaint; and
all documents relating to a complaint, including those submitted by the complainant as well as an administrator's own record, are retained for a minimum of five years.