
CHAPTER IV Entry of breeding animals in breeding books and breeding registers and acceptance for breeding

Section 1 Entry of purebred breeding animals in breeding books and acceptance for breeding

Article 15Structure of breeding books

Breeding books shall consist of a main section and, where specified in the breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12, one or more supplementary sections.

Article 16Main section of breeding books

1.Where different criteria or procedures are established by breed societies for entering purebred breeding animals in different classes, those breed societies may divide the main section of breeding books into classes:

(a)according to the merits of those animals and subdivide those classes according to their age or gender; or

(b)according to the age or gender of those animals, provided that those classes are also subdivided according to their merits.

Those criteria and procedures may require that the purebred breeding animal undergo the performance testing or genetic evaluation provided for in Article 25 or any other assessment described in the breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12 prior to it being entered in a specific class of the main section.

2.Where the breeding programme establishes conditions for entry in the main section of the breeding book in addition to those set out in Chapter I of Part 1 of Annex II, the breed society carrying out that breeding programme shall establish, in that main section, at least one class for purebred breeding animals that fulfil only the conditions of Chapter I of Part 1 of Annex II and Article 21 to be entered, on application by the breeder.

Article 17Supplementary sections of breeding books

Breed societies may establish one or more supplementary sections in the breeding book for animals of the same species that are not eligible for entry in the main section, provided that the rules set out in the breeding programme allow the progeny of those animals to be entered in the main section in accordance with the rules set out:


in the case of female animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species, in point 1(a) of Chapter III of Part 1 of Annex II;


in the case of animals of endangered breeds of the bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species or of ‘hardy’ sheep breeds, in point 2 of Chapter III of Part 1 of Annex II; or


in the case of male and female animals of the equine species, in point 1(b) of Chapter III of Part 1 of Annex II.

Article 18Entry of purebred breeding animals in the main section of the breeding book

1.Breed societies shall, at the request of breeders, enter or register for entry in the main section of their breeding book any purebred breeding animals of the breed covered by their breeding programme, provided that those animals comply with the requirements set out in Chapter I of Part 1 of Annex II and, where applicable, that those animals are the offspring of breeding animals or result from the germinal products thereof, in accordance with the rules provided for in Article 21.

2.Breed societies shall not refuse the entry in the main section of their breeding books of a purebred breeding animal on the grounds that it has already been entered in the main section of a breeding book of the same breed or, in the case of a cross-breeding programme carried out on purebred breeding animals of the equine species, of a different breed established by another breed society recognised in accordance with Article 4(3) or by a breeding body in a third country included in the list provided for in Article 34.

3.Where the main section of the breeding book is divided into classes, purebred breeding animals meeting the criteria for entry in the main section shall be entered by the breed society in the class that corresponds to the merits of those purebred breeding animals.

Article 19Derogations from the requirements for the entry of animals in the main section of breeding books in the case of the creation of a new breed or the reconstruction of a breed

1.By way of derogation from Article 18(1), where a breed society carries out a breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12, for a breed for which no breeding book exists in any Member State or third country included in the list provided for in Article 34, that breed society may enter in the main section of that newly established breeding book, purebred breeding animals or descendants from purebred breeding animals of different breeds or any animal which is judged by the breed society to conform to the characteristics of that new breed and, where applicable, fulfils the minimum performance requirements laid down in the breeding programme.

Breed societies making use of this derogation shall:

(a)set in their breeding programme a period for the establishment of the new breeding book that is appropriate for the generation interval of the species or the breed concerned;

(b)make reference to any existing breeding book in which the purebred breeding animals or their parents have been entered for the first time after birth, together with the original registration number in that breeding book;

(c)in their system for recording pedigrees, identify the animals which are considered by them to be the breed's foundation stock.

2.Where a breed society intends to reconstruct a breed that has disappeared or that is in serious danger of disappearing, a Member State, or, if it so decides, the competent authority, may authorise the breed society to enter, in the main section of the breeding book, descendants of purebred breeding animals of the breed to be reconstructed or purebred breeding animals or descendants from purebred breeding animals of other breeds which enter in the reconstruction of that breed or any animal which is judged by the breed society to conform to the characteristics of the breed to be reconstructed and which, where applicable, fulfil the minimum performance requirements laid down in the breeding programme provided that:

(a)a period for the establishment or re-establishment of that breeding book, appropriate for the breed concerned, is set in the breeding programme;

(b)where applicable, reference is made to any breeding book in which those purebred breeding animals or ascendants have been entered together with the original registration number in that breeding book;

(c)the animals which are considered by that breed society to be the breed's reconstruction stock are identified in the system for recording pedigrees.

3.A breed society seeking to avail itself of the derogation referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article or the derogation referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall lay down a detailed plan for the creation or reconstruction of the breed in its breeding programme referred to in Article 8(1).

4.By the end of the periods referred to in point (a) of paragraph 1 of this Article and point (a) of paragraph 2 of this Article, the competent authority shall carry out an official control as provided for in Article 43.

5.Where a breed is being created or reconstructed in accordance with this Article, Member States shall make that information publicly available by including an indication to that effect in the list provided for in Article 7.

Article 20Recording of animals in supplementary sections and upgrading of their offspring to the main section

1.Where supplementary sections are established by a breed society in accordance with Article 17, that breed society shall, on application by breeders, record in the appropriate supplementary sections provided for in Article 17 animals of the species covered by its breeding programme that are not eligible for entry in the main section, provided that those animals meet the conditions set out in Chapter II of Part 1 of Annex II.

2.Breed societies shall, on application by breeders, enter the progeny of the animals referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in the main section provided for in Article 16 and shall regard that progeny as purebred breeding animals, provided that that progeny meets the conditions set out in Chapter III of Part 1 of Annex II.

Article 21Acceptance of purebred breeding animals and their germinal products for breeding

1.A breed society carrying out a breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12 for a breed shall accept:

(a)for natural service, any purebred breeding animal of that breed;

(b)for artificial insemination, semen collected from purebred breeding animals of the bovine species which have undergone genetic evaluation in accordance with Article 25;

(c)for artificial insemination, semen collected from purebred breeding animals of the porcine, ovine or caprine species which have undergone performance testing or genetic evaluation in accordance with Article 25;

(d)for artificial insemination, semen collected from purebred breeding animals of the equine species which have undergone, where required by the breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12, performance testing or genetic evaluation in accordance with Article 25;

(e)for embryo transfer, oocytes collected and used for in vitro production of embryos and in vivo derived embryos conceived by use of semen referred to in point (b) or (c) of this paragraph, provided that those oocytes and embryos have been collected from purebred breeding animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine or caprine species which have undergone performance testing or genetic evaluation in accordance with Article 25;

(f)for embryo transfer, oocytes collected and used for in vitro production of embryos and in vivo derived embryos conceived by use of semen referred to in point (d) of this paragraph, provided that those oocytes and embryos have been collected from purebred breeding animals of the equine species which have undergone, where required by the breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12, performance testing or genetic evaluation in accordance with Article 25;

(g)for testing of male purebred breeding animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species, semen collected from purebred breeding animals which have not undergone performance testing or genetic evaluation provided that that semen is solely used for the purpose of testing those male purebred breeding animals within the quantity limits necessary to enable that breed society to carry out such tests in accordance with Article 25.

2.In the case of purebred breeding animals of the equine species, by way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, a breed society may prohibit or limit the use of one or more reproduction techniques referred to in that paragraph or the use of purebred breeding animals for one or more of those reproduction techniques, including the use of their germinal products, provided that that prohibition or limitation is specified in its breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12.

Any such prohibition or limitation that is specified in the breeding programme of the breed society which has established the breeding book of the origin of the breed in accordance with point 3(a) of Part 3 of Annex I shall be binding for the breeding programmes of the breed societies that establish filial breeding books for the same breed in accordance with point 3(b) of Part 3 of Annex I.

3.In the case of an endangered breed, a breed society may prohibit or restrict the use of a purebred breeding animal of that breed, including the use of its germinal products, where that use would compromise the preservation or the genetic diversity of that breed.

4.Semen referred to in point (g) of paragraph 1 collected from male purebred breeding animals which are entered in the main section of a breeding book established by a breed society carrying out a breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12, shall be accepted by another breed society carrying out an approved breeding programme on the same breed in the same or another Member State under the same conditions and quantity limits for performance testing and, where applicable, genetic evaluation as those applied to its own male purebred breeding animals.

5.For the purpose of paragraphs 1 and 4, the germinal products of purebred breeding animals referred to in those paragraphs shall be collected, produced, processed and stored at a semen collection or storage centre, or by an embryo collection or production team, approved for intra-Union trade in these commodities in accordance with Union animal health law.

6.By way of derogation from paragraph 5, a Member State may authorise the collection, production, processing and storage for use within the territory of that Member State of germinal products of purebred breeding animals at a semen collection or storage centre, at an embryo storage centre, by an embryo collection or production team or by specifically qualified staff, approved in accordance with the legislation of that Member State.

7.By way of derogation from points (b), (c) and (e) of paragraph 1, where the aim of a breeding programme approved in accordance with Article 8(3), and, where applicable, Article 12, is the preservation of the breed or the preservation of the genetic diversity existing within the breed, performance testing or genetic evaluation shall only be carried out where that breeding programme requires such performance testing or genetic evaluation.

Article 22Methods for identity verification

1.Where purebred breeding animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine and equine species are used for the collection of semen for artificial insemination, breed societies shall require that those purebred breeding animals are identified by analysis of their blood group or by any other appropriate method providing at least the same degree of certainty such as DNA analysis.

2.Where breeding animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species are used for the collection of oocytes and embryos, and where breeding animals of the porcine species are used for the collection of semen for artificial insemination, breed societies and breeding operations may require that those breeding animals are identified by one of the methods referred to in paragraph 1.

3.At the request of a Member State or of a European association for breeding animals of the species concerned, the Commission may adopt implementing acts, approving methods for the verification of the identity of breeding animals provided that they offer at least the same degree of certainty as the analysis of the blood group of those breeding animals, taking into account technical advances and the recommendations of the European Union reference centres referred to in Article 29, ICAR or the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 62(2).