1.The Agency shall assist the Commission and the Member States in identifying key research themes in the field of civil aviation to contribute to ensuring consistency and coordination between publicly funded research and development and policies falling within the scope of this Regulation.
2.The Agency shall support the Commission in the definition and accomplishment of the relevant Union framework programmes for research and innovation activities and of the annual and multi-annual work programmes, including in the conduct of evaluation procedures, in the review of funded projects and in the exploitation of the results of research and innovation projects.
The Agency shall implement civil aviation related parts of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation where the Commission has delegated the relevant powers to it.
3.The Agency may develop and finance research in so far as is strictly related to the improvement of activities in its field of competence. The Agency's research needs and activities shall be included in its annual work programme.
4.The results of research funded by the Agency shall be published, unless the applicable rules of intellectual property law or the security rules of the Agency referred to in Article 123 preclude such publication.
5.In addition to the tasks set out in paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article and in Article 75, the Agency may also engage in ad hoc research activities, provided that those activities are compatible with the Agency's tasks and the objectives of this Regulation.