

Article 11Participating countries

1.The European Solidarity Corps shall be open to the participation of the following countries (the ‘participating countries’):

(a)volunteering, traineeships, jobs, solidarity projects and networking activities shall be open to the participation of the Member States;

(b)volunteering, solidarity projects and networking activities shall also be open to the participation of:


the acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates which benefit from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective framework agreements, Association Council decisions or similar agreements;


those EFTA countries that are party to the EEA Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of that agreement;


the Swiss Confederation, on the basis of a bilateral agreement to be concluded with that country;


those countries covered by the European neighbourhood policy which have concluded agreements with the Union providing for the possibility of their participation in the Union's programmes, subject to the conclusion of a bilateral agreement with the Union on the conditions of their participation in the European Solidarity Corps.

2.The countries referred to in point (b) of paragraph (1) shall be subject to all the obligations and shall fulfil all the tasks set out in this Regulation in relation to Member States.

3.The European Solidarity Corps shall support cooperation with partner countries, in particular European Neighbourhood countries, in activities as referred to in points (6) and (11) of Article 2.

Article 12Participation of individuals

1.Young people aged between 17 and 30 years who are willing to participate in the European Solidarity Corps shall register in the European Solidarity Corps Portal or shall get support to do so. However, at the moment of commencing a volunteering, a traineeship, a job or a solidarity project, a young person shall be at least 18 years of age and not older than 30.

2.When implementing this Regulation, the Commission, the Member States and other participating countries shall ensure that specific and effective measures are taken to promote social inclusion and equal access conditions, in particular for the participation of young people with fewer opportunities.

Article 13Participating organisations

1.The European Solidarity Corps shall be open to the participation of public or private entities, whether non-profit or profit-making, provided that they offer activities that correspond to the definition of solidarity activity within this Regulation and that they have received a quality label. In line with Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046, the grants shall not have the purpose or effect of producing a profit.

2.An application from an entity to become a participating organisation shall be assessed by the competent implementing body of the European Solidarity Corps on the basis of the principles of equal treatment; equal opportunities and non-discrimination; avoidance of job substitution; provision of high-quality activities with learning dimension focusing on personal, socio-educational and professional development; adequate training, working and volunteering arrangements; safe and decent environment and conditions; and, the ‘no-profit principle’ in compliance with Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046. Adherence to those principles ascertains that activities of the participating organisations adhere to the requirements of the European Solidarity Corps. The quality label shall only be attributed to organisations committing to comply with these principles. Actual compliance shall be controlled in accordance with Articles 22 and 23 of this Regulation. Any entity which substantially changes its activities shall inform the competent implementing body for reassessment. The process for attributing the quality label for volunteering shall be differentiated from that for jobs and traineeships.

3.As a result of the assessment, the entity may be attributed the quality label. The obtained label shall be re-assessed periodically, and may be revoked. In case the quality label is revoked, it may then be re-attributed following a new application and further assessment.

4.Any entity which has received the quality label shall be given access to the European Solidarity Corps Portal, either in a host function, or in a supporting function, or both, and can make offers for solidarity activities to registered candidates.

5.The quality label shall not automatically lead to funding under the European Solidarity Corps.

6.The solidarity activities and related quality and support measures offered by a participating organisation may receive funding under the European Solidarity Corps or under another Union programme autonomously contributing to the objectives of the European Solidarity Corps and respecting its requirements or from other funding sources which do not depend on the Union budget.

Article 14Access to European Solidarity Corps funding

Any public or private entity established in a participating country carrying out solidarity activities in the participating countries may apply for funding under the European Solidarity Corps. In the case of the activities referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1), a quality label shall be obtained by the participating organisation as a pre-condition for receiving funding under the European Solidarity Corps. In the case of the solidarity projects referred to in point (b) of Article 7(1), natural persons may also apply for funding on behalf of informal groups of participants.