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1.Collection of products and transport to preparation unitsU.K.

Operators may carry out the simultaneous collection of organic, in-conversion and non-organic products only where appropriate measures have been taken to prevent any possible mixture or exchange between organic, in-conversion and non-organic products and to ensure the identification of the organic and in-conversion products. The operator shall keep the information relating to collection days, hours, the circuit and date and time of the reception of the products available to the control authority or control body.

2.Packaging and transport of products to other operators or unitsU.K.

2.1.Operators shall ensure that organic and in-conversion products are transported to other operators or units, including wholesalers and retailers, only in appropriate packaging, containers or vehicles closed in such a manner that substitution of the content cannot be achieved without manipulation or damage of the seal and provided with a label stating, without prejudice to any other indications required by Union law:U.K.


the name and address of the operator and, where different, of the owner or seller of the product;


the name of the product or a description of the compound feedstuff accompanied by a reference to organic production;


the name or the code number of the control authority or control body to which the operator is subject; and


where relevant, the lot identification mark in accordance with a marking system either approved at national level or agreed with the control authority or control body and which permits the linking of the lot with the records referred to in Article 34(5).

The information referred to in points (a) to (d) may also be presented on an accompanying document, if such a document can be undeniably linked with the packaging, container or vehicular transport of the product. This accompanying document shall include information on the supplier or the transporter.

2.2.The closing of packaging, containers or vehicles shall not be required where:U.K.


the transport takes place directly between two operators, both of which are subject to the organic control system;


the transport includes only organic or only in-conversion products;


the products are accompanied by a document giving the information required under point 2.1; and


both the expediting and the receiving operators keep documentary records of such transport operations available for the control authority or control body.

3.Special rules for transporting feed to other production or preparation units or storage premisesU.K.

When transporting feed to other production or preparation units or storage premises, operators shall ensure that the following conditions are met:


during transport, organically produced feed, in-conversion feed, and non-organic feed are effectively physically separated;


vehicles or containers which have transported non-organic products are only used to transport organic or in-conversion products if:


suitable cleaning measures, the effectiveness of which has been checked, have been carried out before commencing the transport of organic or in-conversion products and the operators keep records of those operations;


all appropriate measures are implemented, depending on the risks evaluated in accordance with control arrangements, and where necessary, operators guarantee that non-organic products cannot be placed on the market with an indication referring to organic production;


the operator keeps documentary records of such transport operations available for the control authority or control body;


the transport of finished organic or in-conversion feed is separated physically or in time from the transport of other finished products;


during transport, the quantity of products at the start and each individual quantity delivered in the course of a delivery round is recorded.

4.Transport of live fishU.K.

4.1.Live fish shall be transported in suitable tanks with clean water which meets their physiological needs in terms of temperature and dissolved oxygen.U.K.

4.2.Before transport of organic fish and fish products, tanks shall be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and rinsed.U.K.

4.3.Precautions shall be taken to reduce stress. During transport, the density shall not reach a level which is detrimental to the species.U.K.

4.4.Records shall be kept for operations referred to in points 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.U.K.

5.Reception of products from other operators of unitsU.K.

On receipt of an organic or in-conversion product, the operator shall check the closing of the packaging, container or vehicle where it is required and the presence of the indications provided for in Section 2.

The operator shall cross-check the information on the label referred to in Section 2 with the information on the accompanying documents. The result of those verifications shall be explicitly mentioned in the records referred to in Article 34(5).

6.Special rules for the reception of products from a third countryU.K.

Where organic or in-conversion products are imported from a third country, they shall be transported in appropriate packaging or containers, closed in a manner that prevents the substitution of the content and bearing the identification of the exporter and any other marks and numbers that serve to identify the lot, and shall be accompanied by the certificate of control for import from third countries where appropriate.

On receipt of an organic or in-conversion product imported from a third country, the natural or legal person to whom the imported consignment is delivered and who receives it for further preparation or marketing shall check the closing of the packaging or container and, in the case of products imported in accordance with point (b)(iii) of Article 45(1), shall check that the certificate of inspection referred to in that Article covers the type of product contained in the consignment. The result of this verification shall be explicitly mentioned in the records referred to in Article 34(5).

7.Storage of productsU.K.

7.1.Areas for the storage of products shall be managed in such a way as to ensure identification of lots and to avoid any mixing or contamination with products or substances not in compliance with the organic production rules. Organic and in-conversion products shall be clearly identifiable at all times.U.K.

7.2.No input products or substances other than those authorised pursuant to Articles 9 and 24 for use in organic production shall be stored in organic or in-conversion plant and livestock production units.U.K.

7.3.Allopathic veterinary medicinal products, including antibiotics, may be stored in agricultural and aquaculture holdings provided that they have been prescribed by a veterinarian in connection with the treatment referred to in points of Part II and of Part III of Annex II, that they are stored in a supervised location and that they are entered in the records referred to in Article 34(5).U.K.

7.4.Where operators handle organic, or in-conversion or non-organic products in any combination and the organic or in-conversion products are stored in storage facilities in which also other agricultural products or foodstuffs are stored:U.K.


the organic or in-conversion products shall be kept separate from the other agricultural products or foodstuffs;


every measure shall be taken to ensure identification of consignments and to avoid mixtures or exchanges between organic, in-conversion and non-organic products;


suitable cleaning measures, the effectiveness of which has been checked, shall have been carried out before the storage of organic or in-conversion products and the operators shall keep records of those operations.

7.5.Only the products for cleaning and disinfection authorised pursuant to Article 24 for use in organic production shall be used in storage facilities for that purpose.U.K.