Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDangos y teitl llawn

Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007



1.1.The organic production logo of the European Union shall comply with the model below:U.K.

1.2.The reference colour in Pantone is Green Pantone No 376 and Green (50 % Cyan + 100 % Yellow), when a four-colour process is used.U.K.

1.3.The organic production logo of the European Union may also be used in black and white as shown, only where it is not practicable to apply it in colour:U.K.

1.4.If the background colour of the packaging or label is dark, the symbols may be used in negative format, using the background colour of the packaging or label.U.K.

1.5.If a logo is used in colour on a coloured background which makes it difficult to see, a delimiting outer line around the logo can be used to improve contrast with the background colours.U.K.

1.6.Where there are indications in a single colour on the packaging, the organic production logo of the European Union may be used in the same colour.U.K.

1.7.The organic production logo of the European Union shall have a height of at least 9 mm and a width of at least 13,5 mm; the proportion ratio height/width shall always be 1:1,5. Exceptionally, the minimum size may be reduced to a height of 6 mm for very small packages.U.K.

1.8.The organic production logo of the European Union may be associated with graphical or textual elements referring to organic production under the condition that they do not modify or change the nature of the organic production logo of the European Union, nor any of the indications defined in accordance with Article 32. When associated to national or private logos using a green colour different from the reference colour provided for in point 1.2, the organic production logo of the European Union may be used in that non-reference colour.U.K.

2.Code numbersU.K.

The general format of the code numbers shall be as follows:




‘AB’ is the ISO code for the country where the controls take place;


‘CDE’ is a term, indicated in three letters to be decided by the Commission or each Member State, like ‘bio’ or ‘öko’ or ‘org’ or ‘eko’ establishing a link with organic production; and


‘999’ is the reference number, indicated in maximum three digits, to be assigned by:


each Member State’s competent authority to the control authorities or control bodies to which it has delegated control tasks;


the Commission, to:

  • the control authorities and control bodies recognised by the Commission pursuant to Article 46,

  • to the competent authorities of third countries recognised by the Commission pursuant to Article 48.