

PART D Closed areas for the protection of sensitive habitats

1.It shall be prohibited to conduct bottom trawling and fishing with static gear, including bottom set gillnets and bottom set longlines, within the following areas sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

Part of the Reykjanes Ridge:

Northern MAR Area:

Middle MAR Area (Charlie-Gibbs Fracture zone and Subpolar Frontal Region):

Southern MAR Area:

The Altair Seamounts:

The Antialtair Seamounts:

Hatton Bank:

North-West Rockall:

South-West Rockall (Empress of Britain Bank):

Area 1

Area 2

Area 3

Edora’s bank

Southwest Rockall Bank

Area 1

Area 2

Hatton-Rockall Basin

Area 1

Area 2

Hatton Bank 2

Area 1

Area 2

Logachev Mound:

West Rockall Mound:

2.Where, in the course of fishing operations in new and existing bottom fishing areas within the NEAFC Regulatory Area, the quantity of live coral or live sponge caught per gear set exceeds 60 kg of live coral and/or 800 kg of live sponge, the vessel shall inform its flag State, cease fishing and move at least 2 nautical miles away from the position that the evidence suggests is closest to the exact location where this catch was made.