Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilDangos y teitl llawn

Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the conservation of fisheries resources and the protection of marine ecosystems through technical measures, amending Council Regulations (EC) No 1967/2006, (EC) No 1224/2009 and Regulations (EU) No 1380/2013, (EU) 2016/1139, (EU) 2018/973, (EU) 2019/472 and (EU) 2019/1022 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Council Regulations (EC) No 894/97, (EC) No 850/98, (EC) No 2549/2000, (EC) No 254/2002, (EC) No 812/2004 and (EC) No 2187/2005


Species for which there is a prohibition to fish for, retain on board, tranship, land, store, sell, display or offer for sale, as referred to in Article 10(2):


The following species of sawfish in all Union waters:


narrow sawfish (Anoxypristis cuspidata);


dwarf sawfish (Pristis clavata);


smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata);


largetooth sawfish (Pristis pristis);


green sawfish (Pristis zijsron);


basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in all waters;


smooth lantern shark (Etmopterus pusillus) in Union waters of ICES division 2a and subarea 4 and in Union waters of ICES subareas 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 14;


reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) in all Union waters;


giant manta ray (Manta birostris) in all Union waters;


the following species of Mobula rays in all Union waters:


devil fish (Mobula mobular);


lesser Guinean devil ray (Mobula rochebrunei);


spinetail mobula (Mobula japanica);


smoothtail mobula (Mobula thurstoni);


longhorned mobula (Mobula eregoodootenkee);


Munk’s devil ray (Mobula munkiana);


Chilean devil ray (Mobula tarapacana);


shortfin devil ray (Mobula kuhlii);


lesser devil ray (Mobula hypostoma);


Norwegian skate (Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis) in Union waters of ICES divisions 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h and 7k;


white skate (Raja alba) in Union waters of ICES subareas 6-10


guitarfishes (Rhinobatidae) in Union waters of ICES subareas 1-10 and 12;


angel shark (Squatina squatina) in all Union waters;


salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta) when fishing with any towed net within the waters outside the six-mile limit measured from Member States’ baselines in ICES sub-areas 1, 2 and 4-10 (Union waters);


houting (Coregonus oxyrhynchus) in ICES division 4b (Union waters);


the Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) and common sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) in Union waters;


berried female crawfish (Palinurus spp.) and berried female lobster (Homarus gammarus) in the Mediterranean Sea except when used for direct restocking or transplantation purposes;


date shell (Lithophaga lithophaga), fan mussel (Pinna nobilis) and common piddock (Pholas dactylus) in Union waters in the Mediterranean Sea;


hatpin urchin (Centrostephanus longispinus).


For the purposes of Article 12, the following restrictions on fishing activity are applicable in the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

PART A North Western Waters

1.It shall be prohibited to deploy bottom trawls or similar towed nets, bottom set gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets and bottom set longlines within the following areas:

  • Belgica Mound Province:

    • 51°29.4′ N, 11°51.6′ W

    • 51°32.4′ N, 11°41.4′ W

    • 51°15.6′ N, 11°33.0′ W

    • 51°13.8′ N, 11°44.4′ W

    • 51°29.4′ N, 11°51.6′ W

  • Hovland Mound Province:

    • 52°16.2′ N, 13°12.6′ W

    • 52°24.0′ N, 12°58.2′ W

    • 52°16.8′ N, 12°54.0′ W

    • 52°16.8′ N, 12°29.4′ W

    • 52°04.2′ N, 12°29.4′ W

    • 52°04.2′ N, 12°52.8′ W

    • 52°09.0′ N, 12°56.4′ W

    • 52°09.0′ N, 13°10.8′ W

    • 52°16.2′ N, 13°12.6′ W

  • North-West Porcupine Bank Area I:

    • 53°30.6′ N, 14°32.4′ W

    • 53°35.4′ N, 14°27.6′ W

    • 53°40.8′ N, 14°15.6′ W

    • 53°34.2′ N, 14°11.4′ W

    • 53°31.8′ N, 14°14.4′ W

    • 53°24.0′ N, 14°28.8′ W

    • 53°30.6′ N, 14°32.4′ W

  • North-West Porcupine Bank Area II:

    • 53°43.2′ N, 14°10.8′ W

    • 53°51.6′ N, 13°53.4′ W

    • 53°45.6′ N, 13°49.8′ W

    • 53°36.6′ N, 14°07.2′ W

    • 53°43.2′ N, 14°10.8′ W

  • South-West Porcupine Bank:

    • 51°54.6′ N, 15°07.2′ W

    • 51°54.6′ N, 14°55.2′ W

    • 51°42.0′ N, 14°55.2′ W

    • 51°42.0′ N, 15°10.2′ W

    • 51°49.2′ N, 15°06.0′ W

    • 51°54.6′ N, 15°07.2′ W.

2.All pelagic vessels fishing in the areas as described in point 1 shall:

  • be on a list of authorised vessels and be issued with a fishing authorisation in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009;

  • carry on board exclusively pelagic gear;

  • give four hours advance notification of their intention to enter an area for the protection of vulnerable deep-sea habitats to the Irish Fisheries Monitoring Centre (FMC) as defined in point 15 of Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 and at the same time notify quantities of fish retained on board;

  • have an operational, fully functioning secure Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) which complies fully with the respective rules when present in any of the areas described in point 1;

  • make VMS reports every hour;

  • inform the Irish FMC on departure from the area and at the same time notify quantities of fish retained on board; and

  • have on board trawls with a codend mesh size range from 16-79mm.

3.It shall be prohibited to deploy any bottom trawl or similar towed nets within the following area:

Darwin Mounds:

  • 59°54′ N, 6°55′ W

  • 59°47′ N, 6°47′ W

  • 59°37′ N, 6°47′ W

  • 59°37′ N, 7°39′ W

  • 59°45′ N, 7°39′ W

  • 59°54′ N, 7°25′ W.

PART B South Western Waters

1.El Cachucho

1.1.It shall be prohibited to deploy bottom trawls, bottom set gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets and bottom set longlines within the following areas:

  • 44°12′ N, 5°16′ W

  • 44°12′ N, 4°26′ W

  • 43°53′ N, 4°26′ W

  • 43°53′ N, 5°16′ W

  • 44°12′ N, 5°16′ W.

1.2.Vessels that conducted directed fisheries with bottom set longlines in 2006, 2007 and 2008 for greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides) may continue to fish in the area south of 44°00.00′ N provided they have a fishing authorisation issued in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

1.3.All vessels having obtained this fishing authorisation shall, regardless of their overall length, have in use an operational, fully functioning secure VMS which complies with the respective rules, when conducting fisheries in the area described in point 1.1.

2.Madeira and the Canary Islands

It shall be prohibited to deploy bottom set gillnets, entangling nets and trammel nets at depths greater than 200 m or bottom trawls or similar towed gear within the following areas:

  • 27°00′ N, 19°00′ W

  • 26°00′ N, 15°00′ W

  • 29°00′ N, 13°00′ W

  • 36°00′ N, 13°00′ W

  • 36°00′ N, 19°00′ W.


It shall be prohibited to deploy bottom set gillnets, entangling nets and trammel nets at depths greater than 200 m or bottom trawls or similar towed gear within the following areas:

  • 36°00′ N, 23°00′ W

  • 39°00′ N, 23°00′ W

  • 42°00′ N, 26°00′ W

  • 42°00′ N, 31°00′ W

  • 39°00′ N, 34°00′ W

  • 36°00′ N, 34°00′ W.


  • Albacore: Thunnus alalunga

  • Bluefin tuna: Thunnus thynnus

  • Bigeye tuna: Thunnus obesus

  • Skipjack: Katsuwonus pelamis

  • Atlantic Bonito: Sarda sarda

  • Yellowfin tuna: Thunnus albacares

  • Blackfin tuna: Thunnus atlanticus

  • Little tuna: Euthynnus spp.

  • Southern bluefin tuna: Thunnus maccoyii

  • Frigate tuna: Auxis spp.

  • Oceanic sea breams: Brama rayi

  • Marlins: Tetrapturus spp.; Makaira spp.

  • Sailfishes: Istiophorus spp.

  • Swordfishes: Xiphias gladius

  • Sauries: Scomberesox spp.; Cololabis spp.

  • Dolphinfishes: Coryphœna spp.

  • Sharks: Hexanchus griseus; Cetorhinus maximus; Alopiidae; Carcharhinidae; Sphyrnidae; Isuridae; Lamnidae

  • Cephalopods: all species



The size of any fish shall be measured, as shown in Figure 1, from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail fin.


The size of a Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) shall be measured, as shown in Figure 2, either:

  • as the length of the carapace, parallel to the midline, from the back of either eye socket to the midpoint of the distal dorsal edge of the carapace, or

  • as the total length, from the tip of the rostrum to the rear end of the telson, not including the setae.

In the case of detached Norway lobster tails: from the front edge of the first tail segment present to the rear end of the telson, not including the setae. The tail shall be measured flat, unstretched and on the dorsal side.


The size of a lobster (Homarus gammarus) from the North Sea except Skagerrak or Kattegat shall be measured, as shown in Figure 3, as the length of the carapace, parallel to the midline, from the back of either eye socket to the distal edge of the carapace.


The size of a lobster (Homarus gammarus) from Skagerrak or Kattegat shall be measured, as shown in Figure 3, either:

  • as the length of the carapace, parallel to the midline, from the back of either eye socket to the midpoint of the distal dorsal edge of the carapace, or

  • as the total length, from the tip of the rostrum to the rear end of the telson, not including the setae.


The size of a crawfish (Palinurus spp.) shall be measured, as shown in Figure 4, as the length of the carapace, parallel to the midline, from the tip of the rostrum to the midpoint of the distal dorsal edge of the carapace.


The size of any bivalve mollusc shall be measured, as shown in Figure 5, across the longest part of the shell.


The size of a spinous spider crab (Maja squinado) shall be measured, as shown in Figure 6, as the length of the carapace, along the midline, from the edge of the carapace between the rostrums to the posterior edge of the carapace.


The size of an edible crab (Cancer pagurus) shall be measured, as shown in Figure 7, as the maximum width of the carapace measured perpendicular to the antero-posterior midline of the carapace.


The size of a whelk (Buccinum spp.) shall be measured, as shown in Figure 8, as the length of the shell.


The size of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) shall be measured, as shown in Figure 9, as the lower jaw to fork length (LJFL).

Figure 1 Fish species

Figure 2 Norway Lobster

(Nephrops norvegicus)

Figure 3 Lobster

(Hommarus gammarus)

Figure 4 Crawfish

(Palinurus spp.)

Figure 5 Bivalve molluscs

Figure 6 Spinous Spider Crabs

(Maja squinado)

Figure 7 Edible crab

(Cancer pagurus)

Figure 8 Whelk

(Buccinum spp.)

Figure 9 Swordfish

(Xiphias gladius)


PART A Minimum conservation reference sizes


In Union waters in ICES division 4a. In ICES Divisions 4b and 4c, a minimum conservation reference size of 130 mm shall apply.


In an area in ICES divisions 4b and 4c limited by a point at 53°28′22″ N, 0°09′24″ E, on the coast of England, a straight line joining this point with 53°28′22″ N, 0°22′24″ E, the 6-mile boundary of the United Kingdom, and a straight line connecting a point at 51°54′06″ N, 1°30′30″ E, with a point on the coast of England at 51°55′48″ N, 1°17′00″ E, a minimum conservation reference size of 115 mm shall apply.


For edible crabs caught in pots or creels, a maximum of 1 % by weight of the total catch of edible crab may consist of detached claws. For edible crabs caught with any other fishing gear, a maximum of 75 kg of detached crab claws may be landed.


By way of derogation from Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, the minimum conservation reference sizes of sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel and mackerel shall not apply within a limit of 10 % by live weight of the total catches retained on board of each of those species.

The percentage of sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel or mackerel below minimum conservation reference size shall be calculated as the proportion by live weight of all marine organisms on board after sorting or on landing.

The percentage may be calculated on the basis of one or more representative samples. The limit of 10 % shall not be exceeded during transhipment, landing, transportation, storage, display or sale.

SpeciesNorth Sea
Cod (Gadus morhua)35 cm
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)30 cm
Saithe (Pollachius virens)35 cm
Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)30 cm
Hake (Merluccius merluccius)27 cm
Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.)20 cm
Sole (Solea spp.)24 cm
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)27 cm
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)27 cm
Ling (Molva molva)63 cm
Blue ling (Molva dipterygia)70 cm
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)Total length 85 mm, Carapace length 25 mm Norway lobster tails 46 mm
Mackerel (Scomber spp.)30 cmd
Herring (Clupea harengus)20 cmd
Horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.)15 cmd
Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)12 cm or 90 individuals per kgd
Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)42 cm
Sardine (Sardina pilchardus)11 cmd
Lobster (Homarus gammarus)87 mm (carapace length)
Spinous spider crab (Maja squinado)120 mm
Queen scallop (Chalamys spp.)40 mm
Grooved carpetshell (Ruditapes decussatus)40 mm
Carpetshell (Venerupis pullastra)38 mm
Short-necked clam (Venerupis philippinarum)35 mm
Clam (Venus verrucosa)40 mm
Hard clam (Callista chione)6 cm
Razor clam (Ensis spp.)10 cm
Surf clams (Spisula solida)25 mm
Donax clams (Donax spp.)25 mm
Bean solen (Pharus legumen)65 mm
Whelk (Buccinum undatum.)45 mm
Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)750 g
Crawfish (Palinurus spp.)95 mm (carapace length)
Deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostirs)22 mm (carapace length)
Edible crab (Cancer pagurus)140 mma b c
Scallop (Pecten maximus)100 mm
Cod (Gadus morhua)30 cm
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)27 cm
Saithe (Pollachius virens)30 cm
Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)
Hake (Merluccius merluccius)30 cm
Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.)25 cm
Sole (Solea spp.)24 cm
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)27 cm
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)23 cm
Ling (Molva molva)
Blue ling (Molva dypterygia)
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)

Total length 105 mm

Norway lobster tails 59 mm

Carapace length 32 mm

Mackerel (Scomber spp.)20 cmd
Herring (Clupea harengus)18 cmd
Horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.)15 cmd
Lobster (Homarus gammarus)

Total length 220 mm

Carapace length 78 mm

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

1.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 120 mm or at least 90 mm in Skagerrak and Kattegat(2).

1.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, and notwithstanding point 1.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat provided that:


the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod, haddock and saithe do not exceed 20 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip; or


other selectivity modifications are used which have been assessed by STECF upon request of one or more Member States and approved by the Commission. Those selectivity modifications shall result in the same or better selectivity characteristics for cod, haddock and saithe as that of 120 mm.


Vessels shall be prohibited from using any beam trawl with a mesh size between 32 and 99 mm north of a line joined by the following points by a point on the East Coast of the United Kingdom at latitude 55° N, then east to latitude 55°, longitude 5° E, then north to latitude 56° N and east to a point on the west coast of Denmark at latitude 56° N. It is prohibited to use any beam trawl of mesh size range 32 to 119 mm within ICES Division 2a and that part of ICES Sub-area 4 to the north of 56° 00′ N.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 100 mmaNorth Sea south of 57° 30′ NDirected fishing for plaice and sole with otter trawls, beam trawls, and seines. A square mesh panel of at least 90 mm shall be fitted.
At least 80 mmaICES Divisions 4b and 4c

Directed fishing for sole with beam trawls. A panel with a mesh size of at least 180 mm fitted in the upper half of the anterior part of the net shall be fitted.

Directed fishing for whiting, mackerel and species not subject to catch limits with bottom trawls. A square mesh panel of at least 80 mm shall be fitted.

At least 80 mmNorth Sea

Directed fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). A square mesh panel of at least 120 mm or sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 35 mm or equivalent selectivity device shall be fitted.

Directed fishing for species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table. A square mesh panel of at least 80 mm shall be fitted.

Directed fishing for skates and rays.

At least 80 mmICES division 4cDirected fishing for sole using otter trawls. A square mesh panel of at least 80 mm shall be fitted.
At least 70 mm (square mesh) or 90 mm (diamond mesh)Skagerrak and KattegatDirected fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). A sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 35mm or equivalent selectivity device shall be fitted.
At least 40 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for squid (Lolignidae, Ommastrephidae).
At least 35 mmSkagerrak and KattegatDirected fishing for Northern prawn (Pandalus borealis). A sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 19mm or equivalent selectivity device shall be fitted.
At least 32 mmWhole area except Skagerrak and KattegatDirected fishing for Northern prawn (Pandalus borealis). A sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 19 mm or equivalent selectivity device shall be fitted.
At least 16 mmWhole area

Directed fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table.

Directed fishing for Norway pout. A sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 35 mm in the Norway pout fishery shall be fitted.

Directed fishing for common and Aesop shrimps. A separator trawl or sorting grid must be fitted in accordance with nationally or regionally established rules.

Less than 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for sandeel.

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets and driftnets

2.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 120 mm.

2.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, and notwithstanding point 2.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat provided that the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with and by-catches of cod, haddock and saithe do not exceed 20 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 100 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for haddock, whiting, dab and bass
At least 90 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for flatfish or species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table
At least 50 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table

PART C Closed or restricted areas

1.Closure of an area to protect sandeel in ICES divisions 4a and 4b

1.1.Fishing for sandeel with any towed gear with a codend mesh size less than 32 mm shall be prohibited within the geographical area bounded by the east coast of England and Scotland, and enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • the east coast of England at latitude 55°30′ N

  • 55°30′ N, 01°00′ W

  • 58°00′ N, 01°00′ W

  • 58°00′ N, 02°00′ W

  • the east coast of Scotland at longitude 02°00′ W.

1.2.Fisheries for scientific investigation shall be allowed in order to monitor the sandeel stock in the area and the effects of the closure.

2.Closure of an area to protect juvenile plaice in ICES subarea 4

2.1.Vessels exceeding 8 m in overall length shall be prohibited from using any demersal trawl, beam trawl, Danish seine or similar towed gear within the geographical areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84:


the area within 12 nautical miles of the coasts of France, north of latitude 51°00′ N, Belgium, and the Netherlands up to latitude 53°00′ N, measured from the baselines;


the area bounded by a line joining the following coordinates:

  • a point on the west coast of Denmark at latitude 57°00′ N

  • 57°00′ N, 7°15′ E

  • 55°00′ N, 7°15′ E

  • 55°00′ N, 7°00′ E

  • 54°30′ N, 7°00′ E

  • 54°30′ N, 7°30′ E

  • 54°00′ N, 7°30′ E

  • 54°00′ N, 6°00′ E

  • 53°50′ N, 6°00′ E

  • 53°50′ N, 5°00′ E

  • 53°30′ N, 5°00′ E

  • 53°30′ N, 4°15′ E

  • 53°00′ N, 4°15′ E

  • a point on the coast of the Netherlands at latitude 53°00′ N

  • the area within 12 nautical miles of the west coast of Denmark from 57°00′ N as far north as the Hirtshals Lighthouse, measured from the baselines.

2.2.The following vessels are permitted to fish in the area referred to in point 2.1:


vessels whose engine power does not exceed 221 kW using bottom trawls or Danish seines;


paired vessels whose combined engine power does not exceed 221 kW at any time using bottom pair trawls;


vessels whose engine power exceeds 221 kW shall be permitted to use bottom trawls or Danish seine, and paired vessels whose combined engine power exceeds 221 kW shall be permitted to use bottom pair trawls provided that such vessels do not engage in directed fishing for plaice and sole and comply with the relevant mesh size rules contained in Part B of this Annex.

2.3.When vessels referred to in point 2.2(a) use beam trawls, the beam length, or the aggregate length of combined beam trawls measured as the sum of the length of each beam, shall not be greater than or shall not be able to be extended to a length of greater than 9 m except when operating with gear having a mesh size between 16 and 31 mm. Fishing vessels whose primary activity is fishing for common shrimp (Crangon crangon) shall be permitted to use beam trawls of which the aggregate beam length, measured as the sum of the length of each beam, is greater than 9 m when operating with gear having a mesh size between 80 and 99 mm provided an additional fishing authorisation has been issued to these vessels.

2.4.Vessels permitted to fish in the area referred to in point 2.1 shall be included in a list to be provided to the Commission by each Member State. The total engine power of the vessels referred to in point 2.2(a) within the list shall not exceed the total engine power in evidence for each Member State at 1 January 1998. The permitted fishing vessels shall hold a fishing authorisation in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

3.Restrictions on the use of beam trawls within 12 nautical miles of the coast of the United Kingdom

3.1.Vessels shall be prohibited from using any beam trawl inside the areas within 12 nautical miles of the coast of the United Kingdom, measured from the baselines of the territorial waters.

3.2.By way of derogation from point 3.1, fishing with beam trawls within the specified area shall be permitted provided that:

  • The engine power of the vessels does not exceed 221 Kw and their overall length does not exceed 24 m; and

  • The beam length or aggregated beam length, measured as the sum of each beam, is no more than 9 m, or cannot be extended to a length greater than 9 m, except when directed fishing for common shrimp (Crangon crangon) with a minimum mesh size of less than 31 mm.

4.Restrictions on fishing for sprat to protect herring in ICES division 4b

Fishing with any towed gear with a codend mesh size of less than 32 mm or static nets less than 30 mm mesh size shall be prohibited within the geographical areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84, and during the following periods mentioned:

  • from 1 January to 31 March, and from 1 October to 31 December, within ICES statistical area 39E8. For the purpose of this Regulation, that ICES area shall be the area bounded by a line due east from the east coast of the United Kingdom along latitude 55°00′ N to a point at longitude 1°00′ W, from there due north to a point at latitude 55°30′ N and from there due west to the United Kingdom coast;

  • from 1 January to 31 March, and from 1 October to 31 December, within the inner waters of the Moray Firth west of longitude 3°30′ W, and in the inner waters of the Firth of Forth west of longitude 3°00′ W,

  • from 1 July to 31 October, within the geographical area bounded by the following coordinates:

    • the west coast of Denmark at latitude 55°30′ N

    • latitude 55°30′ N, longitude 7°00′ E

    • latitude 57°00′ N, longitude 7°00′ E

    • the west coast of Denmark at latitude 57°00′ N.

5.Specific provisions for the Skagerrak and Kattegat in ICES division 3a

5.1.It shall be prohibited to fish with beam trawls in the Kattegat.

5.2.It shall be prohibited for Union vessels to fish for, retain on board, tranship, land, store, sell and display or offer for sale salmon and sea trout.

5.3.It shall be prohibited to deploy towed gear with a codend mesh size of less than 32 mm from 1 July to 15 September in the waters situated within three nautical miles of the baselines in the Skagerrak and Kattegat unless carrying out directed fishing for Northern Prawn (Pandalus borealis). For directed fishing for eelpout (Zoarces viviparous), gobies (Gobiidae) or scorpion fish (Cottus spp.) for use as bait, nets with any mesh size may be used.

6.Use of static nets in ICES divisions 3a and 4a

6.1.In accordance with point (a) of Article 9(7) and by way of derogation from Part B Point 2 of this Annex, it shall be permitted to use the following gear in waters with a charted depth of less than 600 m:

  • Bottom set gillnets used for directed fishing for hake of a mesh size of at least 100 mm and no more than 100 meshes deep, where the total length of all nets deployed does not exceed 25 km per vessel and the maximum soak time is 24 hours;

  • Entangling nets used for directed fishing for anglerfish of a mesh size of at least 250 mm and no more than 15 meshes deep, where the total length of all nets deployed does not exceed 100 km and the maximum soak time is 72 hours.

6.2.Directed fishing for deepwater sharks as listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 of the European Parliament and of the Council(3) in charted depths of less than 600 m shall be prohibited. When accidentally caught, deepwater sharks classified as prohibited in this Regulation and other Union legislation shall be recorded, unharmed to the extent possible, and shall be promptly released. Deepwater sharks subject to catch limits shall be retained on board. Such catches shall be landed and counted against quotas. In situations where quota is not or not sufficiently available to the Member State concerned, the Commission may resort to Article 105(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Where accidental catches of deepwater sharks by the vessels of any Member State exceed 10 tonnes then those vessels may no longer avail of the derogations set out in point 6.1.

PART D The use of electric pulse trawls in ICES divisions 4b and 4c

1.Fishing with electric pulse trawl shall be prohibited in all Union waters as of 1 July 2021.

2.During the transitional period ending 30 June 2021, fishing with electric pulse trawl in ICES divisions 4b and 4c shall continue to be allowed under the conditions set out in this and any conditions defined in accordance with point (b) of Article 24(1) of this Regulation, regarding the characteristics of the pulse used and control monitoring measures in place south of a rhumb line joined by the following points, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  • a point on east coast of the United Kingdom at latitude 55° N

  • east to latitude 55° N, longitude 5° E

  • north to latitude 56° N

  • east to a point on the west coast of Denmark at latitude 56° N.

The following conditions shall apply:


no more than 5 % of the beam trawler fleet per Member State use the electric pulse trawl;


the maximum electrical power in kW for each beam trawl is no more than the length in metres of the beam multiplied by 1,25;


the effective voltage between the electrodes is no more than 15 V;


the vessel is equipped with an automatic computer management system which records the maximum power used per beam and the effective voltage between electrodes for at least the last 100 tows. It is not possible for non-authorised personnel to modify this automatic computer management system;


it is prohibited to use one or more tickler chains in front of the footrope.

3.New licences shall not be granted to any vessel during this period.

4.Until 30 June 2021 in the waters up to 12 nautical miles from baselines under their sovereignty or jurisdiction, Member States may take non-discriminatory measures to restrict or prohibit the use of electric pulse trawl. Member Sates shall inform the Commission and the Member States concerned of the measures put in place under this point.

5.If requested by the coastal Member State to the flag Member State, the master of a vessel using electric pulse trawl shall, in line with Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 of the European Parliament and of the Council(4), take on board an observer from the coastal Member State during the fishing operations.



Minimum conservation reference sizes


In ICES divisions 6a and 7a a minimum conservation reference size of total length of 70 mm and a carapace length of 20 mm shall apply.


In ICES divisions 6a and 7a a minimum conservation reference size of 37 mm shall apply.


In Union waters in ICES sub-areas, 5, 6 south of 56° N and 7, except ICES divisions 7d, 7e and 7f, a minimum conservation reference size of 130 mm shall apply.


For edible crabs caught in pots or creels, a maximum of 1 % by weight of the total catch of edible crab may consist of detached claws. For edible crabs caught with any other fishing gear, a maximum of 75 kg of detached crab claws may be landed.


In ICES division 7a north of 52°30′ N, and ICES division 7d, a minimum conservation reference size of 110 mm shall apply.


By way of derogation from Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, the minimum conservation reference sizes of sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel and mackerel shall not apply within a limit of 10 % by live weight of the total catches retained on board of each of those species.

SpeciesWhole area
Cod (Gadus morhua)35 cm
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)30 cm
Saithe (Pollachius virens)35 cm
Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)30 cm
Hake (Merluccius merluccius)27 cm
Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.)20 cm
Sole (Solea spp.)24 cm
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)27 cm
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)27 cm
Ling (Molva molva)63 cm
Blue ling (Molva dypterygia)70 cm
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) Norway Lobster tailsTotal length 85 mm, Carapace length 25 mma 46 mmb
Mackerel (Scomber spp.)20 cmf
Herring (Clupea harengus)20 cmf
Horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.)15 cmf
Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)12 cm or 90 individuals per kgf
Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)42 cm
Sardine (Sardina pilchardus)11 cmf
Red sea-bream (Pagellus bogaraveo)33 cm
Lobster (Hommarus gammarus)87 mm
Spinous spider crab (Maja squinado)120 mm
Queen scallop (Chlamys spp.)40 mm
Grooved carpetshell (Ruditapes decussatus)40 mm
Carpetshell (Venerupis pullastra)38 mm
Short-necked clam (Venerupis philippinarum)35 mm
Clam (Venus verrucosa)40 mm
Hard clam (Callista chione)6 cm
Razor clam (Ensis spp.)10 cm
Surf clams (Spisula solida)25 mm
Donax clams (Donax spp.)25 mm
Bean solen (Pharus legumen)65 mm
Whelk (Buccinum undatum.)45 mm
Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)750 g
Crawfish (Palinurus spp.)95 mm
Deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris)22 mm (carapace length)
Edible crab (Cancer pagurus)140 mmc d
Scallop (Pecten maximus)100 mme

The percentage of sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel or mackerel below the minimum conservation reference size shall be calculated as the proportion by live weight of all marine organisms on board after sorting or on landing.

The percentage may be calculated on the basis of one or more representative samples. The limit of 10 % shall not be exceeded during transhipment, landing, transportation, storage, display or sale.

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

1.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 120 mm(5), or at least 100 mm in ICES sub-area 7b-7k.

1.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, and notwithstanding point 1.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the North Western waters provided that:


the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod, haddock and saithe do not exceed 20 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip; or


other selectivity modifications are used which have been assessed by STECF upon request of one or more Member States and approved by the Commission. Those selectivity modifications shall result in the same or better selectivity characteristics for cod, haddock and saithe as that of 120 mm, or 100 mm in ICES sub-area 7b-7k, respectively.


This is without prejudice to Article 5 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 494/2002f.


At least 70 mm mesh size shall apply for single rig vessels in ICES division 7a.


This is without prejudice to Article 2(5) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 737/2012g.


This provision shall not apply to ICES division 7d.


This provision shall not apply when directed fishing for whiting, mackerel and species not subject to catch limits in ICES divisions 7d and 7e.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 494/2002 of 19 March 2002 establishing additional technical measures for the recovery of the stock of hake in ICES sub-areas III, IV, V, VI and VII and ICES divisions VIII a, b, d, e (OJ L 77, 20.3.2002, p. 8).


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 737/2012 of 14 August 2012 on the protection of certain stocks in the Celtic Sea (OJ L 218, 15.8.2012, p. 8).

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 80 mmaICES sub-area 7

Directed fishing for hake, megrim and anglerfish, or directed fishing for whiting, mackerel and species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table, using bottom trawls. A square mesh panel of at least 120 mm shall be fittedc e

Directed fishing for sole and species not covered by catch limits, using otter trawls. A square mesh panel of at least 80 mm shall be fittedc.

At least 80 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)b. A square mesh panel of at least 120 mm or sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 35 mm or equivalent selectivity device shall be fitted.
At least 80 mmICES divisions 7a, 7b, 7d, 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h and 7jDirected fishing for sole with beam trawls. A panel with a mesh size of at least 180 mmd fitted in the upper half of the anterior part of the net shall be fitted.
At least 80 mmICES divisions 7d and 7eDirected fishing for whiting, mackerel and species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table, using bottom trawls.
At least 40 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for squid (Lolignidae, Ommastrephidae)
At least 16 mmWhole area

Directed fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table.

Directed fishing for common and Aesop shrimps. A separator trawl or sorting grid must be fitted in accordance with nationally established rules

Less than 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for sandeel

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets and driftnets

2.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 120 mm(6).

2.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, and notwithstanding point 2.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the North Western waters provided that the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod, haddock and saithe do not exceed 20 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip.


In division 7d, at least 90 mm shall apply.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 100 mmaWhole area

Directed fishing for flatfish or species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table

Directed fishing for whiting, dab and bass

At least 50 mmWhole area

Directed fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table

Directed fishing for red mullet

3.This Part is without prejudice to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/2034(7), for the fisheries covered by that Delegated Regulation.

PART C Closed or restricted areas

1.Closed area for the conservation of cod in ICES division 6a

From 1 January to 31 March, and from 1 October to 31 December, each year, it shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity using any towed gear or static nets in the area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  • 55°25′ N, 7°07′ W

  • 55°25′ N, 7°00′ W

  • 55°18′ N, 6°50′ W

  • 55°17′ N, 6°50′ W

  • 55°17′ N, 6°52′ W

  • 55°25′ N, 7°07 W.

2.Closed area for the conservation of cod in ICES divisions 7f and 7g

2.1.From 1 February to 31 March each year, it shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity in the following ICES statistical rectangles: 30E4, 31E4, 32E3. This prohibition shall not apply within 6 nautical miles from the baseline.

2.2.It shall be permitted to conduct fishing activities using pots and creels within the specified areas and time periods, provided that:


no fishing gear other than pots and creels are carried on board; and


by-catches of a species subject to the landing obligation are landed and counted against quotas.

2.3.Directed fishing for small pelagic species with towed gear with a mesh size less than 55 mm shall be permitted, provided that:


no net of mesh size greater than or equal to 55 mm is carried on board; and


by-catches of a species subject to the landing obligation are landed and counted against quotas.

3.Closed area for the conservation of cod in ICES division 7a

3.1.In the period from 14 February to 30 April each year it shall be prohibited to use any dermersal trawl, seine or similar towed net, any gillnet, entangling net or trammel net or any fishing gear incorporating hooks within that part of ICES division 7a enclosed by the east coast of Ireland and the east coast of Northern Ireland and straight lines sequentially joining the following geographical coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  • a point on the east coast of the Ards peninsula in Northern Ireland at 54°30′ N

  • 54°30′ N, 04°50′ W

  • 53°15′ N, 04°50′ W

  • a point on the east coast of Ireland at 53°15′ N.

3.2.By way of derogation from point 1, within the area and time period referred to therein the use of demersal trawls shall be permitted provided such trawls are fitted with selective devices that have been assessed by STECF.

4.Rockall haddock box in ICES sub-area 6

All fishing, except with longlines, shall be prohibited in the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • 57°00′ N, 15°00′ W

  • 57°00′ N, 14°00′ W

  • 56°30′ N, 14°00′ W

  • 56°30′ N, 15°00′ W

  • 57°00′ N, 15°00′ W.

5.Closed area for the conservation of Norway lobster in ICES divisions 7c and 7k

5.1.Directed fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and associated species (namely, cod, megrims, anglerfish, haddock, whiting, hake, plaice, pollack, saithe, skates and rays, common sole, tusk, blue ling, ling and spurdog) shall be prohibited from 1 May to 31 May each year within the geographical area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  • 52°27′ N, 12°19′ W

  • 52°40′ N, 12°30′ W

  • 52°47′ N, 12°39,60′ W

  • 52°47′ N, 12°56′ W

  • 52°13,5′ N, 13°53,83′ W

  • 51°22′ N, 14°24′ W

  • 51°22′ N, 14°03′ W

  • 52°10′ N, 13°25′ W

  • 52°32′ N, 13°07,50′ W

  • 52°43′ N, 12°55′ W

  • 52°43′ N, 12°43′ W

  • 52°38,80′ N, 12°37′ W

  • 52°27′ N, 12°23′ W

  • 52°27′ N, 12°19′ W.

5.2.Transit through the Porcupine Bank while carrying on board the species referred to in point 5.1 shall be permitted in accordance with Article 50(3), (4) and (5) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

6.Special rules for the protection of blue ling in ICES division 6a

6.1.From 1 March to 31 May each year directed fishing for blue ling shall be prohibited in the areas of ICES division 6a enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

Edge of Scottish continental shelf

  • 59°58′ N, 07°00′ W

  • 59°55′ N, 06°47′ W

  • 59°51′ N, 06°28′ W

  • 59°45′ N, 06°38′ W

  • 59°27′ N, 06°42′ W

  • 59°22′ N, 06°47′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 07°15′ W

  • 59°07′ N, 07°31′ W

  • 58°52′ N, 07°44′ W

  • 58°44′ N, 08°11′ W

  • 58°43′ N, 08°27′ W

  • 58°28′ N, 09°16′ W

  • 58°15′ N, 09°32′ W

  • 58°15′ N, 09°45′ W

  • 58°30′ N, 09°45′ W

  • 59°30′ N, 07°00′ W

  • 59°58′ N, 07°00′ W

Edge of Rosemary bank

  • 60°00′ N, 11°00′ W

  • 59°00′ N, 11°00′ W

  • 59°00′ N, 09°00′ W

  • 59°30′ N, 09°00′ W

  • 59°30′ N, 10°00′ W

  • 60°00′ N, 10°00′ W

  • 60°00′ N, 11°00′ W

Not including the area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • 59°15′ N, 10°24′ W

  • 59°10′ N, 10°22′ W

  • 59°08′ N, 10°07′ W

  • 59°11′ N, 09°59′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 09°58′ W

  • 59°22′ N, 10°02′ W

  • 59°23′ N, 10°11′ W

  • 59°20′ N, 10°19′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 10°24′ W.

6.2.A by-catch of blue ling up to a threshold of 6 tonnes may be retained on board and landed. Once a vessel reaches this six-tonne threshold of blue ling:


it shall immediately cease fishing and exit the area in which it is present;


it may not re-enter either of the areas until its catch has been landed;


it may not return to the sea any quantity of blue ling.

6.3.From 15 February to 15 April each year, it shall be prohibited to use bottom trawls, longlines and static nets within an area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • 60°58.76′ N, 27°27.32′ W

  • 60°56.02′ N, 27°31.16′ W

  • 60°59.76′ N, 27°43.48′ W

  • 61°03.00′ N, 27°39.41′ W

  • 60°58.76′ N, 27°27.32′ W.

7.Restrictions on fishing for mackerel in ICES divisions 7e, 7f, 7g and 7h

7.1.Directed fishing for mackerel with towed gear with a codend mesh size of less than 80 mm or with purse seines shall be prohibited, except where the weight of the mackerel does not exceed 15 % by live weight of the total quantities of mackerel and other marine organisms on board which have been caught, within the area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • a point on the south coast of the United Kingdom at 02°00′ W

  • 49° 30′ N, 2° 00′ W

  • 49° 30′ N, 7° 00′ W

  • 52° 00′ N, 7° 00′ W

  • a point on the west coast of the United Kingdom at 52° 00′ N.

7.2.It shall be permitted to fish within the area defined in point 7.1 with:

  • static nets and/or hand lines;

  • demersal trawls, Danish seines or other similar towed nets, with a mesh size greater than 80 mm.

7.3.Vessels which are not equipped for fishing and to which mackerel are being transhipped shall be permitted within the area defined in point 7.1.

8.Restrictions on the use of beam trawls within 12 nautical miles of the coast of the United Kingdom and Ireland

8.1.The use of any beam trawl of mesh size less than 100 mm shall be prohibited in ICES division 5b and ICES sub-area 6 north of latitude 56°N.

8.2.Vessels shall be prohibited from using any beam trawl inside the areas within 12 nautical miles of the coasts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, measured from the baselines from which the territorial waters are measured.

8.3.Fishing with beam trawls within the specified area shall be permitted provided that:

  • The engine power of the vessels does not exceed 221 Kw and their length does not exceed 24 m; and

  • The beam length or aggregated beam length, measured as the sum of each beam, is no more than 9 m, or cannot be extended to a length greater than 9 m, except when directed fishing for common shrimp (Crangon crangon) with a codend mesh size of less than 31 mm.

9.Use of static nets in ICES divisions 5b, 6a, 6b, 7b, 7c, 7h, 7j and 7k

9.1.In accordance with point (a) of Article 9(7) and by way of derogation from Part B, Point 2 of this Annex, it shall be permitted to use the following gear in waters with a charted depth of less than 600 m:

  • Bottom set gillnets used for directed fishing for hake with a mesh size of at least 100 mm and no more than 100 meshes deep, where the total length of all nets deployed does not exceed 25 km per vessel and the maximum soak time is 24 hours.

  • Entangling nets used for directed fishing for anglerfish with a mesh size of at least 250 mm and no more than 15 meshes deep, where the total length of all nets deployed does not exceed 100 km and the maximum soak time is 72 hours.

9.2.Directed fishing for deepwater sharks as listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 in charted depths of less than 600 m shall be prohibited. When accidentally caught, deepwater sharks classified as prohibited in this Regulation and other Union legislation shall be recorded, unharmed to the extent possible, and shall be promptly released. Deepwater sharks subject to catch limits shall be retained on board. Such catches shall be landed and counted against quotas. In situations where quota is not or not sufficiently available to the Member State concerned, the Commission may resort to Article 105(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Where accidental catches of deepwater sharks by the vessels of any Member State exceed 10 tonnes then those vessels may no longer avail of the derogations set out in point 9.1.


PART A Minimum conservation reference sizes


No minimum conservation reference size shall apply to horse mackerel (Trachurus pictaratus) caught in waters adjacent to the Azores islands and under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Portugal.


In ICES sub-area 9 and CECAF area 34.1.2 a minimum conservation reference size of 9 cm shall apply.


In all waters in that part of the eastern central Atlantic comprising divisions 34.1.1, 34.1.2 and 34.1.3 and sub-area 34.2.0 of fishing zone 34 of the CECAF region, a gutted weight of 450 g shall apply.


In Union waters in ICES sub-areas 8 and 9 a minimum conservation reference size of 130 mm shall apply.


For edible crabs caught in pots or creels, a maximum of 1 % by weight of the total catch of edible crab may consist of detached claws. For edible crabs caught with any other fishing gear, a maximum of 75 kg of detached crab claws may be landed.


By way of derogation from Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, the minimum conservation reference sizes of sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel and mackerel shall not apply within a limit of 10 % by live weight of the total catches retained on board of each of those species.

The percentage of sardine, anchovy, herring, horse mackerel or mackerel below the minimum conservation reference size shall be calculated as the proportion by live weight of all marine organisms on board after sorting or on landing.

The percentage may be calculated on the basis of one or more representative samples. The limit of 10 % shall not be exceeded during transhipment, landing, transportation, storage, display or sale.


No more than 5 % may consist of horse mackerel between 12 and 15 cm. For the purposes of the control of that quantity, the conversion factor to be applied to the weight of the catches shall be 1,20. These provisions shall not apply for catches subject to the landing obligation.

SpeciesWhole area
Cod (Gadus morhua)35 cm
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)30 cm
Saithe (Pollachius virens)35 cm
Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)30 cm
Hake (Merluccius merluccius)27 cm
Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.)20 cm
Sole (Solea spp.)24 cm
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)27 cm
Whiting (Merlangius merlangus)27 cm
Ling (Molva molva)63 cm
Blue ling (Molva dypterygia)70 cm
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)

Total length 70 mm,

Carapace length 20 mm

Norway Lobster tails37 mm
Mackerel (Scomber spp.)20 cmf
Herring (Clupea harengus)20 cmf
Horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.)15 cma f g
Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)12 cm or 90 individuals per kgb f
Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)36 cm
Sardine (Sardina pilchardus)11 cmf
Red sea-bream (Pagellus bogaraveo)33 cm
Lobster (Hommarus gammarus)87 mm
Spinous spider crab (Maja squinado)120 mm
Queen scallop (Chlamys spp.)40 mm
Grooved carpetshell (Ruditapes decussatus)40 mm
Carpetshell (Venerupis pullastra)38 mm
Short-necked clam (Venerupis philippinarum)35 mm
Clam (Venus verrucosa)40 mm
Hard clam (Callista chione)6 cm
Razor clam (Ensis spp.)10 cm
Surf clams (Spisula solida)25 mm
Donax clams (Donax spp.)25 mm
Bean solen (Pharus legumen)65 mm
Whelk (Buccinum undatum.)45 mm
Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)750 gc
Crawfish (Palinurus spp.)95 mm
Deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris)22 mm (carapace length)
Edible crab (Cancer pagurus)140 mmd e
Scallop (Pecten maximus)100 mm

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

1.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 70 mm(8),(9), or at least 55 mm in ICES division 9a east of longitude 7°23′ 48″ W.

1.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation and notwithstanding point 2.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for South Western waters provided that:


the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of hake do not exceed 20 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip; or


other selectivity modifications are used which have been assessed by STECF upon request of one or more Member States and approved by the Commission. Those selectivity modifications shall result in the same or better selectivity characteristics for hake as that of 70 mm, or 55 mm in ICES division 9a east of longitude 7°23′ 48″ W respectively.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 55mmWhole area excluding ICES division 9a east of longitude 7°23′ 48″ W

Directed fishing for species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table

Directed fishing for red sea bream

Directed fishing for mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting with bottom trawls

At least 35mmWhole areaDirected fishing for wedge sole
At least 55 mmICES division 9a west of longitude 7°23′ 48″ WDirected fishing for crustaceans
At least 16 mmWhole area

Directed fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table

Directed fishing for shrimps (Palaemon serratus, Crangon crangon), and crab (Polybius henslowi)

Less than 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for sandeel

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets and driftnets

2.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 100 mm(10), or at least 80 mm in ICES division 8c and ICES sub-area 9.

2.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, and notwithstanding point 2.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the South Western waters provided that the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of hake do not exceed 20 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip.


A mesh size of less than 40 mm may be used for sardines.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 80 mmWhole area except ICES division 8c and ICES sub-area 9Directed fishing for sea bass, whiting, turbot, flounder and pollack
At least 60 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for species not subject to catch limits and which are not covered elsewhere in the table
At least 50 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for small pelagic speciesa which are not covered elsewhere in the table
At least 40 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for red mullet, shrimps (Penaeus spp.), mantis shrimp, wedge sole and wrasse

PART C Closed or restricted areas

1.Closed area for the conservation of hake in ICES division 9a

Fishing with any trawl, Danish seine or similar towed net shall be prohibited within the geographical areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:


from 1 October to 31 January in the following year:

  • 43°46,5′ N, 07°54,4′ W

  • 44°01,5′ N, 07°54,4′ W

  • 43°25,0′ N, 09°12,0′ W

  • 43°10,0′ N, 09°12,0′ W


from 1 December to the last day of February in the following year:

  • a point on the west coast of Portugal at 37°50′ N

  • 37°50′ N, 09°08′ W

  • 37°00′ N, 09°07′ W

  • a point on the west coast of Portugal at 37°00′ N

2.Closed areas for the conservation of Norway lobster in ICES division 9a

2.1.Directed fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) with any bottom trawl, Danish seine or similar towed net or with creels shall be prohibited, within the geographical areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:


from 1 June to 31 August:

  • 42°23′ N, 08°57′ W

  • 42°00′ N, 08°57′ W

  • 42°00′ N, 09°14′ W

  • 42°04′ N, 09°14′ W

  • 42°09′ N, 09°09′ W

  • 42°12′ N, 09°09′ W

  • 42°23′ N, 09°15′ W

  • 42°23′ N, 08°57′ W


from 1 May to 31 August:

  • 37°45′ N, 09°00′ W

  • 38°10′ N, 09°00′ W

  • 38°10′ N, 09°15′ W

  • 37°45′ N, 09°20′ W

2.2.It shall be permitted to fish with bottom trawls or similar towed nets or creels in the geographical areas and during the period as described in point 2.1(b) provided that all by-catches of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) are landed and counted against quotas.

2.3.Directed fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in the geographical areas and outside the periods referred to in point 2.1, shall be prohibited. By-catches of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvgicus) shall be landed and counted against quotas.

3.Restrictions on directed fishing for anchovy in ICES division 8c

3.1.Directed fishing for anchovy using pelagic trawls in ICES division 8c shall be prohibited.

3.2.The carrying on board of pelagic trawls and purse seines simultaneously within ICES division 8c shall be prohibited.

4.Use of static nets in ICES sub-areas 8, 9, 10, and 12 east of 27° W

4.1.In accordance with point (a) of Article 9(7) and by way of derogation from Part B, Point 2 of this Annex, it shall be permitted to use the following gear in waters with a charted depth of less than 600 m:

  • Bottom set gillnets used for directed fishing for hake of a mesh size of at least 80 mm in ICES division 8c and ICES sub-area 9 and 100 mm in all remaining areas and no more than 100 meshes deep, where the total length of all nets deployed does not exceed 25 km per vessel and the maximum soak time is 24 hours.

  • Entangling nets used for directed fishing for anglerfish of a mesh size of at least 250 mm and no more than 15 meshes deep, where the total length of all nets deployed does not exceed 100 km and the maximum soak time is 72 hours.

  • Trammel nets in ICES sub-area 9 used for directed fishing for anglerfish of a mesh size of at least 220 mm and no more than 30 meshes deep, where the total length of nets deployed does not exceed 20 km per vessel and the maximum soak time is 72 hours.

4.2.Directed fishing for deepwater sharks as listed in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 in charted depths of less than 600 m shall be prohibited. When accidentally caught, deepwater sharks classified as prohibited in this Regulation and other Union legislation shall be recorded, unharmed to the extent possible, and shall be promptly released. Deepwater sharks subject to catch limits shall be retained on board. Such catches shall be landed and counted against quotas. In situations where quota is not or not sufficiently available to the Member State concerned, the Commission may resort to Article 105(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. Where accidental catches of deepwater sharks by the vessels of any Member State exceed 10 tonnes then those vessels may no longer avail of the derogations set out in point 4.1.

4.3.Conditions for fisheries using certain towed gear authorised in the Bay of Biscay.

By way of derogation from the provisions laid down in Article 5(2) of Regulation (EC) No 494/2002 establishing additional technical measures for the recovery of the stock of hake in ICES sub-areas 3-7 and ICES Divisions 8a, 8b 8d and 8e, it shall be permitted to conduct fishing activity using trawls, Danish seines and similar gear, with the exception of beam trawls, with a mesh size range of 70-99 mm in the area defined in point (b) of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 494/2002 if the gear is fitted with a 100 mm square mesh panel.


PART A Minimum conservation reference sizes

SpeciesGeographical AreasMinimum Conservation Reference Size
Cod (Gadus morhua)Sub-divisions 22-3235cm
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)Sub-divisions 22-3225 cm
Salmon (Salmo salar)Sub-divisions 22-30 and 3260 cm
Sub-division 3150 cm
Flounder (Platichthys flesus)Sub-divisions 22-2523 cm
Sub-divisions 26, 27 and 2821 cm
Sub-divisions 29-32, south of 59°18 cm
Turbot (Psetta maxima)Sub-divisions 22-3230 cm
Brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)Sub-divisions 22-3230 cm
Eel (Anguilla anguilla)Sub-divisions 22-3235 cm
Sea trout (Salmo trutta)Sub-divisions 22-25 and 29-3240 cm
Sub-divisions 26, 27 and 2850 cm

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

1.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 120 mm constructed from T90 or at least 105 mm fitted with a Bacoma exit window of 120 mm.

1.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation and notwithstanding point 1.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the Baltic Sea provided that:


the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod do not exceed 10 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip; or


other selectivity modifications are used which have been assessed by STECF upon request of one or more Member States and approved by the Commission. Those selectivity modifications shall result in the same or better selectivity characteristics for cod as that of 120 mm T90, or of 105 mm fitted with a 120 mm Bacoma exit window, respectively.


The use of beam trawl shall not be authorised.


The catch may consist of up to 45 % of herring by live weight

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 90 mmIn sub-divisions 22 and 23

Directed fishing for flatfisha

Directed fishing for whiting

At least 32 mmIn sub-divisions 22-27Directed fishing for herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting
At least 16 mmIn sub-divisions 22-27Directed fishing for spratb
At least 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for species other than flatfish and which are not subject to catch limits and not covered elsewhere in the table
At least 16 mmIn sub-divisions 28-32Directed fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table
Less than 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for sandeel

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets

2.1.Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 110 mm, or 157 mm when fishing for salmon.

2.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation and notwithstanding point 2.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the Baltic Sea provided that the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod do not exceed 10 % of the total catch live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip or 5 specimens of salmon.


The use of gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets of more than 9 km for vessels with an overall length of less than 12 m and 21 km for vessels with an overall length of more than 12 m shall be prohibited. The maximum immersion time for such gear shall be 48 hours, except when fishing under ice cover.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditionsa
At least 90 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for flatfish species
Less than 90 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for small pelagic species
At least 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for species which are not subject to catch limits and not covered elsewhere in the table

PART C Closed or restricted areas

1.Restrictions on fishing with towed gear

It shall be prohibited throughout the year, to fish with any towed gear in the geographical area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  • 54°23′ N, 14°35′ E

  • 54°21′ N, 14°40′ E

  • 54°17′ N, 14°33′ E

  • 54°07′ N, 14°25′ E

  • 54°10′ N, 14°21′ E

  • 54°14′ N, 14°25′ E

  • 54°17′ N, 14°17′ E

  • 54°24′ N, 14°11′ E

  • 54°27′ N, 14°25′ E

  • 54°23′ N, 14°35′ E.

2.Restrictions on fishing for salmon and sea trout

2.1.Directed fishing for salmon (Salmo salar) or sea trout (Salmo trutta) shall be prohibited:


from 1 June to 15 September each year in waters of subdivisions 22-31;


from 15 June to 30 September each year in waters of subdivision 32.

2.2.The area of prohibition during the closed season shall be beyond four nautical miles measured from the baselines.

2.3.The retention on board of salmon (Salmo salar) or sea trout (Salmo trutta) caught with trap-nets shall be permitted.

3.Specific measures for the Gulf of Riga

3.1.In order to fish in sub-division 28-1, vessels shall hold a fishing authorisation issued in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.

3.2.Member States shall ensure that vessels, to which the fishing authorisation referred to in point 3.1 has been issued, are included in a list, containing their name and internal registration number, made publicly available via an internet website, the address of which shall be provided to the Commission and Member States by each Member State.

3.3.Vessels included in the list shall satisfy the following conditions:


the total engine power (kW) of the vessels within the lists must not exceed that observed for each Member State in the years 2000-2001 in subdivision 28-1; and


the engine power of a vessel must not exceed 221 kW at any time.

3.4.Any individual vessel on the list referred to in point 3.2 may be replaced by another vessel or vessels, provided that:


such replacement does not lead to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in point 3.3(a) for the Member State concerned; and


the engine power of any replacement vessel does not exceed 221 kW at any time.

3.5.An engine of any individual vessel included in the list referred to in point 3.2 may be replaced, provided that:


the replacement of an engine does not lead to the vessel’s engine power exceeding 221 kW at any time; and


the power of the replacement engine is not such that replacement leads to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in point 3.3(a) for the Member State concerned.

3.6.In sub-division 28-1, fishing with trawls shall be prohibited in waters of less than 20 m in depth.

4.Area restrictions on fishing

4.1.It shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity from 1 May to 31 October each year within the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:


Area 1:

  • 55°45′ N, 15°30′ E

  • 55°45′ N, 16°30′ E

  • 55°00′ N, 16°30′ E

  • 55°00′ N, 16°00′ E

  • 55°15′ N, 16°00′ E

  • 55°15′ N, 15°30′ E

  • 55°45′ N, 15°30′ E


Area 2:

  • 55°00′ N, 19°14′ E

  • 54°48′ N, 19°20′ E

  • 54°45′ N, 19°19′ E

  • 54°45′ N, 18°55′ E

  • 55°00′ N, 19°14′ E


Area 3:

  • 56°13′ N, 18°27′ E

  • 56°13′ N, 19°31′ E

  • 55°59′ N, 19°13′ E

  • 56°03′ N, 19°06′ E

  • 56°00′ N, 18°51′ E

  • 55°47′ N, 18°57′ E

  • 55°30′ N, 18°34′ E

  • 56°13′ N, 18°27′ E.

4.2.Directed fishing for salmon with gillnets, entangling nets and trammel nets of a mesh size equal to or larger than 157 mm or with drifting lines shall be permitted. No other gear shall be kept on board.

4.3.Directed fishing for cod with the gear specified in point 5.2 shall be prohibited.

5.Restrictions on fishing for flounder and turbot

5.1.The retention on board of the following species of fish shall be prohibited where they are caught within the geographical areas and during the periods mentioned below:

SpeciesGeographical AreasPeriod
FlounderSub-divisions 26-29 south of 59° 30′ N15 February to 15 May
Subdivision 3215 February to 31 May
TurbotSub-divisions 25, 26 and 28 south of 56° 50′ N1 June to 31 July

5.2.Directed fishing with trawls, Danish seines or similar gear with a codend mesh size equal to or greater than 90 mm or with gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets with a mesh size equal to or greater than 90 mm shall be prohibited. By-catches of flounder and turbot may be retained on board and landed within a limit of 10 % by live weight of the total catch retained on board during the periods referred to in point 6.1.

6.Restrictions on fishing for eel

The retention on board of eel caught with any active gear shall be prohibited. When accidentally caught, eel shall not be harmed and shall be promptly released.


PART A Minimum conservation reference sizes


Member States may convert the minimum conservation reference size into 110 specimens per kg.


Member States may convert the minimum conservation reference size into 55 specimens per kg.


CL — carapace length; TL — total length.


This minimum conservation reference size shall not apply to fries of sardine landed for human consumption if caught by boat seines or shore seines and authorised in accordance with national provisions established in a management plan as referred to in Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006, provided that the stock of sardine concerned is within safe biological limits.

SpeciesWhole Area
Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)25 cm
Annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis)12 cm
Sharpsnout sea-bream (Diplodus puntazzo)18 cm
White sea-bream (Diplodus sargus)23 cm
Two-banded sea-bream (Diplodus vulgaris)18 cm
European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)9 cma
Groupers (Epinephelus spp.)45 cm
Stripped sea-bream (Lithognathus mormyrus)20 cm
Hake (Merluccius merluccius)20 cm
Red mullets (Mullus spp.)11 cm
Spanish sea-bream (Pagellus acarne)17 cm
Red sea-bream (Pagellus bogaraveo)33 cm
Common Pandora (Pagellus erythrinus)15 cm
Common sea bream (Pagrus pagrus)18 cm
Wreckfish (Polyprion americanus)45 cm
European sardine (Sardina pilchardus)11 cmb,d
Mackerel (Scomber spp.)18 cm
Common sole (Solea vulgaris)20 cm
Gilt-head sea-bream (Sparus aurata)20 cm
Horse mackerel (Trachurus spp.)15 cm
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)20 mm CLc
70 mm TLc
Lobster (Homarus gammarus)105 mm CLc
300 mm TLc
Crawfish (Palinuridae)90 mm CLc
Deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris)20 mm CLc
Scallop (Pecten jacobeus)10 cm
Carpet Clams (Venerupis spp.)25 mm
Venus shells (Venus spp.)25 mm

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

The following mesh sizes shall apply in the Mediterranean Sea.


It shall be prohibited to use netting with a twine thickness greater than 3 mm or with multiple twines; or netting with a twine thickness of greater than 6 mm in any part of a bottom trawl.


Only one type of net (either 40 mm square mesh or 50 mm diamond mesh) is allowed to be kept on board or deployed.

Mesh SizeaGeographical AreasConditions
At least 40 mm square mesh codendbWhole areaA diamond mesh codend of 50 mm2 may be used as an alternative to the 40 mm square mesh cod end at the duly justified request of the vessel owner
At least 20 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for sardine and anchovy

2.Baseline mesh size for surrounding nets

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 14 mmWhole areaNone

3.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets

The following mesh sizes for bottom set gillnets shall apply in the Mediterranean Sea.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 16 mmWhole areaNone

4.Existing derogations from the provisions set out in points 1, 2 and 3 for boat seines and shore seines which are affected by a management plan as referred to in Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 1967/2006 and issued within the framework of Article 9 of that Regulation shall continue to apply unless otherwise determined through Article 15 of this Regulation.

PART C Restrictions on the use of fishing gear

1.Restrictions on the use of dredges

The maximum breadth of dredges shall be 3 m, except for dredges used for directed fishing of sponges.

2.Restrictions on the use of purse seines

The length of purse seines and seines without purse lines shall be restricted to 800 m with a drop of 120 m, except in the case of purse seines used for directed fishing of tuna.

3.Restrictions on the use of static nets

3.1.It shall be prohibited to use the following static nets:


A trammel net with a drop of more than 4 m;


A bottom set gillnet or combined trammel and gillnet with a drop of more than 10 m except when such nets are shorter than 500 m, where a drop of not more than 30 m is permitted.

3.2.It shall be prohibited to use any gillnet, entangling net or trammel net constructed with a twine thickness greater than 0,5 mm.

3.3.It shall be prohibited to have on board or set more than 2 500 m of combined gillnets and trammel nets and 6 000 m of any gillnet, entangling net or trammel net.

4.Restrictions on the use of longlines

4.1.It shall be prohibited for vessels fishing with bottom-set longlines to have on board or deploy more than 5 000 hooks except for vessels undertaking fishing trips of more than 3 days which may have on board or deploy no more than 7 000 hooks.

4.2.It shall be prohibited for vessels fishing with surface-set longlines to have on board or deploy more than the number of hooks per vessel as follows:


2 500 hooks when directed fishing for swordfish; and


5 000 hooks when directed fishing for albacore tuna.

4.3.A vessel undertaking fishing trips longer than 2 days may have on board an equivalent number of spare hooks.

5.Restrictions on the use of pots and creels

It shall be prohibited to have on board or set more than 250 pots or creels per vessel to catch deepwater crustaceans.

6.Restrictions on the directed fishing for red sea bream

The directed fishing for red sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) with the following gear shall be prohibited:

  • gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets having a mesh size of less than 100 mm;

  • longlines with hooks of a total length of less than 3,95 cm and a width of less than 1,65 cm.

7.Restrictions on fishing with spear guns

It shall be prohibited to fish with spear guns if used in conjunction with underwater breathing apparatus (aqualung) or at night from sunset to dawn.


PART A Minimum conservation reference sizes

SpeciesMinimum Conservation Reference Size
Turbot (Psetta maxima)45 cm

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear for demersal stocks

The following mesh sizes shall apply in the Black Sea:


Only one type of net (either 40 mm square mesh or 50 mm diamond mesh) is allowed to be kept on board or deployed.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 40 mmWhole areaA diamond mesh codend of 50 mma may be used as an alternative to the 40 mm square mesh cod end at the duly justified request of the vessel owner

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets

The following mesh sizes for static nets shall apply in the Black Sea:

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 400 mmWhole areaBottom set gillnets when used to catch turbot

3.Restrictions on the use of trawls and dredges

The use of trawls or dredges at depths beyond 1 000 m shall be prohibited.



1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

The following mesh sizes shall apply in Union waters in the Indian Ocean and the West Atlantic.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 100 mmAll waters off the coast of the French department of Guyana that come under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of FranceNone
At least 45 mmAll waters off the coast of the French department of Guyana that come under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of FranceDirected fishing for shrimp (Penaeus subtilis, Penaeus brasiliensis, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri).

2.Baseline mesh size for surrounding nets

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 14 mmWhole areaNone

PART B Closed or restricted areas

Restrictions on fishing activities in the 24-mile zone around Mayotte

Vessels shall be prohibited from using any purse-seine on tuna and tuna-like schools of fish within 24 nautical miles of the coast of Mayotte, measured from the baselines from which territorial waters are measured.


PART A Minimum conservation reference sizes

Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)30 cm
Ling (Molva molva)63 cm
Blue ling (Molva dipterygia)70 cm
Mackerel (Scomber spp.)30 cm
Herring (Clupea harengus)20 cm

PART B Mesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear

The following codend mesh sizes shall apply in the NEAFC Regulatory Area.

Codend Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 100 mmWhole areaNone
At least 35 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for blue whiting
At least 32 mmICES sub-areas 1 and 2

Directed fishing for Northern prawn (Pandalus borealis).

A sorting grid with a maximum bar spacing of 22 shall be fitted

At least 16 mmWhole areaDirected fishing for mackerel, capelin and argentines

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets

The following mesh sizes for static nets shall apply in the NEAFC Regulatory Area.

Mesh SizeGeographical AreasConditions
At least 220 mmWhole areaNone

PART C Closed or restricted areas

1.Measures for the redfish fishery in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters

1.1.It shall be prohibited to catch redfish in international waters of ICES sub-area 5 and Union waters of ICES sub-areas 12 and 14.

By way of derogation from the first subparagraph, it shall be permitted to catch redfish from 11 May to 31 December in the area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system (the ‘Redfish Conservation Area’):

  • 64°45′ N, 28°30′ W

  • 62°50′ N, 25°45′ W

  • 61°55′ N, 26°45′ W

  • 61°00′ N, 26°30′ W

  • 59°00′ N, 30°00′ W

  • 59°00′ N, 34°00′ W

  • 61°30′ N, 34°00′ W

  • 62°50′ N, 36°00′ W

  • 64°45′ N, 28°30′ W.

1.2.Notwithstanding point 1.1, a fishery for redfish may be permitted, by a Union legal act, outside the Redfish Conservation Area in the Irminger Sea and adjacent waters from 11 May to 31 December each year on the basis of scientific advice and provided that NEAFC has established a recovery plan in respect of redfish in that geographical area. Only Union vessels that have been duly authorised by their respective Member State and notified to the Commission as required under Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010 shall participate in this fishery.

1.3.It shall be prohibited to use trawls with a mesh size of less than 100 mm.

1.4.The conversion factor to be applied to the gutted and headed presentation, including the Japanese cut presentation, of redfish caught in this fishery shall be 1,70.

1.5.Masters of fishing vessels engaged in the fishery outside the Redfish Conservation Area shall transmit the catch report provided for in point (b) of Article 9(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010 on a daily basis after the fishing operations of that calendar day have been completed. It shall indicate the catches on board taken since the last communication of catches.

1.6.In addition to Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010, an authorisation to fish for redfish shall only be valid if the reports transmitted by vessels are in accordance with Article 9(1) of that Regulation and are recorded in accordance with Article 9(3) thereof.

1.7.The reports referred to in point 1.6 shall be made in accordance with the relevant rules.

2.Special rules for the protection of blue ling

2.1.From 1 March to 31 May each year it shall be prohibited to retain on board any quantity of blue ling in excess of 6 tonnes per fishing trip in the areas of ICES division 6a enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:


Edge of Scottish continental shelf

  • 59°58′ N, 07°00′ W

  • 59°55′ N, 06°47′ W

  • 59°51′ N, 06°28′ W

  • 59°45′ N, 06°38′ W

  • 59°27′ N, 06°42′ W

  • 59°22′ N, 06°47′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 07°15′ W

  • 59°07′ N, 07°31′ W

  • 58°52′ N, 07°44′ W

  • 58°44′ N, 08°11′ W

  • 58°43′ N, 08°27′ W

  • 58°28′ N, 09°16′ W

  • 58°15′ N, 09°32′ W

  • 58°15′ N, 09°45′ W

  • 58°30′ N, 09°45′ W

  • 59°30′ N, 07°00′ W

  • 59°58′ N, 07°00′ W;


Edge of Rosemary bank

  • 60°00′ N, 11°00′ W

  • 59°00′ N, 11°00′ W

  • 59°00′ N, 09°00′ W

  • 59°30′ N, 09°00′ W

  • 59°30′ N, 10°00′ W

  • 60°00′ N, 10°00′ W

  • 60°00′ N, 11°00′ W

Not including the area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • 59°15′ N, 10°24′ W

  • 59°10′ N, 10°22′ W

  • 59°08′ N, 10°07′ W

  • 59°11′ N, 09°59′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 09°58′ W

  • 59°22′ N, 10°02′ W

  • 59°23′ N, 10°11′ W

  • 59°20′ N, 10°19′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 10°24′ W.

2.2.Where blue ling is subject to the landing obligation set out in Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, point 2.1 shall not apply.

Fishing for blue ling using any fishing gear within the period and areas referred to in point 2.1 shall be prohibited.

2.3.When entering and exiting the areas referred to in point 2.1, the master of a fishing vessel shall record the date, time and place of entry and exit in the logbook.

2.4.In either of the two areas referred to in point 2.1, if a vessel reaches the 6 tonnes of blue ling:


it shall immediately cease fishing and exit the area in which it is present;


it may not re-enter either of the areas until its catch has been landed;


it may not return to the sea any quantity of blue ling.

2.5.The observers referred to in Article 16 of Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 who are assigned to fishing vessels present in one of the areas referred to in point 1 shall, for appropriate samples of the catches of blue ling, measure the fish in the samples and determine the stage of sexual maturity of subsampled fish. On the basis of advice from STECF, Member States shall establish detailed protocols for sampling and for the collation of results.

2.6.From 15 February to 15 April each year, it shall be prohibited to use bottom trawls, longlines and gillnets within an area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • 60°58.76′ N, 27°27.32′ W

  • 60°56.02′ N, 27°31.16′ W

  • 60°59.76′ N, 27°43.48′ W

  • 61°03.00′ N, 27°39.41′ W

  • 60°58.76′ N, 27°27.32′ W.

3.Measures for the redfish fishery in international waters of ICES sub-areas 1 and 2

3.1.Directed fishing for redfish in the international waters of ICES sub-areas 1 and 2 shall only be permitted within the period from 1 July to 31 December each year by vessels which have previously been engaged in the redfish fishery in the NEAFC Regulatory Area.

3.2.Vessels shall limit their by-catches of redfish in other fisheries to a maximum of 1 % of the total catch retained on board.

3.3.The conversion factor to be applied to the gutted and headed presentation, including the Japanese cut presentation, of redfish caught in this fishery shall be 1,70.

3.4.By way of derogation from point (b) of Article 9(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010, masters of fishing vessels engaged in this fishery shall report their catches on a daily basis.

3.5.In addition to Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 1236/2010, an authorisation to fish for redfish shall only be valid if the reports transmitted by vessels are in accordance with Article 9(1) of that Regulation and are recorded in accordance with Article 9(3) thereof.

3.6.Member States shall ensure that scientific information is collected by scientific observers on board vessels flying their flag. As a minimum, the information collected shall include representative data on sex, age and length composition by depths. This information shall be reported to ICES by the competent authorities in the Member States.

3.7.The Commission shall inform Member States of the date on which the NEAFC Secretariat notifies the NEAFC Contracting Parties that the total allowable catch (TAC) has been fully utilised. Member States shall prohibit directed fishery for redfish by vessels flying their flag from that date.

4.Rockall haddock box in ICES sub-area 6

All fishing, except with longlines, shall be prohibited in the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

  • 57°00′ N, 15°00′ W

  • 57°00′ N, 14°00′ W

  • 56°30′ N, 14°00′ W

  • 56°30′ N, 15°00′ W

  • 57°00′ N, 15°00′ W.

PART D Closed areas for the protection of sensitive habitats

1.It shall be prohibited to conduct bottom trawling and fishing with static gear, including bottom set gillnets and bottom set longlines, within the following areas sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following coordinates, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 system:

Part of the Reykjanes Ridge:

  • 55°04.5327′ N, 36°49.0135′ W

  • 55°05.4804′ N, 35°58.9784′ W

  • 54°58.9914′ N, 34°41.3634′ W

  • 54°41.1841′ N, 34°00.0514′ W

  • 54°00′ N, 34°00′ W

  • 53°54.6406′ N, 34°49.9842′ W

  • 53°58.9668′ N, 36°39.1260′ W

  • 55°04.5327′ N, 36°49.0135′ W

Northern MAR Area:

  • 59°45′ N, 33°30′ W

  • 57°30′ N, 27°30′ W

  • 56°45′ N, 28°30′ W

  • 59°15′ N, 34°30′ W

  • 59°45′ N, 33°30′ W

Middle MAR Area (Charlie-Gibbs Fracture zone and Subpolar Frontal Region):

  • 53°30′ N, 38°00′ W

  • 53°30′ N, 36°49′ W

  • 55°04.5327′ N, 36°49′ W

  • 54°58.9914′ N, 34°41.3634′ W

  • 54°41.1841′ N, 34°00′ W

  • 53°30′ N, 30°00′ W

  • 51°30′ N, 28°00′ W

  • 49°00′ N, 26°30′ W

  • 49°00′ N, 30°30′ W

  • 51°30′ N, 32°00′ W

  • 51°30′ N, 38°00′ W

  • 53°30′ N, 38°00′ W

Southern MAR Area:

  • 44°30′ N, 30°30′ W

  • 44°30′ N, 27°00′ W

  • 43°15′ N, 27°15′ W

  • 43°15′ N, 31°00′ W

  • 44°30′ N, 30°30′ W

The Altair Seamounts:

  • 45°00′ N, 34°35′ W

  • 45°00′ N, 33°45′ W

  • 44°25′ N, 33°45′ W

  • 44°25′ N, 34°35′ W

  • 45°00′ N, 34°35′ W

The Antialtair Seamounts:

  • 43°45′ N, 22°50′ W

  • 43°45′ N, 22°05′ W

  • 43°25′ N, 22°05′ W

  • 43°25′ N, 22°50′ W

  • 43°45′ N, 22°50′ W

Hatton Bank:

  • 59°26′ N, 14°30′ W

  • 59°12′ N, 15°08′ W

  • 59°01′ N, 17°00′ W

  • 58°50′ N, 17°38′ W

  • 58°30′ N, 17°52′ W

  • 58°30′ N, 18°22′ W

  • 58°03′ N, 18°22′ W

  • 58°03′ N, 17°30′ W

  • 57°55′ N, 17°30′ W

  • 57°45′ N, 19°15′ W

  • 58°11.15′ N, 18°57.51′ W

  • 58°11.57′ N, 19°11.97′ W

  • 58°27.75′ N, 19°11.65′ W

  • 58°39.09′ N, 19°14.28′ W

  • 58°38.11′ N, 19°01.29′ W

  • 58°53.14′ N, 18°43.54′ W

  • 59°00.29′ N, 18°01.31′ W

  • 59°08.01′ N, 17°49.31′ W

  • 59°08.75′ N, 18°01.47′ W

  • 59°15.16′ N, 18°01.56′ W

  • 59°24.17′ N, 17°31.22′ W

  • 59°21.77′ N, 17°15.36′ W

  • 59°26.91′ N, 17°01.66′ W

  • 59°42.69′ N, 16°45.96′ W

  • 59°20.97′ N, 15°44.75′ W

  • 59°21′ N, 15°40′ W

  • 59°26′ N, 14°30′ W

North-West Rockall:

  • 57°00′ N, 14°53′ W

  • 57°37′ N, 14°42′ W

  • 57°55′ N, 14°24′ W

  • 58°15′ N, 13°50′ W

  • 57°57′ N, 13°09′ W

  • 57°50′ N, 13°14′ W

  • 57°57′ N, 13°45′ W

  • 57°49′ N, 14°06′ W

  • 57°29′ N, 14°19′ W

  • 57°22′ N, 14°19′ W

  • 57°00′ N, 14°34′ W

  • 56°56′ N, 14°36′ W

  • 56°56′ N, 14°51′ W

  • 57°00′ N, 14°53′ W

South-West Rockall (Empress of Britain Bank):

Area 1

  • 56°24′ N, 15°37′ W

  • 56°21′ N, 14°58′ W

  • 56°04′ N, 15°10′ W

  • 55°51′ N, 15°37′ W

  • 56°10′ N, 15°52′ W

  • 56°24′ N, 15°37′ W

Area 2

  • 55°56.90 N -16°11.30 W

  • 55°58.20 N -16°11.30 W

  • 55°58.30 N -16°02.80 W

  • 55°56.90 N -16°02.80 W

  • 55°56.90 N -16°11.30 W

Area 3

  • 55°49.90 N -15°56.00 W

  • 55°48.50 N -15°56.00 W

  • 55°48.30 N -15°50.60 W

  • 55°49.60 N -15°50.60 W

  • 55°49.90 N -15°56.00 W

Edora’s bank

  • 56°26.00 N -22°26.00 W

  • 56°28.00 N -22°04.00 W

  • 56°16.00 N -21°42.00 W

  • 56°05.00 N -21°40.00 W

  • 55°55.00 N -21°47.00 W

  • 55°45.00 N -22°00.00 W

  • 55°43.00 N -23°14.00 W

  • 55°50.00 N -23°16.00 W

  • 56°05.00 N -23°06.00 W

  • 56°18.00 N -22°43.00 W

  • 56°26.00 N -22°26.00 W

Southwest Rockall Bank

Area 1

  • 55°58.16 N -16°13.18 W

  • 55°58.24 N -16°02.56 W

  • 55°54.86 N -16°05.55 W

  • 55°58.16 N -16°13.18 W

Area 2

  • 55°55.86 N -15°40.84 W

  • 55°51.00 N -15°37.00 W

  • 55°47.86 N -15°53.81 W

  • 55°49.29 N -15°56.39 W

  • 55°55.86 N -15°40.84 W

Hatton-Rockall Basin

Area 1

  • 58°00.15 N-15°27.23 W

  • 58°00.15 N -15°38.26 W

  • 57°54.19 N -15°38.26 W

  • 57°54.19 N -15°27.23 W

  • 58°00.15 N -15°27.23 W

Area 2

  • 58°06.46 N -16°37.15 W

  • 58°15.93 N -16°28.46 W

  • 58°06.77 N -16°10.40 W

  • 58°03.43 N -16° 10.43 W

  • 58°01.49 N -16°25.19 W

  • 58°02.62 N -16°36.96 W

  • 58°06.46 N -16°37.15 W

Hatton Bank 2

Area 1

  • 57°51.76 N -18°05.87 W

  • 57°55.00 N -17°30.00 W

  • 58°03.00 N -17°30.00 W

  • 57°53.10 N -16°56.33 W

  • 57°35.11 N -18°02.01 W

  • 57°51.76 N -18°05.87 W

Area 2

  • 57°59.96 N -19°05.05 W

  • 57°45.00 N -19°15.00 W

  • 57°50.07 N -18°23.82 W

  • 57°31.13 N -18°21.28 W

  • 57°14.09 N -19°28.43 W

  • 57°02.21 N -19°27.53 W

  • 56°53.12 N -19°28.97 W

  • 56°50.22 N -19°33.62 W

  • 56°46.68 N -19°53.72 W

  • 57°00.04 N -20°04.22 W

  • 57°10.31 N -19°55.24 W

  • 57°32.67 N -19°52.64 W

  • 57°46.68 N -19°37.86 W

  • 57°59.96 N -19°05.05 W

Logachev Mound:

  • 55°17′ N, 16°10′ W

  • 55°34′ N, 15°07′ W

  • 55°50′ N, 15°15′ W

  • 55°33′ N, 16°16′ W

  • 55°17′ N, 16°10′ W

West Rockall Mound:

  • 57°20′ N, 16°30′ W

  • 57°05′ N, 15°58′ W

  • 56°21′ N, 17°17′ W

  • 56°40′ N, 17°50′ W

  • 57°20′ N, 16°30′ W

2.Where, in the course of fishing operations in new and existing bottom fishing areas within the NEAFC Regulatory Area, the quantity of live coral or live sponge caught per gear set exceeds 60 kg of live coral and/or 800 kg of live sponge, the vessel shall inform its flag State, cease fishing and move at least 2 nautical miles away from the position that the evidence suggests is closest to the exact location where this catch was made.


The following measures to monitor and reduce incidental catches of sensitive species shall apply:


The measures set out in Parts A, B and C.


Member States shall take the necessary steps to collect scientific data on incidental catches of sensitive species.


As a result of scientific evidence, validated by ICES, STECF, or in the framework of GFCM, of negative impacts of fishing gear on sensitive species, Member States shall submit joint recommendations for additional mitigation measures for the reduction of incidental catches of the concerned species or in a concerned area on the basis of Article 15 of this Regulation.


Member States shall monitor and assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures established under this Annex.

PART A Cetaceans

1.Fisheries in which the use of acoustic deterrent devices is mandatory

1.1.It shall be prohibited for vessels with an overall length of 12 m or more to use the fishing gear in specific areas as defined below without the simultaneous use of active acoustic deterrent devices.

Baltic Sea Area delimited by a line running from the Swedish coast at the point at longitude 13° E, thence due south to latitude 55° N, thence due east to longitude 14° E, thence due north to the coast of Sweden; and, Area delimited by a line running from the eastern coast of Sweden at the point at latitude 55°30′ N, thence due east to longitude 15° E, thence due north to latitude 56° N, thence due east to longitude 16° E thence due north to the coast of SwedenAny bottom-set gill net or entangling net
Baltic Sea sub-division 24 (except for the area covered above)Any bottom-set gill net or entangling net
ICES sub-area 4 and ICES division 3a (only from 1 August to 31 October)Any bottom-set gill net or entangling net, or combination of these nets, the total length of which does not exceed 400 m
Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net ≥ 220 mm
ICES divisions 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h and 7jAny bottom-set gillnet or entangling net
ICES division 7dAny bottom-set gillnet or entangling net

1.2.Point 1.1 shall not apply to fishing operations conducted solely for the purpose of scientific investigation which are carried out with the authorisation and under the authority of the Member State or Member States concerned and which aim at developing new technical measures to reduce the incidental capture or killing of cetaceans.

1.3.Member States shall take necessary steps to monitor and assess by means of scientific studies or pilot projects, the effects of acoustic deterrent device use over time in the fisheries and areas concerned.

2.Fisheries to be monitored

2.1.Monitoring schemes shall be undertaken on an annual basis and established for vessels flying their flag and with an overall length of 15 m or more to monitor cetacean by-catch, for the fisheries and under the conditions defined below.

ICES sub-areas 6, 7 and 8Pelagic trawls (single and pair)
Mediterranean Sea (of the east of line 5°36′ westPelagic trawls (single and pair)
ICES divisions 6a, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 8c and 9aBottom-set gillnet or entangling nets using mesh sizes equal to or greater than 80 mm
ICES sub area 4, ICES division 6a, and ICES sub-area 7, with the exception of ICES divisions 7c and 7kDriftnets
ICES divisions 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d south of 59° N, 3d north of 59° (only from 1 June to 30 September) and ICES sub-areas 4 and 9Pelagic trawls (single and pair)
ICES sub-areas 6, 7, 8 and 9High-opening trawls
ICES divisions 3b, 3c and 3dBottom-set gillnet or entangling nets using mesh sizes equal to or greater than 80 mm

2.2.Point 2.1 shall not apply to fishing operations conducted solely for the purpose of scientific investigation which are carried out with the authorisation and under the authority of the Member State or Member States concerned and which aim at developing new technical measures to reduce the incidental capture or killing of cetaceans.

PART B Seabirds

Where the data referred to in point 2 of the introductory paragraph of this Annex indicate a level of incidental catches of seabirds in specific fisheries which constitutes a serious threat to the conservation status of those seabirds, Member States shall use bird scaring lines and/or weighted lines, if it is scientifically proven that such use has a conservation benefit in that area, and where practical and beneficial shall set longlines during the hours of darkness with the minimum of deck lighting necessary for safety.

PART C Marine turtles

1.Fisheries in which the use of a turtle excluder device is mandatory.

1.1.It shall be prohibited for vessels to use the fishing gear specified below in specific areas as defined below without the simultaneous use of a turtle excluder device.

Union waters in the Indian Ocean and the West AtlanticShrimps (Penaeus spp., Xiphopenaeus kroyeri)Any shrimp trawl

1.2.The Commission may adopt implementing acts establishing detailed rules for the specification of the device referred to in point 1.1.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

North SeaNorth Western WatersSouth Western WatersBaltic SeaMediterranean Sea
HaddockHaddockWhitingPlaiceRed Mullet

For the purposes of this Annex:

  • the Kattegat is limited in the north by a line drawn from Skagen Lighthouse to the lighthouse in Tistlarna, and from there to the nearest point on the Swedish coast, and in the south by a line drawn from Hasenøre Head to Gniben Point, from Korshage to Spodsbjerg, and from Gilbjerg Head to the Kullen,

  • the Skagerrak is limited in the west by a line drawn from the lighthouse of Hanstholm to the lighthouse of Lindesnes, and in the south by a line drawn from Skagen Lighthouse to the lighthouse of Tistlarna, and from there to the nearest point on the Swedish coast,

  • the North Sea shall comprise ICES sub-area 4, the adjacent part of ICES Division 2a lying south of latitude 64° N, and that part of ICES Division 3a which is not covered by the definition of Skagerrak given in the second indent.


In sub-divisions Skagerrak and Kattegat, a diamond mesh top panel of at least 270 mm mesh size or a square mesh top panel of at least 140 mm mesh size shall be fitted. In sub-division Kattegat, a square mesh panel of at least 120 mm may be fitted (on trawls in the period from 1 October to 31 December, and on seines in the period from 1 August to 31 October).


Regulation (EU) 2016/2336 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2016 establishing specific conditions for fishing for deep-sea stocks in the north-east Atlantic and provisions for fishing in international waters of the north-east Atlantic and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 2347/2002 (OJ L 354, 23.12.2016, p. 1).


Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on the establishment of a Union framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the common fisheries policy and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 (OJ L 157, 20.6.2017, p. 1).


To be phased-in over a two-year period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation.


A mesh size of at least 220 mm shall be used when fishing for anglerfish. A mesh size of at least 110 mm shall be used when directed fishing for pollack and hake in ICES divisions 7d and 7e.


Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/2034 of 18 October 2018 establishing a discard plan for certain demersal fisheries in North-Western waters for the period 2019-2021 (OJ L 327, 21.12.2018, p. 8).


This provision is without prejudice to Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 494/2002.


For directed fishing for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), a square mesh panel of at least 100 mm or equivalent selectivity device shall be fitted when fishing in ICES divisions 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e. For directed fishing for sole with beam trawls, a panel with a mesh size of at least 180 mm fitted in the upper half of the anterior part of the net shall be fitted.


For directed fishing for anglerfish a mesh size of at least 220 mm shall be used.