Article 89U.K.Prohibitions in relation to movements of aquaculture animals, products from aquaculture animals, other substances and material within, from or to the protection zone
1.The competent authority shall prohibit the following movements within the protection zone:
(a)movement of aquaculture animals of listed species between establishments in the protection zone;
(b)movement of aquaculture animals of listed species from or to the protection zone;
(c)any movements from the establishments within the protection zone of means of transport and any equipment, product, material or substance likely to transmit the relevant category A disease;
(d)transport of aquaculture animals by well-boats through the protection zone; and
(e)dispatch of unprocessed animal by-products from aquaculture animals of any species from establishments in the protection zone.
2.The competent authority may, after carrying out a risk assessment, extend the prohibitions provided for in paragraph 1(a) to 1(d) to animals of non-listed species and their products.