23.Under Part 2 of the Act, the Department may prepare a marine plan for all or part of the Northern Ireland inshore region. A marine plan will bring together information and policies on the multiple uses of the marine area, together with spatial and temporal data (e.g. seasonal changes) for the water column and the seabed, using maps where appropriate. As a strategic tool, it will allow decisions to be made about the best use of the marine area, in order to maximise compatibility of activities and achieve sustainable development.
24.The Northern Ireland inshore region overlaps with the area covered by terrestrial planning, which extends to the low water mark; therefore the Department must take all reasonable steps to ensure compatibility between a marine plan and any related terrestrial development plan.
25.The Act details the procedure by which the Department must prepare, consult on, and publish a marine plan. This procedure requires the publication of a Statement of Public Participation, which will set out how interested parties will be involved in the planning process.