Provisions supplementary to paragraphs 2 to 5N.I.
6.—[(1) Where [the Authority] proposes to appoint persons to a Board of Governors under paragraph 2(2)(a), 3(2)(a) or 5(1)(c) or (d) it shall serve on the nominating authorities a notice—N.I.
(a)stating [the Authority's] intention to appoint such persons; and
(b)requesting the nominating authorities to make nominations to [the Authority] within a period of 21 days from the date on which the notice is served;
and where the nominating authorities fail to make any nomination requested by such a notice within that period [the Authority] may, subject to sub-paragraph (2), appoint such persons as it considers to be suitable for appointment.
(2) It shall be the duty of [the Authority] in appointing persons to the Board of Governors of a school under sub‐paragraph (1)—
(a)in the case of a controlled integrated school, to choose for appointment persons appearing to [the Authority] to be committed to the continuing viability of the school as a controlled integrated school; and
(b)in all cases, so far as possible to choose for appointment persons who are resident in the locality served by the school.
(3) Persons appointed under sub‐paragraph (1) shall be deemed for all purposes of this Schedule to have been duly nominated by the nominating authorities.]
(4) The board shall, with the approval of the Department, make arrangements for the election of persons under paragraphs 2(2)(b) and (d), 3(2)(b) and (d), 4(c) and (d)[, 5(1)(a) and (e) and 5(3)(a) and (d)] and such arrangements shall ensure that any vote taken for the purpose of any such election shall be by secret ballot.
(5) Where it is not practicable to appoint to a Board of Governors under paragraph 2(2)(a) persons nominated by the transferors or superseded managers because a school is not a transferred school or does not supersede any other school or schools, [the Authority] shall appoint in their place an equivalent number of persons appearing to [the Authority] to be representative of transferors and superseded managers ... and those persons shall, so far as possible, be persons resident in the locality served by the school or schools under the management of the Board of Governors and shall be deemed to have been duly nominated for the purposes of paragraphs 2(2)(a) and 3(2)(a).