


Appointment of teachers

153.—(1) Within such time after the coming into operation of this Article as the Department may direct, each board shall prepare and submit to the Department a scheme providing for the procedures to be followed in relation to the appointment by the board of—

(a)teachers to posts in controlled schools;

(b)peripatetic teachers;

(c)supply teachers.

(2) A scheme under paragraph (1) may provide for any specified functions of the board under the scheme to be performed by the teaching appointments committee of the board on behalf of, and in the name of, the board.

(3) Before preparing a scheme under paragraph (1) a board shall consult the Board of Governors of every controlled school managed by the board.

(4) In preparing a scheme under paragraph (1) a board shall take into account any guidance given by the Department, after consultation with all the boards and such other persons as appear to the Department to be concerned, as to the provisions it regards as appropriate for inclusion in a scheme under that paragraph.

(5) The Department may, after making such modifications (if any) in a scheme submitted to it by a board as after consultation with the board it considers necessary or expedient, approve the scheme.

(6) It shall be the duty of the board to give effect to the provisions of a scheme under paragraph (1) which has been approved by the Department.

(7) Where—

(a)a board fails to submit a scheme to the Department under paragraph (1) by the date directed by the Department; or

(b)it appears to the Department that a scheme submitted by the board as required by that paragraph does not accord with any guidance given by it for the purposes of this Article and cannot be made to do so merely by modifying it,

the Department may, after consultation with the board and such other persons as appear to the Department to be concerned, make a scheme which shall be treated for the purposes of paragraphs (6) and (8) as if it had been prepared by the board and approved by the Department under this Article.

(8) A board may at any time, and shall if the Department so directs, prepare and submit to the Department a revised scheme or an amendment to an existing scheme and paragraphs (2) to (7) (except (7)(a)) shall apply in relation to any such revised scheme or amendment as they apply in relation to the scheme.