The Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997

[F113.  The economic instruments and other measures referred to in paragraph 2(3) are—N.I.

(a)charges and restrictions for the landfilling and incineration of waste which incentivise waste prevention and recycling, while keeping landfilling the least preferred waste management option;

(b)‘pay-as-you-throw’ schemes that charge waste producers on the basis of the actual amount of waste generated and provide incentives for separation at source of recyclable waste and for reduction of mixed waste;

(c)fiscal incentives for donation of products, in particular food;

(d)extended producer responsibility schemes for various types of waste and measures to increase their effectiveness, cost efficiency and governance;

(e)deposit-refund schemes and other measures to encourage efficient collection of used products and materials;

(f)sound planning of investments in waste management infrastructure;

(g)sustainable public procurement to encourage better waste management and the use of recycled products and materials;

(h)phasing out of subsidies which are not consistent with the waste hierarchy;

(i)use of fiscal measures or other means to promote the uptake of products and materials that are prepared for re-use or recycled;

(j)support to research and innovation in advanced recycling technologies and remanufacturing;

(k)use of best available techniques for waste treatment;

(l)economic incentives for Northern Ireland authorities and authorities for any area of Northern Ireland, in particular to promote waste prevention and intensify separate collection schemes, while avoiding support to landfilling and incineration;

(m)public awareness campaigns, in particular on separate collection, waste prevention and litter reduction, and mainstreaming these issues in education and training;

(n)systems for coordination, including by digital means, between all competent public authorities involved in waste management; and

(o)promoting continuous dialogue and cooperation between all stakeholders in waste management and encouraging voluntary agreements and company reporting on waste.]