Expulsion from trade union attributable to conduct
Article 16 amends Article 38 of the 1995 Order and changes the provisions in Article 40 of the 1995 Order which contain the remedies for breaching the rights contained in Article 38. It has three effects: first, that a union is free to expel where the expulsion is wholly attributable to conduct, and the conduct is neither “excluded conduct” nor “protected conduct”; secondly, that a union is free to expel where the expulsion is to some extent, but not wholly or mainly, attributable to “protected conduct”; and thirdly that a union may not expel where the expulsion is to any extent attributable to “excluded conduct”. It follows that expulsions are unlawful where “excluded conduct” is the sole, main or subsidiary reason for the union’s decision, and where “protected conduct” is the sole or main reason. Excluded conduct and protected conduct are defined in this Article.