The Insolvency Rules (Northern Ireland) 1991

Removal of liquidator by the court

4.150.—(1) This Rule applies where application is made to the court for the removal of the liquidator, or for an order directing the liquidator to summon a company meeting for the purpose of removing him.

(2) The court may, if it thinks that no sufficient cause is shown for the application, dismiss it; but it shall not do so unless the applicant has had an opportunity to attend the court for an ex parte hearing, of which he has been given at least 7 days' notice.

(3) If the application is not dismissed under paragraph (2), the court shall fix a venue for it to be heard.

(4) The court may require the applicant to make a deposit or give security for the costs to be incurred by the liquidator on the application.

(5) The applicant shall, at least 14 days before the hearing date, send to the liquidator a notice stating the venue and accompanied by a copy of the application, and of any evidence which he intends to adduce in support of it.

(6) Subject to any contrary order of the court, the costs of the application are not payable out of the assets.

(7) Where the court removes the liquidator—

(a)it shall send 2 copies of the order of removal to him, one to be sent by him forthwith to the registrar, with notice of his ceasing to act;[FORM 4.40] [FORM 4.41]

(b)the order may include such provision as the court thinks fit with respect to matters arising in connection with the removal; and

(c)if the court appoints a new liquidator, Rule 4.147 applies.
