Teachers' Superannuation Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1998

Effective reckonable service

E32.—(1) A person’s effective reckonable service is so much of his reckonable service as counts for the purpose of calculating a benefit under this Part, except a pension under regulation E26.

(2) Subject to paragraph (3), effective reckonable service does not include—

(a)any reckonable service in excess of 45 years; or

(b)any reckonable service in excess of 40 years before attaining the age of 60.

(3) In relation to a retirement lump sum, if the person’s relevant service, that is to say the total of—

(a)the time he has spent in pensionable employment; and

(b)any comparable service counting as reckonable service by virtue of the receipt of a transfer value,

is less than 20 years, his effective reckonable service does not include so much of any period counting as reckonable service by virtue of regulation D3 (past period purchased by additional contributions) as exceeds the maximum ascertained from the following Table:


Relevant service in yearsMaximum
1917 years
1815 years
1713 years
1611 years
159 years
147 years
Fewer than 148 years less than the length in years and days of the relevant service

(4) For the purposes of paragraph (3) a person who becomes entitled to payment of retirement benefits by virtue of regulation E4(4) or (7) (incapacity or redundancy before attaining the age of 60) shall be treated as having continued in pensionable employment up to that age.

(5) Effective reckonable service does not include any period in respect of which a short service annuity is payable under regulation E16.