Processed Animal Protein Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation and commencement

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Application

  5. 4.Feeding of processed animal protein to farmed animals

  6. 5.Production of fishmeal for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

  7. 6.Production of dicalcium phosphate for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

  8. 7.Production of hydrolysed protein for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

  9. 8.Approval of premises, suspension and withdrawal of approval

  10. 9.Sale or supply of processed animal protein intended for the feeding of farmed animals

  11. 10.Trade with other member States

  12. 11.Trade with third countries

  13. 12.Manufacture of feedingstuffs

  14. 13.Production of feedingstuffs containing fishmeal for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

  15. 14.Production of feedingstuffs containing dicalcium phosphate for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

  16. 15.Production of feedingstuffs containing hydrolysed protein for farmed animals other than ruminants

  17. 16.Use and storage of feedingstuffs containing fishmeal, dicalcium phosphate or hydrolysed protein

  18. 17.Records relating to processed animal protein

  19. 18.Powers of entry

  20. 19.Sampling and other checks and examinations

  21. 20.Obstruction

  22. 21.Offences and defence of due diligence

  23. 22.Amendment of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Feedingstuffs and Surveillance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999

  24. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Conditions for the transport of fishmeal for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

      1. 1.Fishmeal for use in the manufacture of feed for farmed...

      2. 2.If a vehicle used for the transport of fishmeal for...

      3. 3.Intermediate storage of fishmeal is allowed only if it is...

      4. 4.Fishmeal imported from a third country for use in the...

      5. 5.If a vehicle used for the transport of fishmeal imported...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Conditions for the production of dicalcium phosphate for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

      1. 1.Dicalcium phosphate for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants...

      2. 2.The dicalcium phosphate shall be derived from bones fit for...

      3. 3.The dicalcium phosphate shall be produced by a process which...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Conditions for the production of hydrolysed protein for feeding to farmed animals other than ruminants

      1. 1.Hydrolysed protein from hides and skins shall—

      2. 2.Hydrolysed protein from hides and skins shall be sampled after...

  25. Explanatory Note