Feeding Stuffs Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

Regulation 2(1)

SCHEDULE 1Method of calculating the energy value of compound feeds

The energy value of compound poultry, ruminant and pig feeds and feeding stuffs intended for particular nutritional purposes for cats and dogs shall be calculated in accordance with the relevant formulae set out below, on the basis of the percentages of certain analytical components of the feed. After application of these formulae, the results shall be given to one decimal place.

Poultry feeds: megajoules (MJ) of metabolisable energy (ME), nitrogen corrected, per kilogram of compound feed.

MJ of ME/kg of feed = 0.1551 × % protein(1) + 0.3431 × % oil(2) + 0.1669 × % starch(3) + 0.1301 × % total sugar (expressed as sucrose)(4).

Ruminant feeds: megajoules (MJ) of metabolisable energy (ME) per kilogram of dry matter in the compound feed.

MJ of ME/kg of dry matter = 0.14 × % Neutral detergent Cellulase plus Gamanase Digestibility(5) + 0.25 × % oil(2).

Pig feeds: megajoules (MJ) of digestible energy (DE) per kilogram of dry matter in the compound feed.

MJ of DE/kg of dry matter = 17.47 + 0.079 × % protein(1) + 0.158 × % oil(2)— 0.331 × % ash(6)— 0.140 Neutral Detergent plus Amylase Fibre(5).

Feeding stuffs intended for particular nutritional purposes for cats and dogs: megajoules (MJ) of metabolisable energy (ME) per kilogram of compound dog or cat food.

(a)cat and dog foods with the exception of cat foods having a moisture content exceeding 14%:

  • MJ of ME/kg of food = 0.1464 × % protein(1) + 0.3556 × % oils and fats(2) + 0.1464 × % nitrogen-free extract;

(b)cat foods having a moisture content exceeding 14%:

  • MJ of ME/kg of cat food = (0.1632 × % protein + 0.3222 × % oils and fats— (2) + 0.1255 × % nitrogen-free extract) — 0.2092;

where in either case the percentage of nitrogen-free extract is calculated by subtracting from 100 the total of the percentages of moisture(7), ash(6), protein(1), oils and fats(2) and fibre(8).

NB Where the results of analysis are to be given on a dry matter basis, this may be achieved by analysing either the dried material, or fresh material and correcting for the moisture content.

(1) Determined by the method of analysis for protein specified in Point 2 of Annex 1 to Directive 72/199/EC(1).

  • NB For pig feed the results must be corrected to 100% dry matter.

(2) Determined by the appropriate procedure set out in the method of analysis for oils and fats specified in Part IV of the Annex to Directive 71/393/EEC(2).

  • NB In ruminant and pig feeds the result must be corrected to 100% dry matter.

(3) Determined by the method of analysis for starch specified in Point 1 of Annex 1 to Directive 72/199/EC(3).

(4) Determined by the method of analysis for sugar specified in Point 12 of the Annex to Directive 71/250/EEC(4).

(5) Determined by the method detailed in the booklet “Prediction of Energy Values of Compound Feeding Stuffs for Farm Animals” (published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Publications, London SE99 7JT).

(6) Determined by the method of analysis for ash specified in Point 5 of the Annex to Directive 71/250/EEC(5).

  • NB The result must be corrected to 100% dry matter.

(7) Determined by the method of analysis for moisture specified in Part I of the Annex to Directive 71/393/EEC(6).

(8) Determined by the method of analysis for fibre specified in Point 3 of Annex 1 to Directive 73/46/EEC(7).

Regulations 2(1) and 10 and Schedule 4 Part I paragraphs 7 and 20

SCHEDULE 2Control of Feed Materials

Part IPrincipal processes used for the preparation of the feed materials listed in Part II of this Schedule

ProcessDefinitionCommon name or term

In German ‘Konzentrieren’ may be replaced by ‘Eindicken’ where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be ‘eingedickt’.


‘Decortication’ may be replaced by ‘dehulling’ or ‘dehusking’ where appropriate, in which case the common qualifier should be ‘dehulled’ or ‘dehusked.’


In French the name ‘issues’ may be used.


In French ‘Pressage’ may be replaced by ‘Exraction mécanique’ where appropriate.


Where appropriate the word ‘expeller’ may be replaced by ‘cake’.


In German the qualifier ‘aufgeschlossen’ and the name ‘Quellwasser’ (referring to starch) may be used.

1Concentration(1)Increase in certain contents by removing water or other constituentsConcentrate
2Decortication(2)Complete or partial removal of outer layers from grains, seeds, fruits nuts and othersDecorticated, partially decorticated
3DryingDehydration by artificial or natural processesDried (sun or artificially)
4ExtractionRemoval either by organic solvent of fat or oil from certain materials or by aqueous solvent of sugar or other water-soluble components. In the case of the use of organic solvent, the resulting product must be technically free of such solventExtracted (in the case of oil-containing materials), molasses, pulp (in the case of products containing sugar or other water-soluble components)
5ExtrusionPressing of material through an orifice under pressure. (See also pregelatinisation)Extruded
6FlakingRolling of moist heat-treated materialFlakes
7Flour millingPhysical processing of grain to reduce particle size and facilitate separation into constituent fractions (principally flour, bran and middlings)Flour, bran, middlings(3), feed
8HeatingGeneral term covering a number of heat treatments carried out under specific conditions to influence the nutritional value or the structure of the materialToasted, cooked, heat treated
9HydrogenationTransformation of unsaturated glycerides into saturated glycerides (of oils and fats)Hardened, partially hardened
10HydrolysisBreakdown into simpler chemical constituents by appropriate treatment with water and possibly either enzymes or acid/alkaliHydrolysed
11Pressing(4)Removal by mechanical extraction (by a screw or other type of press), with or without a slight heating, of fat/oil from oil-rich materials or of juice from fruits or other vegetable productsExpeller(5) (in case of oil-containing materials) Pulp, pomace (in case of fruits, etc.) Pressed pulp (in case of sugar-beet)
12PelletingSpecial shaping by compression through a diePellet, pelleted
13PregelatinisationModification of starch to improve markedly its swelling properties in cold waterPregelatinised(6), puffed
14RefiningComplete or partial removal of impurities in sugars, oils, fats and other natural materials by chemical/ physical treatmentRefined, partially refined
15Wet-millingMechanical separation of the component parts of kernel/grain, sometimes after steeping in water, with or without sulphur dioxide, for the extraction of starchGerm, gluten, starch
16CrushingMechanical processing of grain or other feed materials to reduce their sizeCrushed, crushing
17DesugaringComplete or partial removal of mono- and disaccharides from molasses and other material containing sugar by chemical or physical meansDesugared, partially desugared

Part IINon-exclusive list of the main feed materials

Introductory Notes

Feed materials are listed and named in this Part according to the following criteria:

  • the origin of the product/by-product used, for example vegetable, animal, mineral;

  • the part of the product/by-product used, for example whole, seeds, tubers, bones;

  • the processing to which the product/by-product has been subjected, for example decortication, extraction, heating and/or the resulting product/by-product, for example flakes, bran, pulp, fat;

  • the maturity of the product/by-product and/or the quality of the product/by-product, for example ‘low in glucosinolate’, ‘rich in fat’, ‘low in sugar’.

NumberNameDescriptionCompulsory declarations

Products containing more than 40% starch may be qualified as ‘rich in starch’. They may be referred to in German as ‘Roggennachmehl’.


Products containing more than 40% starch may be qualified as ‘rich in starch’. They may be referred to in German as ‘Weizennachmehl’.


If this ingredient has been subjected to a finer milling the word ‘fine’ may be added to the name or the name may be replaced by a corresponding denomination.


Products containing more than 40% starch may be named as ‘rich in starch’. They may be referred to in German as ‘Maisnachmehl’.


This name may be replaced by ‘corn gluten feed’.


This name may be replaced by ‘extruded maize starch’.


The name may be supplemented by the grain species.


This name may be replaced by ‘distillers’ dried grains and solubles’. The name may be supplemented by the grain species.

1.01OatsGrains of Avena sativa L. and other cultivars of oats
1.02Oat flakesProduct obtained by steaming and rolling dehusked oats. It may contain a small proportion of oat husksStarch
1.03Oat middlingsBy-product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked oats into oat groats and flour. It consists principally of oat bran and some endospermFibre
1.04Oat hulls and branBy-product obtained during the processing of screened oats into oat groats. It consists principally of oat hulls and branFibre
1.05BarleyGrains of Hordeum vulgare L.
1.06Barley middlingsBy-product obtained during the processing of screened, dehusked barley into pearl barley, semolina or flourFibre
1.07Barley proteinDried by-product of starch production from barley. It consists principally of protein obtained from starch separationProtein Starch
1.08Rice, brokenBy-product of preparation of polished or glazed rice Oryza sativa L. It consists principally of undersized and/or broken grainsStarch
1.09Rice bran (brown)By-product of the first polishing of dehusked rice. It consists principally of particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm and germFibre
1.10Rice bran (white)By-product of the polishing of dehusked rice. It consists principally of particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm and germFibre
1.11Rice bran with calcium carbonateBy-product of the polishing of dehusked rice. It consists principally of silvery skins, particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm and germ; it contains varying amounts of calcium carbonate resulting from the polishing process


Calcium carbonate

1.12Fodder meal of parboiled riceBy-product of the polishing of dehusked pre-cooked rice. It consists principally of silvery skins, particles of the aleurone layer, endosperm, germ; it contains varying amounts of calcium carbonate resulting from the polishing process


Calcium carbonate

1.13Ground fodder riceProduct obtained by grinding fodder rice, consisting either of green, chalky or unripe grains, sifted out during the milling of husked rice, or of normal dehusked grains which are yellow or spottedStarch
1.14Rice germ expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of the germ of rice to which parts of the endosperm and testa still adhere




1.15Rice germ, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of the germ of rice to which parts of the endosperm and testa still adhereProtein
1.16Rice starchTechnically pure rice starchStarch
1.17MilletGrains of Panicum miliaceum L.
1.18RyeGrains of Secale cereale L.
1.19Rye middlings(1)By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of particles of endosperm, with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain wasteStarch
1.20Rye feedBy-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in rye branStarch
1.21Rye branBy-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened rye. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins, and of particles of grain from which most of the endosperm has been removedFibre
1.22SorghumGrains of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench s.l.
1.23WheatGrains of Triticum aestivum (L.), Triticum durum Desf. and other cultivars of wheat
1.24Wheat middlings(2)By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of particles of endosperm with fine fragments of the outer skins and some grain wasteStarch
1.25Wheat feedBy-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in wheat branFibre
1.26Wheat bran(3)By-product of flour manufacture, obtained from screened grains of wheat or dehusked spelt. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which the greater part of the endosperm has been removedFibre
1.27Wheat germBy-product of flour milling consisting essentially of wheat germ, rolled or otherwise, to which fragments of endosperm and outer skin may still adhere



1.28Wheat glutenDried by-product of the manufacture of wheat starch. It consists principally of gluten obtained during the separation of starchProtein
1.29Wheat gluten feedBy-product of the manufacture of wheat starch and gluten. It is composed of bran, from which the germ has been partially removed or not, and gluten, to which very small amounts of the components of the screening of the grain as well as very small amounts of residues of the starch hydrolysis process may be added



1.30Wheat starchTechnically pure starch obtained from wheatStarch
1.31Pre-gelatinised wheat starchProduct consisting of wheat starch largely expanded by heat treatmentStarch
1.32SpeltGrains of spelt Triticum spelta L., Tricicum dioccum Schrank, Triticum monococcum
1.33TriticaleGrains of triticum X secale hybrid
1.34MaizeGrains of Zea mays L.
1.35Maize middlings(4)By-product of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of fragments of the outer skins and of particles of grain from which less of the endosperm has been removed than in maize branFibre
1.36Maize branBy-product of the manufacture of flour or semolina from maize. It consists principally of outer skins and some maize germ fragments, with some endosperm particlesFibre
1.37Maize germ expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of dry or wet processed maize germ to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhere



1.38Maize germ, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of dry or wet processed maize germ to which parts of the endosperm and testa may still adhereProtein
1.39Maize gluten feed(5)By-product of the wet manufacture of maize starch. It is composed of bran and gluten, to which the broken maize obtained from screening at an amount no greater than 15% of the product and/or the residues of the steeping liquor used for the production of alcohol or other starch-derived products, may be added. The product may also include residues from the oil extraction of maize germs obtained also by a wet process



Fat, if >4.5%

1.40Maize glutenDried by-product of the manufacture of maize starch. It consists principally of gluten obtained during the separation of the starchProtein
1.41Maize starchTechnically pure starch obtained from maizeStarch
1.42Pre-gelatinised maize starch(6)Product consisting of maize starch largely expanded by heat treatmentStarch
1.43Malt culmsBy-product of malting, consisting mainly of dried rootlets of germinated cerealsProtein
1.44Brewers' dried grainsBy-product of brewing obtained by drying residues of malted and unmalted cereals and other starchy productsProtein
1.45Distillers' dried grains(7)By-product of alcohol distilling obtained by drying solid residues of fermented grainProtein
1.46Distillers' dark grains(8)By-product of alcohol distilling obtained by drying solid residues of fermented grain to which pot ale syrup or evaporated spent wash has been addedProtein

Where appropriate the indication ‘low in glucosinolate’ may be added. ‘Low in glucosinolate’ has the meaning given in Community legislation.


The name must be supplemented by the plant species.

2.01Groundnut, partially decorticated, expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of partially decorticated groundnuts Arachis hypogaea L. and other species of Arachis. (Maximum fibre content 16% in the dry matter)




2.02Groundnut, partially decorticated, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture obtained by extraction of partially decorticated grounds. (Maximum fibre content 16% in the dry matter)



2.03Groundnut, decorticated, expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of decorticated groundnuts




2.04Groundnut, decorticated, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of decorticated grounds



2.05Rape seed(1)Seeds of rape Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk., of Indian sarson Brassica napus L. Var. Glauca (Roxb.) O.E. Schulz and of rape Brassica napa ssp. oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk. (Minimum botanical purity 94%)
2.06Rape seed, expeller(1)By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of rape. (Minimum botanical purity 94%)




2.07Rape seed, extracted(1)By-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of rape. (Minimum botanical purity 94%)Protein
2.08Rape seed hullsBy-product obtained during dehulling of rape seedsFibre
2.09Safflower seed, partially decorticated, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of partially decorticated seeds of safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.



2.10Copra expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera L.




2.11Copra, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of the dried kernel (endosperm) and outer husk (tegument) of the seed of the coconut palmProtein
2.12Palm kernel expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of palm kernels Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Corozo oleifera (HBK) L. H. Bailey (Elaeis melanocca auct.) from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removed




2.13Palm kernel, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of palm kernels from which as much as possible of the hard shell has been removed



2.14Soya (bean), toastedSoya beans (Glycine max. L. Merr.) subjected to an appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0.4 mg N/g × min.)
2.15Soya (bean), extracted, toastedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained from soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Urease activity maximum 0.4mg N/g × min.)


Fibre, if >8%

2.16Soya (bean), dehulled, extracted, toastedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained from dehulled soya beans after extraction and appropriate heat treatment. (Maximum fibre content 8% in the dry matter). (Urease activity maximum 0.5mg N/g × min.)Protein
2.17Soya (bean) protein concentrateProduct obtained from dehulled, fat extracted soya beans, subjected to a second extraction to reduce the level of nitrogen-free extractProtein
2.18Vegetable oil(2)Oil obtained from plantsMoisture, if >1%.
2.19Soya (bean) hullsBy-product obtained during dehulling of soya beansFibre
2.20Cotton seedSeeds of cotton Gossypium spp. from which the fibres have been removed




2.21Cotton seed, partially decorticated, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of cotton from which the fibres and part of the husks have been removed. (Maximum fibre 22.5% in the dry matter.)



2.22Cotton seed expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of cotton from which the fibres have been removed




2.23Niger seed expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the niger plant Guizotia abyssinica (Lf) Cass. (Ash insoluble in HC1: maximum 3.4%)




2.24Sunflower seedSeeds of the sunflower Helianthus annuus L.
2.25Sunflower seed, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of the sunflowerProtein
2.26Sunflower seed, partially decorticated, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of seeds of the sunflower from which part of the husks has been removed. (Maximum fibre 27.5% in the dry matter)



2.27LinseedSeeds of linseed Linum usitatissimum L. (Minimum botanical purity 93%)
2.28Linseed expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of linseed. (Minimum botanical purity 93%)




2.29Linseed, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of linseed. (Minimum botanical purity 93%)Protein
2.30Olive pulpBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of pressed olives Olea europea L. separated as far as possible from parts of the kernel



2.31Sesame seed expellerBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by pressing of seeds of the sesame plant Sesamum indicum L. (Ash insoluble in HCl: maximum 5%)




2.32Cocoa bean, partially decorticated, extractedBy-product of oil manufacture, obtained by extraction of dried and roasted cocoa beans Theobroma cacao L. from which part of the husks has been removed



2.33Cocoa husksTeguments of the dried and roasted beans of Theobroma cacao L.Fibre

This name must be supplemented by an indication of the nature of the heat treatment.

3.01Chick peasSeeds of Cicer arietinum L.
3.02Guar meal, extractedBy-product obtained after extraction of the mucilage from seeds of Cyanopsis tetragonoloba (L.) TaubProtein
3.03ErvilSeeds of Ervum ervilia L.
3.04Chickling vetch(1)Seeds of Lathyrus sativus L. submitted to an appropriate heat treatment
3.05LentilsSeeds of Lens culinaris a.o. Medik
3.06Sweet lupinsSeeds of Lupinus spp. Low in bitter seed content
3.07Beans, toastedSeeds of Phaseolus or Vigna spp. submitted to an appropriate heat treatment to destroy toxic lectines
3.08PeasSeeds of Pisum spp.
3.09Pea middlingsBy-product obtained during the manufacture of pea-flour. It consists principally of particles of cotyledon, and to a lesser extent, of skins



3.10Pea branBy-product obtained during the manufacture of pea meal. It is composed mainly of skins removed during the skinning and cleaning of peasFibre
3.11Horse beansSeeds of Vicia faba L. spp. faba var. equina Pers. and var. minuta (Alef.) Mansf.
3.12Monantha vetchSeeds of Vicia monanthos Desf.
3.13VetchesSeeds of Vicia sativa L. var. sativa and other varieties

This name may be replaced by ‘sucrose’.


This name may be replaced by ‘tapioca’.


This name may be replaced by ‘tapioca starch’.

4.01(Sugar) beet pulpBy-product of the manufacture of sugar, consisting of extracted and dried pieces of sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell. (Maximum content of ash insoluble in HCl: 4.5% of dry matter)Content of ash insoluble in HCl, if >3.5% of dry matter. Total sugar calculated as sucrose, if >10.5%
4.02(Sugar) beet molassesBy-product consisting of the syrupy residue collected during the manufacture or refining of beet sugar

Total sugar calculated as sucrose.

Moisture, if >28%

4.03(Sugar) beet pulp, molassedBy-product of the manufacture of sugar comprising dried sugar-beet pulp, to which molasses have been added. (Maximum content of ash insoluble in HCl: 4.5% of dry matter)

Total sugar calculated as sucrose.

Content of ash insoluble in HC1, if >3.5% of dry matter

4.04(Sugar) beet vinasseBy-product obtained after the fermentation of beet molasses in the production of alcohol, yeast, citric acid and other organic substances


Moisture, if >35%

4.05(Beet) sugar(1)Sugar extracted from sugar beetSucrose
4.06Sweet potatoTubers of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir, regardless of their presentationStarch
4.07Manioc(2)Roots of Manibot esculenta Crantz, regardless of their presentation. (Maximum content of ash insoluble in HCl: 4.5% of dry matter)


Content of ash insoluble in HCl, if >3.5% of dry matter

4.08Manioc starch(3), puffedStarch obtained from manioc roots, greatly expanded by appropriate heat treatmentStarch
4.09Potato pulpBy-product of the manufacture of potato starch (Solanum tuberosum L.)
4.10Potato starchTechnically pure potato starchStarch
4.11Potato proteinDried by-product of starch manufacture composed mainly of protein substances obtained after the separation of starchProtein
4.12Potato flakesProduct obtained by rotary drying of washed, peeled or unpeeled steamed potatoes



4.13Potato juice condensedBy-product of the manufacture of potato starch from which proteins and water have been partly removed



4.14Pre-gelatinised potato starchProduct consisting of potato starch largely solubilised by heat treatmentStarch

The name may be supplemented by the fruit species.

5.01Carob podsProduct obtained by crushing the dried fruits (pods) of the carob tree Ceratonia seliqua L., from which the locust beans have been removedFibre
5.02Citrus pulpBy-product obtained by pressing citrus fruit Citrus ssp. during the production of citrus juiceFibre
5.03Fruit pulp(1)By-product obtained by pressing pomaceous or stone fruit during the production of fruit juiceFibre
5.04Tomato pulpBy-product obtained by pressing tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum Karst. during the production of tomato juiceFibre
5.05Grape pips, extractedBy-product obtained during the extraction of oil from grape pipsFibre, if >45%
5.06Grape pulpGrape pulp dried rapidly after the extraction of alcohol from which as much as possible of the stalks and pips have been removedFibre, if >25%
5.07Grape pipsPips extracted from grape pulps, from which the oil has not been removed


Fibre, if >45%


The term ‘meal’ may be replaced by ‘pellets’. The method of drying may be added to the name.


The species of forage crop may be added to the name.


The cereal species must be indicated in the name.


The name must be supplemented by an indication of the nature of the chemical treatment carried out.

6.01Lucerne meal(1)Product obtained by drying and milling young lucerne Medicago sativa L. and Medicago var. Martyn. It may contain up to 20% young clover or other forage crops dried and milled at the same time as the lucerne



Ash insoluble in HC1, if >3.5% of dry matter

6.02Lucerne pomaceDried by-product obtained by pressing of the juice from lucerneProtein
6.03Lucerne protein concentrateProduct obtained by artificially drying fractions of lucerne press juice, which has been centrifuged and heat treated to precipitate the proteins



6.04Clover meal(1)Product obtained by drying and milling young clover Trifolium spp. It may contain up to 20% young lucerne or other forage crops dried and milled at the same time as the clover



Ash insoluble in HC1, if >3.5% of dry matter

6.05Grass meal(1)(2)Product obtained by drying and milling young forage plants



Ash insoluble in HC1, if >3.5% of dry matter

6.06Cereals straw(3)Straw of cereals
6.07Cereals straw, treated(4)Product obtained by an appropriate treatment of cereals strawSodium, if treated with NaOH

This name may be replaced by ‘sucrose’.

7.01(Sugar) cane molassesBy-product consisting of the syrupy residue collected during the manufacture or refining of sugar from sugar cane Saccharum officianrum L.Total sugar calculated as sucrose Moisture, if >30%
7.02(Sugar) cane vinasseBy-product obtained after the fermentation of cane molasses in the production of alcohol, yeast, citric acid or other organic substances


Moisture, if >35%

7.03(Cane) sugar(1)Sugar extracted from sugar caneSucrose
7.04Seaweed mealProduct obtained by drying and crushing seaweed, in particular brown seaweed. This product may have been washed to reduce the iodine contentAsh

This name may be replaced by ‘milk albumin powder’.

8.01Skimmed-milk powderProduct obtained by drying milk from which most of the fat has been separated


Moisture, if >5%

8.02Buttermilk powderProduct obtained by drying the liquid which remains after butter churning




Moisture, if >6%

8.03Whey powderProduct obtained by drying the liquid which remains after cheese, quark and casein making or similar processes



Moisture, if >8% Ash

8.04Whey powder, low in sugarProduct obtained by drying whey from which the lactose has been partly removed



Moisture, if >8% Ash

8.05Whey protein powder(1)Product obtained by drying the protein compounds extracted from whey or milk by chemical or physical treatment


Moisture, if >8%

8.06Casein powderProduct obtained from skimmed or buttermilk by drying casein precipitated by means of acids or rennet


Moisture, if >10%

8.07Lactose powderThe sugar separated from milk or whey by purification and drying


Moisture, if >5%


Products containing more than 13% fat in the dry matter must be qualified as ‘rich in fat’


This name may be supplemented by a more accurate description of the type of animal fat depending on its origin or production process (tallow, lard, bone fat, etc.).

9.01Meat meal(1)Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding whole or parts of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat may have been partially extracted or physically removed. The product must be substantially free of hooves, horn, bristle, hair and feathers, as well as digestive tract content (minimum protein content 50% in dry matter). (Maximum total phosphorus content: 8%)




Moisture, if >8%

9.02Meat-and-bone meal(1)Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding whole or parts of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat may have been partially extracted or physically removed. The product must be substantially free of hooves, horn, bristle, hair and feathers, as well as digestive tract content




Moisture, if >8%

9.03Bone mealProduct obtained by heating, drying and finely grinding bones of warm-blooded land animals from which the fat has been largely extracted or physically removed. The product must be substantially free of hooves, horn, bristle, hair and feathers, as well as digestive tract content



Moisture, if >8%

9.04GreavesResidual product of the manufacture of tallow, lard and other extracted or physically removed fats of animal origin



Moisture, if >8%

9.05Poultry meal(1)Product obtained by heating, drying and grinding by-products from slaughtered poultry. The product must be substantially free of feathers




Ash insoluble in HC1 >3.3%

Moisture, if >8%

9.06Feather meal, hydrolysedProduct obtained by hydrolysing, drying and grinding poultry feathers


Ash insoluble in HC1 >3.4%

Moisture, if >8%

9.07Blood mealProduct obtained by drying the blood of slaughtered warm-blooded animals. The product must be substantially free of foreign matter


Moisture, if >8%

9.08Animal fat(2)Product composed of fat from warm-blooded land animalsMoisture, if >1%

Products containing more than 75% protein in the dry matter may be qualified as ‘rich in protein’.

10.01Fish meal(1)Product obtained by processing whole or parts of fish from which part of the oil may have been removed and to which fish solubles may have been re-added



Ash, if >20%

Moisture, if >8%

10.02Fish solubles, condensedProduct obtained during manufacture of fish meal which has been separated and stabilised by acidification or drying



Moisture, if >5%

10.03Fish oilOil obtained from fish or parts of fishMoisture if >1%
10.04Fish oil, refined, hardenedOil obtained from fish or parts of fish which has been refined and subjected to hydrogenation

Iodine number

Moisture, if >1%


The nature of the source may be indicated additionally in the name or replace it.


The manufacturing process may be included in the name.

11.01Calcium carbonate(1)Product obtained by grinding sources of calcium carbonate, such as limestone, oyster or mussel shells, or by precipitation from acid solution


Ash insoluble in HC1 if >5%

11.02Calcium and magnesium carbonateNatural mixture of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate



11.03Calcareous marine algae (Maerl)Product of natural origin obtained from calcareous algae, ground or granulated


Ash insoluble in HC1 if >5%

11.04Magnesium oxideTechnically pure magnesium oxide (MgO)Magnesium
11.05Magnesium sulphateTechnically pure magnesium sulphate (MsSO4.7H2O)



11.06Dicalcium phosphate(2)Precipitated calcium monohydrogen phosphate from bones or inorganic sources (CaHPO4.xH2O)


Total phosphorus

11.07Mono-dicalcium phosphateProduct obtained chemically and composed of equal parts of dicalcium phosphate and mono-calcium phosphate (CaHPO4 - Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O)

Total phosphorus


11.08Defluorinated rock phosphateProduct obtained by grinding purified and appropriately defluorinated natural phosphates

Total phosphorus


11.09Degelatinised bone mealDegelatinsed, sterilised and ground bones from which the fat has been removed

Total phosphorus


11.10Monocalcium phosphateTechnically pure calcium-bis (dihydrogenphosphate) (Ca(H2PO4)2.xH2O)

Total phosphorus


11.11Calcium-magnesium phosphateTechnically pure calcium-magnesium phosphate



Total phosphorus

11.12Mono-ammonium phosphateTechnically pure mono-ammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4)

Total nitrogen

Total phosphorus

11.13Sodium chloride(1)Technically pure sodium chloride or product obtained by grinding natural sources of sodium chloride, such as (rock) and (marine) saltSodium
11.14Magnesium propionateTechnically pure magnesium propionateMagnesium
11.15Magnesium phosphateProduct consisting of technically pure (dibasic) magnesium phosphate (MgHPO4.xH2O)

Total phosphorus


11.16Sodium-calcium-magnesium phosphateProduct consisting of sodium-calcium- magnesium phosphate

Total phosphorus


Calcium Sodium

11.17Mono-sodium phosphateTechnically pure mono-sodium phosphate (NaH2PO.H2O)

Total phosphorus


11.18Sodium bicarbonateTechnically pure sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)Sodium

The name may be amended or supplemented to specify the agri-food process from which the feed material was obtained.


The name may be supplemented by an indication of the salt obtained.

12.01Bakery and pasta products and by-products(1)Product or by-product obtained from the manufacture of bread, including fine bakers' wares, biscuits or pasta


Total sugar calculated as sucrose

12.02Confectionery products and by-products(1)Product or by-product obtained from the manufacture of confectionery including chocolateTotal sugar calculated as sucrose
12.03Products and by-products of pastry and ice-cream making(1)Product or by-product obtained from the manufacture of pastry, cakes or ice-cream


Total sugar expressed as sucrose


12.04Fatty acidsBy-product obtained during the deacidification, by means of lye or by distillation of oils and fats of unspecified vegetable or animal origin


Moisture, if >1%

12.05Salts of fatty acids(2)Product obtained by saponification of fatty acids with calcium, sodium or potassium hydroxide


Ca (or Na or K, when appropriate)

Part IIIOther Feed Materials

Feed materialCompulsory declaration
1.Cereal grains
2.Products and by-products of cereal grains

Starch, if >20%

Protein, if >10%

Fat, if >5%


3.Oil seeds, oil fruits
4.Products and by-products of oil seeds, oil fruits

Protein, if >10%

Fat, if >5%


5.Legume seeds
6.Products and by-products of legume seeds

Protein, if >10%


7.Tubers, roots
8.Products and by-products of tubers and roots



Ash insoluble in HC1, if >3.5%

9.Other products and by-products of the sugar beet processing industry

Fibre, if >15%

Total sugar, calculated as sucrose

Ash insoluble in HC1, if >3.5%

10.Other seeds and fruits, their products and by-products



Fat, if >10%

11.Forages and roughage

Protein, if >10%


12.Other plants, their products and by-products

Protein, if >10%


13.Products and by-products of the sugar cane processing industry

Fibre, if >15%

Total sugar calculated as sucrose

14.Milk products and by-products


Moisture, if >5%

Lactose, if >10%

15.Land animal products

Protein, if >10%

Fat, if >5%

Moisture, if >8%

16.Fish, other marine animals, their products and by-products

Protein, if >10%

Fat, if >5%

Moisture, if >8%

17.MineralsRelevant minerals

Protein, if >10%


Fat, if >10%

Starch, if >30%

Total sugar, calculated as sucrose, if >10%

Regulation 11

SCHEDULE 3Permitted additives and provisions relating to their use

1.  In this Schedule “material” means “material intended for use as a feeding stuff”, and any reference to a numbered Part is a reference to the Part bearing that number in the Table to this Schedule.

2.  No material shall contain any added antioxidant named or described in columns 2 and 3 of Part I unless, taking into account any such antioxidant which is naturally present, the maximum content (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 4 of that Part is not exceeded.

3.  No material shall contain any added colourant named or described in columns 2 and 3 of Part II unless—

(a)the material is intended for a species or category of animal listed opposite the colourant in question in column 4 of that Part;

(b)taking into account any such colourant as is naturally present, the maximum content (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 5 of that Part is not exceeded; and

(c)the material complies with the conditions (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 6 of that Part.

4.  No material shall contain any added emulsifier, stabiliser, thickener or gelling agent named or described in column 2 of Chapter B of Part III unless—

(a)that material is intended for a species or category of animal listed opposite the substance in question in column 3 of that Chapter;

(b)taking into account any such substance which is naturally present, the maximum content (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 4 of that Chapter is not exceeded; and

(c)the material complies with any conditions specified in relation thereto in column 5 of that Chapter.

5.—(1) Any material may contain any added vitamin (not being vitamin A, D2 or D3) or any pro-vitamin or chemically well defined substance having a similar effect.

(2) No material may contain any added vitamin A, D2 or D3 unless—

(a)the material is for a species or category of animal listed opposite the vitamin in question in column 3 of Part IV;

(b)taking into account any such vitamin as is naturally present, the maximum content (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 4 of that Part is not exceeded; and

(c)the material complies with the conditions (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 5 of that Part.

6.—(1) No material shall contain any added trace element identified in column 2 of Part V and coming from a source specified in relation to it in columns 3 and 4 of Part V in proportions which, taking into account of any such trace element which is naturally present, exceed the maximum content specified in relation thereto in column 6 of that Part.

(2) No material shall contain any added trace element so identified, from a source so specified, unless the material is for a species or category of animal listed opposite the source in question in column 5 of that Part.

(3) No material shall contain any added trace element so identified and from a source so specified which does not comply with the conditions (if any) specified in respect of that source in column 7 of that Part.

7.  No material shall contain—

(a)any added aromatic or appetising substance named or described in column 2 of Part VI (or, as the case may be, columns 2 and 3 of that Part) which, taking account of any such substance which is naturally present, exceeds the maximum content (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 6 of that Part; or

(b)any added aromatic or appetising substance so named or described unless the material is for a species or category of animal listed opposite the substance in question in column 4 of that Part and the animal concerned is of an age no greater than that (if any) specified in column 5 of that Part.

8.—(1) No material shall contain any added preservative named or described in columns 2 and 3 of Chapter A of Part VII, unless the material complies with the conditions (if any) specified in relation thereto in column 4 of that Chapter.

(2) No material shall contain any added preservative specified in columns 2 and 3 of Chapter B of Part VII which, taking into account any such preservative which is naturally present, exceeds, the maximum content specified in relation thereto in column 5.

(3) No material shall contain any added preservative specified in columns 2 and 3 of Chapter B of Part VII unless the material is for a species or category of animal listed opposite the preservative in question in column 4 of that Chapter, and is used in accordance with the specifications, if any, laid down in respect of it in columns 5 to 7 thereof.

9.  No material shall contain any acidity regulator, except that material intended for use as a pet food for dogs or cats may contain any of the acidity regulators named in Part VIII.

10.  Unless otherwise stated, any maximum or minimum specified for the content in any feeding stuff of any additive, in the relevant Part of Parts I to VIII(8), or in the relevant European Community Regulation specified in Part IX(8), is so specified by reference to a complete feeding stuff with a moisture content of 12%.

11.  The second paragraph of Article 9q1 of the Additives Directive shall have effect in relation to any additive covered by a European Community Regulation specified in Part IX.

TableAdditives controlled by the additives directive

Part IPermitted Antioxidants(1)

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
EEC No.Name or DescriptionChemical FormulaMaximum content (mg/kg in complete feeding stuff)Conditions

Note also that certain antioxidants are permitted by virtue of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2316/98 as referred to in Part IX of this Table

E300L-Ascorbic acidC6H8O6All feeding stuffs
E301Sodium L-ascorbateC6H7O6NaAll feeding stuffs
E302Calcium Di(L-ascorbate)C12H14O12Ca. 2H2OAll feeding stuffs
E3035,6 Diacetyl-L-ascorbic acidC10H12O5All feeding stuffs
E3046-Palmitoyl-L-ascorbic acidC22H38O7All feeding stuffs
E306Tocopherol-rich extracts of natural originAll feeding stuffs
E307Synthetic alpha-tocopherolC29H50O2All feeding stuffs
E308Synthetic gamma-tocopherolC28H48O2All feeding stuffs
E309Synthetic delta-tocopherolC27H46O2All feeding stuffs
E310Propyl gallateC10H12O5100 alone or togetherAll feeding stuffs
E311Octyle gallateC15H22O5100 alone or togetherAll feeding stuffs
E312Dodecyl gallateC19H30O5100 alone or togetherAll feeding stuffs

Part IIPermitted Colourants

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6
EEC No.Name or DescriptionChemical formula, descriptionKind of animal permittedMaximum content (mg/kg in complete feedingstuffs)Conditions

1.  Carotenoids and xanthophylls:

E160cCapsanthinC40H56O3Poultry80 (alone or with the other carotenoids and xanthophylls)
E160eBeta-apo-8'-carotenalC30H40OPoultry80 (alone or with the other carotenoids and xanthophylls)
E160fEthyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acidC32H44O2Poultry80 (alone or with the other carotenoids and xanthophylls)
E161bLuteinC40H56O2Poultry80 (alone or with the other carotenoids and xanthophylls)
E161cCryptoxanthinC40H56OPoultry80 (alone or with the other carotenoids and xanthophylls)


(b)Salmon, trout

80Use permitted from the age of 6 months onwards. The mixture of canthaxanthin with astaxanthin is allowed provided that the total concentration of the mixture does not exceed 100 mg/kg in the complete feeding stuff

(c)Dogs, cats and ornamental fish

E161hZeaxanthinC40H56O2Poultry80 (alone or with other carotenoids and xanthophylls)
E161iCitranaxanthinC33H44OLaying hens80 (alone or with other carotenoids and xanthophylls)

(a)Salmon, trout

100Use only permitted from the age of 6 months onwards. The mixture of astaxanthin with canthaxanthin is allowed provided that the total concentration of the mixture does not exceed 100 mg/kg in the complete feeding stuff

(b)Ornamental fish

2.  Other colourants:

E102TartrazineC16H9N4Na3O9S2Ornamental fish
E110Sunset yellow FCFC16H10N2Na2O7S2Ornamental fish
E124Ponceau 4RC20H11N2Na3O10S3Ornamental fish
E127ErythrosineC20H6I4Na2O5.H2OOrnamental fish
E131Patent Blue VCalcium salt of the disulphonic acid of m-hydroxytetra ethyl diamino triphenylcarbinol anhydride

(a)All species or categories of animals with the exception of dogs and cats

Permitted in animal feedingstuffs only in products processed from: (i) waste products of foodstuffs, (ii) denatured cereals of manioc flour, or (iii) other base substances denatured by means of these agents or coloured during technical preparation to ensure the necessary identification during manufacture

(b)Dogs and cats

E132IndigotineC16H8N2Na2O8S2Ornamental fish
E141Chlorophyll copper complexOrnamental fish
E142Acid Brilliant Green BS, (Lissamine Green)Sodium salt of 4,4'-bis (dimethylamino) diphenylmethy- lene-2-naphthol- 3,6-disulphonic acid

(a)All species or categories of animals with the exception of dogs, cats and ornamental fish

Permitted in animal feeding stuffs only in products processed from: (i) waste products of foodstuffs, (ii) denatured cereals or manioc flour, or (iii) other base substances denatured by means of these agents or coloured during technical preparation to ensure the necessary identification during manufacture

(b)Dogs, cats and ornamental fish

E153Carbon blackCOrnamental fish
E160BBixinC25H30O4Ornamental fish
E172Iron oxide, redFe2O3Ornamental fish

3.  All colourants (other than Patent Blue V and Acid Brilliant Green BS) at present permitted for use in human food by European Community legislation as implemented by Regulations made under the Food Safety Act (Northern Ireland) 1991(9)

(a)All species or categories of animals with the exception of dogs and cats

Permitted in animal feeding-stuffs only in products processed from:


waste products of foodstuffs, or


other base substances, with the exception of cereals and manioc flour, denatured by means of these agents or coloured during technical preparation to ensure the necessary identification during manufacture

(b)Dogs and cats

Part IIIPermitted emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners and gelling agents

Chapter A

EEC No.Name or descriptionConditions
E322LecithinsAll feeding stuffs
E400Alginic acidAll feeding stuffs
E401Sodium alginateAll feeding stuffs
E402Potassium alginateAll feeding stuffs
E404Calcium alginateAll feeding stuffs
E405Propylene glycol alginate (propan-1,2-diol alginate)All feeding stuffs
E406AgarAll feeding stuffs
E407CarrageenanAll feeding stuffs
E410Locust bean gum (carob gum)All feeding stuffs
E411Tamarind seed flourAll feeding stuffs
E412Guar gum (guar flour)All feeding stuffs
E413TragacanthAll feeding stuffs
E414Acacia (gum arabic)All feeding stuffs
E415Xanthan gumAll feeding stuffs
E420D-Glucitol (sorbitol)All feeding stuffs
E421MannitolAll feeding stuffs
E422GlycerolAll feeding stuffs
E440PectinsAll feeding stuffs
E460Mycrocrystalline celluloseAll feeding stuffs
E460(ii)Cellulose powderAll feeding stuffs
E461MethylcelluloseAll feeding stuffs
E462EthylcelluloseAll feeding stuffs
E463HydroxypropylcelluloseAll feeding stuffs
E464HydroxypropylmethylcelluloseAll feeding stuffs
E465EthylmethylcelluloseAll feeding stuffs
E466Carboxymethylcellulose (sodium salt of carboxymethyl ether of cellulose)All feeding stuffs
E470Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of edible fatty acids, alone or in mixtures, derived either from edible fats or distilled edible fatty acidsAll feeding stuffs
E471Monoacyl and diacylglycerols (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids)All feeding stuffs
E472Monoacyl and diacylglycerols esterified with the following acids:All feeding stuffs





(e)monoacetyltartaric and diacetyltartaric

E473Sucrose esters of fatty acids (esters of saccharose and edible fatty acids)All feeding stuffs
E474Mixture of sucrose esters of monoacyl and diacylglycerols (sucroglycerides)All feeding stuffs
E475Polyglycerol esters of non-polymerised edible fatty acidsAll feeding stuffs
E477Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids (propan-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids)All feeding stuffs
E480Stearoyl-2-lactylic acidAll feeding stuffs
E481Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylateAll feeding stuffs
E482Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylateAll feeding stuffs
E483Stearyl tartrateAll feeding stuffs
E484Glycerol poly(ethylene glycol)ricinoleateAll feeding stuffs
E486DextransAll feeding stuffs
E491Sorbitan monostearateAll feeding stuffs
E492Sorbitan tristearateAll feeding stuffs
E493Sorbitan monolaurateAll feeding stuffs
E494Sorbitan mono-oleateAll feeding stuffs
E495Sorbitan monopalmitateAll feeding stuffs
Chapter B
Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
EEC No.Name or DescriptionKind of animal PermittedMaximum Content (mg/kg in complete feeding stuff)Conditions
E403Ammonium AlginateAll species of animals except aquarium fishAll feeding stuffs
E418Gellan Gum (Polytetrasaccharide containing glucose, glucuronic acid and rhamonose (2:1:1) produced by Pseudomonas elodea (ATCC31466))Dogs, CatsNo limitFeeding stuffs with a moisture content exceeding 20%
E432Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurateAll species of animals5000 (alone or with other PolysorbatesMilk replacer feeds only
E433Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono-oleateAll species of animals5000 (alone or with other PolysorbatesMilk replacer feeds only
E434Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitateAll species of animals5000 (alone or with other PolysorbatesMilk replacer feeds only
E435Polyoxeyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearateAll species of animals5000 (alone or with other PolysorbatesMilk replacer feeds only
E436Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearateAll species of animals5000 (alone or with other PolysorbatesMilk replacer feeds only
E450b(i)Pentasodium triphosphateDogs, Cats5000All feeding stuffs
E487Polyethyleneglycol esters of fatty acids from soya oilCalves6000Milk replacer feeds only
E488Polyoxyethylated glycerides of tallow fatty acidsCalves5000Milk replacer feeds only
E489Ethers of polyglycerol and of alcohols obtained by the reduction of oleic and palmitic acidsCalves5000Milk replacer feeds only
E490Propan-1, 2-diolDairy cows Calves12000All feeding stuffs
Cattle for fattening36000All feeding stuffs
Lambs36000All feeding stuffs
Kids36000All feeding stuffs
Swine36000All feeding stuffs
Poultry36000All feeding stuffs
E496Poly(ethylene glycol) 6000All species of animals300
E497Polyoxypropylene- polyoxyethylene polymers (M.W. 6800-9000)All species of animals50All feeding stuffs
E498Partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of caster oil (polyglycerol polyricinoleate)DogsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E499Cassia GumDogs, Cats17600Feeding stuffs with a moisture content exceeding 20%

Part IVVitamins A, D2 AND D3

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
EEC No.VitaminKind of animal permittedMaximum content (international units per kilogram in complete feeding stuff) or of the daily rationConditions
E672AChickens for fattening13500All feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs for young animals
Ducks for fattening13500All feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs for young animals
Turkeys for fattening13500All feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs for young animals
Lambs for fattening13500All feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs for young animals
Pigs for fattening13500All feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs for young animals
Bovines for fattening13500All feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs for young animals
Calves for fattening25000Only milk replacers
Other species of animalsAll feeding stuffs
Piglets10000In milk replacer feeds onlySimultaneous use of Vitamin D2 and D3 prohibited
Calves10000In milk replacer feeds onlySimultaneous use of Vitamin D2 and D3 prohibited
Lambs10000In milk replacer feeds onlySimultaneous use of Vitamin D2 and D3 prohibited
Other species of animals except poultry and fish2000
Piglets10000In milk replacer feeds onlyVitamin D2 and D3 prohibited
Calves10000In milk replacer feeds onlySimultaneous use of Vitamin D2 and D3 prohibited
Lambs10000In milk replacer feeds onlySimultaneous use of Vitamin D2 and D3 prohibited
Chickens for fattening5000
Other poultry3000
Other species of animals2000

Part VTrace Elements(1)

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7
EEC No.ElementName of AdditiveChemical FormulaKind of Animal PermittedMaximum content of the element mg/kg in complete feeding stuffsConditions

Note also that certain trace elements are permitted by virtue of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2316/98 as referred to in Part IX of this Table

E1Iron-FeFerrous carbonateFeCO3all animals1250 (total)
Ferrous chloride, tetrahydrateFeCl2.4H2Oall animals1250 (total)
Ferric chloride, hexahydrateFeCl3.6H2Oall animals1250 (total)
Ferrous citrate, hexahydrateFe3(C6H5O7)2.6H2Oall animals1250 (total)
Ferrous fumarateFeC4H2O4all animals1250 (total)
Ferrous lactate, trihydrateFe(C3H5O3)2.3H2Oall animals1250 (total)
Ferric oxideFe2O3all animals1250 (total)
Ferrous sulphate, monohydrateFeSO4.H2O1250 (total)



in denatured skimmed milk powder and in compound feeding stuffs manufactured from denatured skimmed milk powder:

  • subject to the mandatory provisions of Commission Regulations (EEC) No. 368/77 and (EEC) No. 443/77.

  • declaration of the amount of iron added, expressed as the element, on the label or package or container of denatured skimmed milk powder.


    in compound feeding stuffs other than those listed under (i).

Ferrous sulphate, hepta-hydrateFeSO4.7H2Oall animals1250 (total)



in denatured skimmed milk and in compound feeding stuffs manufactured from denatured skimmed milk powder:

  • subject to the mandatory provisions of Commission Regulations (EEC) No. 368/77 and (EEC) No. 443/77.

  • declaration of the amount of iron added, expressed as the element, on the label or package or container of denatured skimmed milk powder.


    in compound feeding stuffs other than those listed under (i).

Ferrous Chelate of Amino Acids hydrateFe(x) 1-3.nH2O (where (x) equals an anion of any amino acid derived from hydrolysed Soya Protein) Molecular weight not exceeding 1500all animals
E2Iodine-ICalcium iodate, hexahydrateCa(IO3)2.6H2Oequines: fish; other species of animals4 (total):
Calcium iodate, anhydrousCa(IO3)2equines: fish; other species of animals20 (total)
Sodium iodideNaIequines: fish; other species of animals10 (total)
Potassium iodideKIequines: fish; other species of animals
E3Cobalt-CoCobaltous acetate, tetrahydrateCo(CH3COO)2.4H2Oall animals10 (total)
Basic cobaltous carbonate, monohydrate2CoCO3.3Co(OH)2.H2Oall animals10 (total)
Cobaltous chloride, hexahydrateCoCl2.6H2Oall animals10 (total)
Cobaltous sulphate, heptahydrateCoSO4.7H2Oall animals10 (total)
Cobaltous sulphate, monohydrateCoSO4.H2Oall animals10 (total)
Cobaltous nitrate, hexahydrateCo(NO3)2.6H2Oall animals10 (total)

Cupric acetate, monohydrate

Basic cupric carbonate, monohydrate

Cupric chloride, dihydrate

Cupric methionate

Cupric oxide

Cupric sulphate, pentahydrate







Pigs for fattening:

— up to 16 weeks

— from 17th week to six months

— over six months

Breeding pigs:


— milk replacers:

— other complete feeding stuffs:


Other species of animals:

175 (total)

100 (total)

35 (total)

35 (total)

30 (total)

50 (total)

15 (total)

35 (total)

Cupric sulphate, monohydrate

Cupric sulphate, pentahydrate



Pigs for fattening:

— up 16 weeks

— from 17th week to six months

— over six months

Breeding pigs:


Other species of animals with the exception of calves:

175 (total)

100 (total)

35 (total)

35 (total)

15 (total)

35 (total)

Denatured skimmed milk powder and compound feeding stuffs manufactured from denatured skimmed milk powder:

— Subject to the relevant provisions of Commission Regulations (EEC) No. 368/77 and (EEC) No. 443/77.

— Declaration of the amount of copper added, expressed as the element on the label or package or the container of denatured skimmed milk powder.

Manganese-MnManganous carbonateMnCO3all animals250 (total)
Manganous chloride, tetrahydrateMnCl2.4H2Oall animals250 (total)
Manganous hydrogen phosphate, trihydrateMnHPO4.3H2Oall animals250 (total)
Manganous oxideMnOall animals250 (total)
Manganic oxideMn2O3all animals250 (total)
Manganous sulphate, tetrahydrateMnSO4.4H2Oall animals250 (total)
Manganous sulphate, monohydrateMnSO4.H2Oall animals250 (total)
E6Zinc-ZnZinc lactate, trihydrateZn(C3H5O3)2.3H2Oall animals250 (total)
Zinc acetate, dihydrateZn(CH3.COO)2.2H2Oall animals250 (total)
Zinc carbonateZnCO3all animals250 (total)
Zinc chloride, monohydrateZnCl2.H2Oall animals250 (total)
Zinc oxideZnOall animals250 (total)Maximum content of lead 600 mg/kg
Zinc sulphate, heptahydrateZnSO4.7H2Oall animals250 (total)
Zinc sulphate, monohydrateZnSO4.H2Oall animals250 (total)
E7Molybdenum-MoAmmonium molybdate(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2Oall animals2.5 (total)
Sodium molybdateNa2MoO4.2H2Oall animals
E8Selenium-SeSodium seleniteNa2SeO3all animals0.5 (total)
Sodium selenateNa2SeO4all animals0.5 (total)

Part VIAromatic and appetising substances

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6
EEC No.AdditivesChemical FormulaSpecies or category of animal permittedMaximum ageMaximum contents mg/kg of complete feeding stuff

1.  All natural products and corresponding synthetic products

2.  Artificial substances:

All animals
E954(i)SaccharinC7H5NO3SPigletsFour months150
E954(ii)Calcium saccharinC14H8CaN2O6S2PigletsFour months150
E954(iii)Sodium saccharinC7H4NNaO3SPigletsFour months150
E959Neohesperidine dihydrochalconeC28H36O15PigletsFour months35

Part VIIPermitted Preservatives(1)

Chapter A

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
EEC No.Name or DescriptionChemical FormulaConditions
E200Sorbic acidC6H8O2All feeding stuffs
E201Sodium sorbateC6H7O2NaAll feeding stuffs
E202Potassium sorbateC6H7O2KAll feeding stuffs
E203Calcium sorbateC12H14O4CaAll feeding stuffs
E237Sodium formateCHO2NaAll feeding stuffs
E238Calcium formateC2H2O4CaAll feeding stuffs
E260Acetic acidC2H4O2All feeding stuffs
E261Potassium acetateC2H3O2KAll feeding stuffs
E262Sodium diacetateC4H7O4NaAll feeding stuffs
E263Calcium acetateC4H6O4CaAll feeding stuffs
E270Lactic acidC3H6O3All feeding stuffs
E280Propionic acidC3H6O2All feeding stuffs
E281Sodium propionateC3H5O2NaAll feeding stuffs
E282Calcium propionateC6H10O4CaAll feeding stuffs
E283Potassium propionateC3H5O2KAll feeding stuffs
E284Ammonium propionateC3H9O2NAll feeding stuffs
E295Ammonium formateCH5O2NAll feeding stuffs
E296DL-Malic acidC4H6O5All feeding stuffs
E297Fulmaric acidC4H4O4All feeding stuffs
E325Sodium lactateC3H5O3NaAll feeding stuffs
E326Potassium lactateC3H5O3KAll feeding stuffs
E327Calcium lactateC6H10O6CaAll feeding stuffs
E330Citric acidC6H8O7All feeding stuffs
E331Sodium citratesAll feeding stuffs
E332Potassium citratesAll feeding stuffs
E333Calcium citratesAll feeding stuffs
E334L-Tartaric acidC4H6O6All feeding stuffs
E335Sodium L-tartratesAll feeding stuffs
E336Potassium L-tartratesAll feeding stuffs
E337Potassium sodium L-tartrateC4H4O6KNa.4H2OAll feeding stuffs
E338Orthophosphoric acidH3PO4All feeding stuffs
E507Hydrochloric acidHClfor use in silage only
E513Sulphuric acidH2SO4for use in silage only

Chapter B

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7
EEC No.Name or DescriptionChemical formulaKind of animal permittedMaximum content (mg/kg in complete feeding stuff)Minimum content (mg/kg in complete feeding stuff)Conditions

Note also that one preservative is permitted by virtue of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1594/1999 as referred to in Part IX of this Table.

E222Sodium hydrogensulphite (Sodium bisulphite)NaHSO3Dogs and Cats500 alone or together expressed as SO2All feeding stuffs except unprocessed meat and fish
E223Disodium disulphite (Sodium metabisulphite)Na2S2O5Dogs and Cats500 alone or together expressed as SO2All feeding stuffs except unprocessed meat and fish
E250Sodium nitriteNaNO2Dogs and Cats100 (feeding stuffs with a moisture content exceeding 20% only)
E214Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoateC9H10O3Pet animalsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E215Sodium ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoateC9H9O3NaPet animalsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E216Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoateC10H12O3Pet animalsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E217Sodium propyl 4-hydroxybenzoateC10H11O3NaPet animalsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E218Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoateC8H8O3Pet animalsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E219Sodium methyl 4-hydroxybenzoateC8H7O3NaPet animalsNo limitAll feeding stuffs
E490Propan- 1, 2-diolC3H8O2Dogs53,000All feeding stuffs
E240FormaldehydeCH2OAll species of animals Pigs up to the age of six monthsNo limit (for silage only) 600 (skimmed milk only)
E285Methylpropionic acidC4H8O2Ruminants at the beginning of rumination4,0001,000

Part VIIIPermitted acidity regulators for pet foods for dogs and cats

Column 1Column 2
EEC No.Additive
E170Calcium carbonate
E296DL- and L-Malic acid
Ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate
Diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate
E339(i)Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate
E339(ii)Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate
E339(iii)Trisodium orthophosphate
E340(i)Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate
E340(ii)Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate
E340(iii)Tripotassium orthophosphate
E341(i)Calcium tetrahydrogen diorthophosphate
E341(ii)Calcium hydrogen orthophosphate
E350(i)Sodium malate (Salt of DL- or L-Malic acid)
E450(a)(i)Disodium dihydrogen diphosphate
E450(a)(iii)Tetrasodium diphosphate
E450(a)(iv)Tetrapotassium diphosphate
E450(b)(i)Pentasodium triphosphate
E450(b)(ii)Pentapotassium triphosphate
E500(i)Sodium carbonate
E500(ii)Sodium hydrogen carbonate
E500(iii)Sodium sesquicarbonate
E501(ii)Potassium hydrogen carbonate
E503(i)Ammonium carbonate
E503(ii)Ammonium hydrogen carbonate
E507Hydrochloric acid
E510Ammonium chloride
E513Sulphuric acid
E524Sodium hydroxide
E525Potassium hydroxide
E526Calcium hydroxide
E529Calcium oxide
E540Dicalcium diphosphate

Part IXEuropean Community Regulations by which additives are controlled(10)

  • Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2316/98 concerning authorisation of new additives and amending the conditions for authorisation of a number of additives already authorised in feeding stuffs(11)

  • Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2785/98 concerning the modification of the period of authorisation of additives referred to in Article 9(e)(3) of Council Directive 70/524/EEC(12)

  • Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1594/1999 amending the conditions for the authorisation of an additive in feeding stuffs(13)

  • Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2439/1999 on the conditions for authorisation of additives belonging to the group “binders, anti-caking agents and coagulants” in feeding stuffs(14)

  • Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1353/2000 concerning the permanent authorisation of an additive and the provisional authorisation of new additives, new additive uses and new preparations in feeding stuffs(15)

Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 4Contents of the statutory statement or other declaration (except for additives and premixtures not contained in feeding stuffs)

Part I

1.—(1) In the case of any feeding stuff, the name or trade name and address or registered office of the person responsible for the accuracy of the particulars referred to in this Schedule shall be contained in the statutory statement.

(2) The following particulars may be contained in the statutory statement—

(a)the identification mark or trade mark of the person responsible for the particulars referred to in this Schedule;

(b)the description or trade name of the material;

(c)the price of the material; and

(d)the country of origin or manufacture of the material.

2.  Where any person sells, or otherwise puts into circulation, any feeding stuff to which there has been added in the course of manufacture or preparation for putting into circulation, an authorised additive of any of the kinds specified below (other than as an authorised intermediate product or an authorised medicated premix) and which is not excluded from application of the Additives Directive by Article 22 of that Directive, the following particulars shall be contained in the statutory statement—

(a)for antioxidants, colourants or preservatives—

(i)if the feeding stuff is a compound feeding stuff other than a pet food, the name of the additive;

(ii)if the feeding stuff is a pet food and it is not covered by paragraph (iii), the words “with antioxidant”, “coloured with” or “colourant”, or “preservative” or “preserved with”, as appropriate, followed by the name of the additive; and

(iii)if the feeding stuff is a pet food, it is put up in a package having a net weight not exceeding 10 kilograms, its statutory statement contains a reference number by means of which the feeding stuff concerned may be identified, and its manufacturer supplies, on request, details of the name of the additive concerned,—

(aa)the particulars specified in paragraph (ii), or

(bb)the words “with antioxidant”, “coloured with” or “preserved with”, as appropriate, followed by (or by an appropriate extract from) the words “contains EEC permitted antioxidant(s) and colourant(s) and preservatives”;

(b)for vitamin A, D or E, the name of the vitamin, and the active substance level (in the case of vitamin A or D) or the alpha-tocopherol level as acetate (in the case of vitamin E), whether naturally present or added, together in either case with an indication of the period during which that level will remain present but where more than one of these vitamins is present, either the period for each or only the shortest of such periods;

(c)for copper, the name of the additive and the total level of the element, whether naturally present or added;

(d)for enzymes—

(i)the names of the active constituents according to their enzymatic activities, as specified in the authorisation concerned;

(ii)the identification number allotted by the International Union of Biochemistry;

(iii)the activity units (expressed as activity units per kilogram or activity units per litre);

(iv)an indication of the period during which the activity units will remain present;

(v)an indication of any significant characteristics of the enzyme arising during manufacture, as specified in the authorisation concerned; and

(vi)the EC registration number;

(e)for micro-organisms—

(i)the identification of each strain, in accordance with the authorisation;

(ii)the file number of each strain;

(iii)the number of colony-forming units (expressed as CFU/kg);

(iv)the EC registration number;

(v)an indication of the period during which the colony-forming units will remain present; and

(vi)an indication of any significant characteristics of the micro-organisms arising during manufacture, as specified in the authorisation concerned;

3.  In relation to the additives specified below, the following particulars may be contained in the statutory statement in addition to those required by paragraph 2—

(a)for trace elements other than copper (if the amount present can be determined by the method of analysis specified in Point 3 of the Annex to Directive 78/633/EEC(16) or by some other valid scientific method), the name of the additive and the total level of the element, whether naturally present or added; and

(b)for vitamins other than vitamins A, D and E, provitamins and substances having a similar chemical effect (if the amount present can be determined by any valid scientific method), the name of the additive, the active substance level, whether naturally present or added, and an indication of the period during which that level will remain present.

4.  Any amount referred to—

(a)in paragraph 2(c), (3)(a) or 3(b) shall be expressed in milligrams per kilogram; and

(b)in paragraph 2(b) shall be expressed in million international units per kilogram, international units per kilogram, milligrams per kilogram or micrograms per kilogram, as appropriate.

5.  By way of exception to paragraph 4(a), any amount referred to in paragraph 2(c), 3(a) or 3(b) may be expressed as a percentage by weight, unless the amount is less than 0.1% by weight, in which case it shall be expressed in milligrams per kilogram or micrograms per kilogram as appropriate.

6.  The particulars required or permitted by paragraphs 2 or 3 to be included in the statutory statement may be accompanied (in the case of any additive not being an enzyme or a micro-organism) by the trade name or the EC registration number of any additive named therein.

7.  Subject to paragraphs 8 to 11, in the case of any feed material which is sold, or otherwise put into circulation, by any person, the following particulars shall be contained in the statutory statement—

(a)in the case of any feed material of a kind specified in column (3) of Part II to Schedule 2—

(i)the corresponding name specified in column (2) of that Part (the inclusion of any word appearing in brackets in that column being optional); and

(ii)the particulars (if any) specified in relation to the feed material in the corresponding entry in column (4) of that Part;

(b)in the case of any feed material of a kind specified in column (1) of Part III to Schedule 2—

(i)its name or description there specified, or a name and description (other than one specified in that column, or in column (2) of Part II to that Schedule) sufficiently specific to indicate the nature of the material, and in conformity with the criteria specified in the Introductory Notes to Part II to that Schedule; and

(ii)the particulars specified in relation to the feed material in the corresponding entry in column (2) of Part III to that Schedule;

(c)in the case of any feed material—

(i)subject to regulation 5(5) as read with Article 6.4 of the Feed Materials Directive and the requirements of Article 8(b) of that Directive, which shall be observed where applicable, the words “feed material”;

(ii)the moisture content of the feed material, if it exceeds 14% by weight of the feed material or, where a different percentage is specified in relation to that feed material in Part II or Part III to Schedule 2, if it exceeds that percentage;

(iii)the moisture content of the feed material, where it does not exceed the relevant percentage specified in paragraph (ii), but a purchaser requests that the moisture content be declared;

(iv)the level of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid in the feed material, if that level exceeds 2.2% in the dry matter or, where a different percentage is specified in relation to that feed material in Part II or Part III to Schedule 2, if it exceeds that percentage;

(v)where any other feed material has been used to denature the feed material, the nature and quantity of the other feed material so used;

(vi)where any other feed material has been used to bind the feed material, the nature of the other feed material so used;

(vii)the net quantity of the feed material, expressed in units of mass in the case of any solid feed material and, in the case of any liquid feed material, in units of mass or volume;

(viii)where the feed material is part of a divided batch of feed materials, reference to the original batch; and

(ix)the name or business name, and the address or registered business address, of the person within the European Community responsible for the particulars specified in this sub-paragraph.

8.  The particulars specified in paragraph 7(a)(ii) and (b)(ii) and (c)(ii) to (iv) shall not be required where—

(a)before the feed material concerned is supplied, the person to whom it is supplied notifies the supplier in writing that those particulars need not be supplied, or

(b)any feed material of animal or vegetable origin, fresh or preserved, and intended for pet animals, is supplied (in a quantity not exceeding 10 kg) directly to the final user thereof, by a person established in the United Kingdom.

9.—(1) In the case of any feed material which—

(a)originated in a country other than a member State or the United Kingdom, and

(b)is, for the first time, put into circulation in Northern Ireland and the European Community,

in the circumstances specified in the introductory paragraph of Article 6.2 of the Feed Materials Directive, provisional details of the particulars specified in paragraph 7(a)(ii), (b)(ii) and (c)(ii) to (iv) may be provided, if the requirements of sub-paragraph (2) are observed.

(2) The requirements of this sub-paragraph are observed if—

(a)the person responsible for giving those particulars gives notification in advance, of the impending arrival of the feed material in Northern Ireland, to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development;

(b)the provisional details are accompanied by the following declaration in bold type—

provisional data to be confirmed by ... ... ... ...(name and address of the laboratory instructed to carry out the analyses) regarding ... ... ... ... (reference number of the sample to be analysed) before ... ... ... ... date; and

(c)the person responsible as aforesaid provides the final particulars in question to the person to whom the feed material is supplied, and to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development within 10 days of its arrival in Northern Ireland;

(3) Where the requirements of sub-paragraph (2) are observed, it shall be the duty of the inspector concerned to notify the European Commission that, in relation to the feed material concerned, the provisional particulars concerned have been provided, and to inform the Commission of the nature of those particulars.

10.—(1) The particulars specified in paragraph 7 shall not be required in the case of any feed material of animal or vegetable origin, in its natural state, fresh or preserved, and which is not treated with an additive other than any preservative, if the feed material is provided by a farmer-producer to a breeder-user, both of whom carry on business in the United Kingdom.

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, “farmer-producer” and “breeder-user” shall have the same meanings as in the Feed Materials Directive.

11.—(1) The particulars specified in paragraph 7(a)(ii), (b)(ii), and (c)(ii) to (vii) shall not be required in the case of any feed material which is a by-product of vegetable or animal origin derived from agro-industrial processing, and which has a moisture content greater than 50%.

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, “agro-industrial processing” shall have the same meaning as in the Feed Materials Directive.

12.—(1) Where any person sells, or otherwise puts into circulation, any feed material comprising protein derived from mammalian tissue but containing no mammalian meat and bone meal, and intended for animals other than pet animals, the statutory statement shall contain the declaration specified in sub-paragraph (2).

(2) The declaration referred to in sub-paragraph (1) is—

  • This feed material comprises protein derived from mammalian tissue the feeding of which to ruminants is prohibited.

13.  Where any person sells, or otherwise puts into circulation, any feed material comprising or containing mammalian meat and bone meal, and intended for animals other than pet animals, the statutory statement shall contain the following declaration—

  • This feed material comprises protein derived from mammalian tissue the feeding of which to ruminants, all other categories of farmed creatures and equine animals is prohibited.

14.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of any compound feeding stuff, the following particulars shall be contained in the statutory statement—

(a)the description “complete feeding stuff”, “complementary feeding stuff”, “mineral feeding stuff”, “molassed feeding stuff”, “complete milk replacer feed” or “complementary milk replacer feed” as appropriate;

(b)save where the feeding stuff is constituted from no more than three feed materials, and is clearly described by reference to its feed materials, either in the statutory statement or elsewhere on its package, label or container, the species or category of animal for which the feeding stuff is intended, and directions for the proper use of the feeding stuff, indicating the purpose for which it is intended; and

(c)as from 1st April 2001, the approval number allocated, in accordance with Article 5 of the Establishments Directive, to the establishment which manufactured the compound feeding stuff.

(2) In the case of—

(a)any pet food, the descriptions “complete pet food” and “complementary pet food” may be used instead of “complete feeding stuff” and “complementary feeding stuff” respectively; and

(b)any feeding stuff for pet animals other than dogs or cats, each of the descriptions “complete feeding stuff” and “complementary feeding stuff” may be replaced by either of the descriptions “compound feeding stuff” or “compound pet food”, but in such a case the statutory statement shall comply with paragraph 16 and the provisions relating to complete feeding stuffs in Part II of this Schedule even if it would not otherwise be required to do so.

15.  In the case of any compound feeding stuff, the following particulars shall be declared either in the statutory statement, or elsewhere on the package, label or container (in which case the statutory statement shall indicate where they are to be found)—

(a)the net quantity, expressed in the case of solid products in units of mass, and in the case of liquid products in units of mass or volume;

(b)the minimum storage life, which shall be expressed—

(i)in the case of microbiologically highly perishable feeding stuffs, by the words “use before . . .” followed by the appropriate date (day, month and year), and

(ii)in all other cases by the words “best before . . .” followed by the appropraite date (month and year),

except that, where an expiry date for a period is required to be declared by paragraph 2(b) or 3(b), and is earlier than the appropriate date otherwise required by this paragraph, that expiry date shall be used as the appropriate date; and

(c)the batch number if the date of manufacture is not declared.

16.—(1) In the case of any compound feeding stuff other than a whole grain mix, the statutory statement—

(a)shall include such declarations of the matters provided for in the columns of Part II of this Schedule, as must be included; and

(b)may include such declarations provided for in the columns of Part II of this Schedule, as may be included,

for consistency with Article 5 of the Compound Feeding Stuffs Directive.

(2) In the case of a whole grain mix, the statutory statement may include such of the declarations provided for in the columns of Part II of this Schedule, as may be included for consistency with Article 5 of the Compound Feeding Stuffs Directive.

17.—(1) In the case of any compound feeding stuff other than a whole grain mix, the moisture content shall be declared in the statutory statement if it exceeds the following levels—

milk replacer feeds and other compound feeding stuffs with a milk product content exceeding 40%7%
mineral feeding stuffs containing no organic substances5%
mineral feeding stuffs containing organic substances10%
other compound feeding stuffs14%

(2) In the case of a whole grain mix, or a compound feeding stuff with a moisture content not exceeding the limits stated in sub-paragraph (1), the moisture content may be declared in the statutory statement.

18.—(1) In the case of any compound feeding stuff for dogs or cats, all the feed materials shall be declared in the statutory statement.

(2) In the case of any compound feeding stuff for pet animals other than dogs and cats, the feed materials may be declared in the statutory statement, and in such case all the feed materials shall be declared.

(3) Subject to paragraph 26(2) and paragraph 3 of Chapter B of Schedule 9, feed materials declared in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) or (2) shall be declared either—

(a)by their specific names, with an indication of the amount of each feed material; or

(b)by their specific names in descending order by weight; or

(c)by categories, as described in Part I of Schedule 10, in descending order by weight;

and the use of one of those forms of declaration shall preclude the use of either of the others, save-

(i)where the declaration is by categories and any feed material belongs to none of the categories described in Part I of Schedule 10, in which case that feed material, designated by its specific name, shall be listed in order by weight in relation to the categories; or

(ii)where, in the case of any feeding stuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose, paragraph 26(2) and paragraph 3 of Chapter B of Schedule 9 require the declaration of any feed material by its specific name, in which case any feed material to which those provisions do not apply may be declared by reference to the category to which it belongs.

19.—(1) Subject to paragraph 26(2) and paragraph 3 of Chapter B of Schedule 9, in the case of any compound feeding stuff for animals other than pet animals, all the feed materials shall be declared in the statutory statement in descending order of weight, either by their specific names or by the names of the categories in Part II of Schedule 10 to which they belong.

(2) The use of either of these forms of declaration shall preclude the use of the other, save—

(i)where the declaration is by categories and any feed material belongs to none of the categories described in Part II of Schedule 10, in which case that feed material, designated by its specific name, shall be listed in order by weight in relation to the categories; or

(ii)where, in the case of any feeding stuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose, paragraph 26(2) and paragraph 3 of Chapter B of Schedule 9 require the declaration of any feed material by its specific name, in which case any feed material to which those provisions do not apply may be declared by reference to the category to which it belongs.

20.  Where any declaration under paragraphs 18 or 19 is by specific names, any feed material described in column 3 of Part II of Schedule 2 shall be declared by the corresponding name specified in column 2 of that Part (the inclusion of any word appearing in brackets in that column being optional).

21.  In the case of any compound feeding stuff having a level of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid not exceeding the relevant level specified in regulation 16(1)(a) or, as the case may be, (b), that level may be declared in the statutory statement as a percentage of the feeding stuff as such.

22.  In the case of any compound feeding stuff, the following particulars may be included in the statutory statement—

(a)if the manufacturer is not the person responsible for the labelling particulars, the name or business name and the address or registered business address of the manufacturer;

(b)an indication of the physical condition of the feeding stuff or the specific processing it has undergone; and

(c)the date of manufacture, expressed as follows—

manufactured ... ... ... ... [days, months or years] before the minimum storage life expiry date indicated ... ... ... ... [place where indicated if not on statutory statement].

23.—(1) In the case of any complementary feeding stuff which contains any additive in excess of the maximum content in relation to complete feeding stuffs specified for that additive in the relevant Part of Parts I to VIII of the Table to Schedule 3 or, as the case may be, in the relevant European Community Regulation specified in Part IX of that Table, and which is not covered by Article 22 of the Additives Directive, the instructions for use in the statutory statement shall state, according to the species and age of the animal, the maximum quantity in grams or kilograms of the feeding stuff which, under these Regulations, may be given per animal per day, and shall be so formulated that, when they are correctly followed, the final content of the additive in relation to complete feeding stuffs does not exceed the maximum so specified in relation to them.

(2) Sub-paragraph (1) shall not apply to any products delivered to manufacturers of compound feeding stuffs or to their suppliers.

24.—(1) In the particulars required or permitted by paragraphs 15 to 19 and 21 to be set out in the statutory statement—

(a)unless the paragraph in question specifies some other method of expression, the amounts shown shall be expressed in each case as a percentage of the weight of the feeding stuff; and

(b)phosphorus shall be expressed as “phosphorus P”.

(2) An expression of an amount as being within a range of percentages set out in the statutory statement shall not be regarded as compliance with sub-paragraph (1).

25.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of any compound pet food, or of any feeding stuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose for animals other than pet animals, particular attention may be drawn in the statutory statement, or elsewhere on the package, label or container, to the presence or low content of one or more feed materials which are essential aspects of the characteristics of the feeding stuff.

(2) Where particular attention is drawn to the presence or low content of any feed material, as permitted by sub-paragraph (1), the minimum or maximum content, expressed in terms of the percentage by weight of that feed material shall be clearly indicated—

(a)opposite the statement which draws attention to that presence or low content;

(b)in the list of feed materials; or

(c)by mentioning that presence or low content and the percentage thereof (by weight) opposite the corresponding category of feed materials.

26.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of any feeding stuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose, the following particulars shall be contained in the statutory statement—

(a)the term “dietetic”;

(b)a description of the feeding stuff;

(c)the particular nutritional purpose of the feeding stuff, as specified in column 1 of Chapter A of Schedule 9;

(d)the essential nutritional characteristics of the feeding stuff, as specified in column 2 of that Chapter;

(e)the declarations prescribed in column 4 of that Chapter;

(f)the declarations, if any, prescribed in column 6 of that Chapter;

(g)where any declarations prescribed in that column do not include a declaration that it is recommended that the prior opinion of a veterinarian be sought, the words “It is recommended that a specialist’s opinion be sought before use”; and

(h)the recommended length of time for use of the feeding stuff.

(2) The particulars required by sub-paragraph (1) to be contained in the statutory statement shall be declared in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 3–7 and 9 of Chapter B of Schedule 9.

27.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of any feeding stuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose, particular attention may be drawn in the statutory statement, or elsewhere on the package, label or container, to the presence or low content of one or more analytical constituents which are essential aspects of the characteristics of the feeding stuff.

(2) Where particular attention is drawn to the presence or low content of any analytical constituent, as permitted by sub-paragraph (1), the maximum or minimum content, expressed in terms of the percentage by weight of that analytical constituent, shall be clearly indicated in the list of analytical constituents.

28.—(1) In the case of any compound feeding stuff containing protein derived from mammalian tissue but containing no mammalian meat and bone meal, and intended for animals other than pet animals, the statutory statement shall contain the declaration specified in sub-paragraph (2).

(2) The declaration referred to in sub-paragraph (1) is—

  • This compound feeding stuff contains protein derived from mammalian tissue the feeding of which to ruminants is prohibited.

29.  In the case of any compound feeding stuff containing mammalian meat and bone meal, and intended for animals other than pet animals, the statutory statement shall contain the following declaration—

  • This compound feeding stuff contains protein derived from mammalian tissue the feeding of which to ruminants, all other categories of farmed creatures and equine animals is prohibited.

30.—(1) In the case of any product named as a permitted product in column 2 of Schedule 8, the statutory statement shall contain, in addition to any other particulars required by these Regulations, the name specified for that product in column 7 of that Schedule, together with such further particulars as may be specified in that column in relation to it.

(2) In the case of any compound feeding stuff containing, for use as a protein source, any product named as a permitted product in column 2 of Schedule 8, the statutory statement shall contain, in addition to any other particulars required by these Regulations, the name specified for that product in column 7 of that Schedule, together with such further particulars as may be specified in that column in relation to compound feeding stuffs containing that product.

31.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of any compound feeding stuff, information may be provided in addition to the particulars required or permitted to be contained in the statutory statement or otherwise declared.

(2) Any information provided pursuant to sub-paragraph (1)—

(a)shall be clearly separated from those particulars;

(b)shall not be designed to indicate the presence or content of analytical constituents other than those the declaration of which is provided for in this Schedule or in Schedule 9;

(c)shall relate to objective or quantifiable factors which can be substantiated;

(d)shall not be misleading, in particular by attributing to the feeding stuff effects or properties that it does not possess, or by suggesting that it possesses special characteristics, when all similar feeding stuffs contain similar properties;

(e)shall not claim that the feeding stuff will prevent, treat or cure a disease;

(f)shall not, in the case of any feeding stuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose, include a generic description other than in the form of the generic term “dietetic”;

(g)shall not, in the case of any feeding stuff other than one intended for a particular nutritional purpose, include a generic description in that form; and

(h)shall not include reference to a particular pathological condition, unless—

(i)the feeding stuff is intended for a particular nutritional purpose, and

(ii)the particular nutritional purpose is specified in respect of that feeding stuff in column 1 of Chapter A of Schedule 9 and relates to that condition.

32.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of any feed material which is sold, or otherwise put into circulation, by any person, information may be provided in addition to the particulars required or permitted to be contained in the statutory statement or otherwise declared.

(2) Any such information provided in addition to the particulars required or permitted to be contained in the statutory statement or otherwise declared—

(a)shall be clearly separated from those particulars;

(b)shall relate to objective or quantifiable factors which can be substantiated; and

(c)shall not be misleading.

Part IIDeclaration of analytical constitutents

Feeding stuffsAnalytical constituents and levelsSpecies or category of animal
Compulsory declarationsOptional declarations
Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
Complete feeding stuffs
  • Protein

  • Oils and fats

  • Fibre

  • Ash

Animals except pets other than dogs and catsPets other than dogs and cats
  • Lysine

PigsAnimals other than pigs
  • Methionine

PoultryAnimals other than poultry
  • —Cystine

  • —Threonine

  • —Tryptophan

All animals

All animals

All animals

  • Energy value

... ... ... ...Poultry (calculated according to EEC method — see Schedule 1)
... ... ... ...Pigs and ruminants (calculated according to national official methods — see Schedule 1)
  • Starch

  • Total sugar (as sucrose)

  • Total sugar plus starch

  • Calcium

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

All animals
— PhosphorusFish axcept ornamental fishAnimals other than fish except ornamental fish
Complementary feeding stuffs — Mineral
  • Protein

  • Fibre

  • Ash

  • Oils and fats

  • Lysine

  • Methionine

  • Cystine

  • Threonine

  • Tryptophan

All animals
  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

All animals
  • Magnesium

RuminantsAnimals other than ruminants
  • Potassium

... ... ... ...All animals
Complementary feeding stuffs — Molassed
  • Protein

  • Fibre

  • Total sugar (as sucrose)

  • Ash

All animals
  • Oils and fats

... ... ... ...All animals
  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

All animals
  • Magnesium ≥0.5%

RuminantsAnimals other than ruminants
<0.5%All animals
Complementary feeding stuffs — Other
  • Protein

  • Oils and fats

  • Fibre

  • Ash

Animals except pets other than dogs and catsPets other than dogs and cats
  • Calcium ≥5%

Animals other than petsPets
<5%All animals
  • Phosphorous

Animals other than petsPets
<2%All animals
  • Magnesium ≥0.5%

RuminantsAnimals other than ruminants


  • Sodium

  • Potassium

All animals
  • Energy value

  • Poultry (declaration according to EEC method — see Schedule 1)

  • Pigs and ruminants (declaration according to national official methods — see Schedule 1)

  • Lysine

PigsAnimals other than pigs
  • Methionine

PoultryAnimals other than poultry
  • Cystine

  • Threonine

  • Tryptophan

  • Starch

  • Total Sugar (as sucrose)

  • Total sugar plus starch

All animals

Regulation 4

SCHEDULE 5Contents of the Statutory Statement (for additives and premixtures not contained in feeding stuffs)

Part IAdditives

1.  In relation to additives not excluded from application of the Additives Directive by Article 22, the following particulars shall be contained in the statutory statement (where an authorised additive is sold or otherwise put into circulation by any person)—

(a)in the case of any additive permitted to be contained in material pursuant to paragraph 5(1) of, or referred to in any of Parts I to VIII of, the Table to Schedule 3 or which is otherwise authorised (not being an enzyme, micro-organism, zootechnical additive, an authorised intermediate product or an authorised medicated premix)—

(i)the name of the additive;

(ii)the EC registration number of the additive;

(iii)the name or business name and the address or registered business address of the person within the European Community responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(iv)the net weight in the case of any non-liquid additive;

(v)either the net weight or the net volume, in the case of any liquid additive; and

(vi)as from 1st April 2001, the approval or registration number allocated, pursuant to Article 5, or, as the case may be, 10 of the Establishments Directive, to the establishment which manufactured the additive, or to the intermediary holding it;

(b)in the case of vitamin E—

(i)the alpha-tocopherol level as acetate; and

(ii)an indication of the period during which that level will remain present;

(c)in the case of any vitamin (other than vitamin E) or any added provitamin or substance having a similar effect—

(i)the active substance level; and

(ii)an indication of the period during which that level will remain present;

(d)in the case of any additive permitted to be contained in material pursuant to paragraph 5(1) of, or referred to any of Parts I to VIII of the Table to Schedule 3 or which is otherwise authorised (not being an enzyme, micro-organism, zootechnical additive, authorised intermediate product or authorised medicated premix), the active substance level;

(e)in the case of any enzyme—

(i)the names of the active constituents according to their enzymatic activities as specified in the authorisation concerned;

(ii)the EC registration number;

(iii)the identification number allotted by the International Union of Biochemistry;

(iv)the name or business name and the address or registered business address of the person within the European Community responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(v)the name or business name and the address or registered business address of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(vi)the activity units(17) per gram or per millilitre;

(vii)an indication of the period during which the activity units will remain present;

(viii)the batch reference number and the date of manufacture;

(ix)directions for use, including the recommended dosage or, where appropriate, range of dosages, expressed as a percentage by weight of target feed material per kilogram of feeding stuff, as prescribed in the authorisation concerned;

(x)any safety recommendation as specified in the authorisation concerned;

(xi)the net weight in the case of any non-liquid enzyme;

(xii)either the net weight or the net volume in the case of any liquid enzyme;

(xiii)an indication of any significant characteristics of the enzyme arising during manufacture, specified in the authorisation concerned; and

(xiv)as from 1st April 2001, the approval number allocated, pursuant to Article 5 of the Establishments Directive, to the establishment which manufactured the enzyme, or to the intermediary holding it; and

(f)in the case of any micro-organism—

(i)the identification of such strain, in accordance with the authorisation;

(ii)the file number of each strain;

(iii)the number of colony-forming units (expressed as CFU/g);

(iv)the EC registration number;

(v)the name or business name and the address or registered business address of the person within the European Community responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(vi)the number or business name and the address or registered business address of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(vii)as from 1st April 2001, the approval number allocated, pursuant to Article 5 of the Establishments Directive, to the establishment which manufactured the micro-organism, or to the intermediary holding it;

(viii)an indication of the period during which the colony-forming units will remain present;

(ix)the batch reference number and the date of manufacture;

(x)directions for use;

(xi)any safety recommendation specified in the authorisation concerned;

(xii)the net weight, in the case of any non-liquid micro-organism;

(xiii)either the net weight or the net volume, in the case of any liquid micro-organism; and

(xiv)an indication of any significant characteristics of the micro-organism arising during manufacture, specified in the authorisation concerned.

2.  In addition to the information required under paragraph 1 in relation to any additive, the statutory statement may also give—

(a)where the additive is permitted to be contained in material pursuant to paragraph 5(1) of, or referred to in any of Parts I to VIII of the Table to, Schedule 3, or otherwise authorised (and is not a zootechnical additive, an authorised intermediate product or an authorised medicated premix)—

(i)the trade name of the additive;

(ii)any other information, provided that it is clearly separated from the particulars referred to in paragraph 1(a) to (f) and in paragraph (i) and sub-paragraph (b); and

(b)where the additive falls within sub-paragraph (a) and is not an enzyme or micro-organism—

(i)the name or business name, and the address or registered business address, of the manufacturer, if he is not the person responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(ii)directions for use, including any appropriate safety recommendation.

Part IIPremixtures

1.  This Part of this Schedule applies to premixtures containing only such additives as are of any type regulated by Part I of this Schedule.

2.  In relation to premixtures not excluded from application of the Additives Directive by Article 22, the following particulars shall be contained in the statutory statement—

(a)in the case of any premixture—

(i)the description “premixture”;

(ii)directions for use, including any appropriate safety recommendation;

(iii)the species or category of animal for which the premixture is intended;

(iv)the name or business name, and the address or registered business address, of the person within the European Community responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(v)the net weight of any non-liquid premixture;

(vi)either the net weight or the net volume of any liquid premixture; and

(vii)from 1st April 2001, the approval or registration number allocated, pursuant to Article 5 or, as the case may be, 10 of the Establishments Directive, to the establishment which produced or manufactured the premixture, or to the intermediary holding it;

(b)in the case of any antioxidant, colourant (including pigment), trace element or preservative, in a premixture, for which a maximum content in a complete feeding stuff is prescribed in the appropriate Part of the Table to Schedule 3, or in another authorisation—

(i)the name of the additive; and

(ii)the active substance level;

(c)in the case of vitamin E in a premixture—

(i)the name of the additive;

(ii)the alpha-tocopherol level as acetate; and

(iii)an indication of the period during which that level will remain present;

(d)subject to paragraph (4), in the case of any vitamin other than vitamin E, or any provitamin or substance having a similar effect, in a premixture—

(i)the name of the additive;

(ii)the active substance level; and

(iii)an indication of the period during which that level will remain present;

(e)in the case of any enzyme in a premixture—

(i)the names of the active constituents according to their enzymatic activities, as specified in the authorisation concerned;

(ii)the EC registration number;

(iii)the identification number allotted by the International Union of Biochemistry;

(iv)the activity units (expressed as activity units per gram or activity units per millilitre);

(v)an indication of the period during which the activity units will remain present;

(vi)the batch reference number and the date of manufacture;

(vii)the name or business name and address or registered business address of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(viii)an indication of any significant characteristics of the enzyme arising during manufacture, as specified in the authorisation concerned; and

(ix)the recommended dosage or, where appropriate, range of dosages, expressed as a percentage by weight of target feed material per kilogram of the feeding stuff, as prescribed in the authorisation concerned;

(f)in the case of any micro-organism in a premixture—

(i)the identification of each strain, in accordance with the authorisation;

(ii)the file number of each strain;

(iii)the number of colony-forming units (expressed as CFU/g);

(iv)the EC registration number;

(v)the name or business name and the address or registered business address of the manufacturer, if he is not responsible for the particulars referred to in this Part of this Schedule;

(vi)an indication of the period during which the colony-forming units will remain present; and

(vii)an indication of any significant characteristics of the micro-organism arising during manufacture, specified in the authorisation concerned;

(g)in the case of any additive in a premixture—

(i)which is an additive of a type referred to in any of Parts I to VIII of Schedule 3, or which is otherwise authorised (other than any additive of a type referred to in sub-paragraphs (b) to (f)), or which is an additive of a type referred to in any of those Parts, or in another authorisation, and in those sub-paragraphs, in respect of which no maximum level is laid down;

which fulfils a function in the feeding stuff as such; and

(iii)in respect of which the amount which is present in the premixture can be determined by using one of the methods of analysis specified in Annex I to Part II of Schedule 2 to the Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999(18) or by some other valid scientific method the name of the additive and the active substance level.

3.  In relation to an additive permitted to be contained in material pursuant to paragraph 5(1) of, or referred to in any of Parts I to VIII of the Table to, Schedule 3, or which is otherwise authorised, in a premixture, in addition to the information required under paragraph 2, the statutory statement may give—

(a)the trade name of the additive;

(b)in the case of any additive not being an enzyme or a micro-organism, its EC registration number;

(c)any other information, provided that it is clearly separated from the particulars referred to in paragraph 2, and in the foregoing provisions of this paragraph.

4.  In the case of a premixture containing more than one vitamin (other than vitamin E), provitamin or substance having a similar effect, the requirement in paragraph 2(d)(iii) shall apply only to whichever of those additives has the shortest such period.

Regulation 7

SCHEDULE 6Limits of Variation

Part A— Compound Feeding Stuffs except those for pets

Analytical constituentsLimits of variation (absolute value in percentage by weight, except where otherwise specified)

If present in excess—

  • 2 for declarations of 10% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 10%

  • 1 for declarations less than 5%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 3 for declarations of 10% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 10%

  • 1.5 for declarations less than 5%

Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid

If present in excess—

  • 2 for declarations of 10% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 4% or more but less than 10%

  • 1 for declarations less than 4%


If present in excess—

  • 3.6 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 22.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 2.7 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.45 for declarations less than 1%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.2 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 7.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 0.9 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.15 for declarations less than 1%


In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated


If present in excess—

  • 1.8 for declarations of 12% or more

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 0.9 for declarations less than 6%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 5.4 for declarations of 12% or more

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 2.7 for declarations less than 6%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated


If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 2.25 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.75 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.1 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

  • If present in excess—

  • 1 for declarations of 10% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 10%

  • 0.5 for declarations less than 5%

Oils and fats
  • If present in excess—

  • 3 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 8% or more but less than 15%

  • 1.6 for declarations less than 8%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 8% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.8 for declarations less than 8%


If present in excess—

  • 3.6 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 22.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 2.7 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.45 for declarations less than 1%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.2 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 7.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 0.9 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.15 for declarations less than 1%

  • If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 2.25 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5% for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.75 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.1 for declarations less than 0.7%


If present in excess—

  • 4 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 2 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

Protein equivalent of biuret, diureidoisobutane, urea or urea phosphate
  • ±1.25 or ±20% of the amount stated, whichever is greater

  • If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 2.25 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.75 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than5%

  • 0.1 for declarations less than 0.7%

Starch and total sugar plus starch
  • If present in excess—

  • 5 for declarations of 25% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 25%

  • 2 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2.5 for declarations of 25% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 25%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

Total sugar
  • If present in excess—

  • 4 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 2 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

Part B —Compound Pet Foods

  • If present in excess—

  • 1.5 for all declarations

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 4.5 for all declarations

Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
  • If present in excess—

  • 1.5 for all declarations

  • If present in excess—

  • 3.6 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 22.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 2.7 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.45 for declarations less than 1%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.2% for declarations of 16% or more

  • 7.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 0.9 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.15 for declarations less than 1%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

  • If present in excess—

  • 1 for all declarations

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 3 for all declarations

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

  • If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 2.25 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.75 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.1 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

  • If present in excess—

  • 3 for declarations of 40% or more

  • 7.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 20% or more but less than 40%

  • 1.5 for declarations less than 20%

Oils and fats
  • If present in excess—

  • 5 for all declarations

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2.5 for all declarations

  • If present in excess—

  • 3.6 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 22.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 2.7 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.45 for declarations less than 1%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.2 for declarations of 16% or more

  • 7.5% of the amount stated for declarations of 12% or more but less than 16%

  • 0.9 for declarations of 6% or more but less than 12%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 1% or more but less than 6%

  • 0.15 for declarations less than 1%

  • If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 2.25 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5% for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.75 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.1 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • If present in excess—

  • 6.4 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 32% of the amount stated for declarations of 12.5% or more but less than 20%

  • 4 for declarations less than 12.5%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 3.2 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 16% of the amount stated for declarations of 12.5% or more but less than 20%

  • 2 for declarations less than 12.5%

  • If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 2.25 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 45% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 0.7%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 7.5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.75 for declarations of 5% or more but less than 7.5%

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 0.7% or more but less than 5%

  • 0.1 for declarations less than 0.7%

Starch and total sugar plus starch
  • If present in excess—

  • 5 for declarations of 25% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 25%

  • 2 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2.5 for declarations of 25% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 25%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

Total sugar
  • If present in excess—

  • 4 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 2 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

Part C—Feed Materials

Acid index
  • If present in excess—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.2 for declarations less than 2%

  • If present in excess—

  • 3 for declarations of 10% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 10%

  • 1.5 for declarations less than 5%

Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
  • If present in excess—

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 3% or more

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 3%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.2 for declarations less than 2%

Calcium carbonate
  • If present in excess—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.2 for declarations less than 2%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

Chlorides expressed as NaCl
  • If present in excess—

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 3% or more

  • 0.3 for declarations less than 3%

FibreIf present in excess—
  • 2.1 for declarations of 14% or more

  • 15% of the amount stated for declarations of 6% or more but less than 14%

  • 0.9 for declarations less than 6%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 3 for declarations of 30% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 30%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 20% of the amount stated

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5% for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.2 for declarations less than 2%

Matter insoluble in light petroleum
  • If present in excess—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.2 for declarations less than 2%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 20% of the amount stated

  • If present in excess—

  • 1 for declarations of 10% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 10%

  • 0.5 for declarations less than 5%

Oils and fats
  • If present in excess—

  • 3.6 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 24% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 15%

  • 1.2 for declarations less than 5%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.8 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 12% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.6 for declarations less than 5%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 1.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.2 for declarations less than 2%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 20%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

Protein equivalent of uric acid
  • If present in excess—

  • 1.25, or 25% of the amount stated, whichever is the greater

  • If present in excess—

  • 4.5 for declarations of 15% or more

  • 30% of the amount stated for declarations of 2% or more but less than 15%

  • 0.6 for declarations less than 2%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 3 for declarations of 30% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 10% or more but less than 30%

  • 1 for declarations less than 10%

Sugar (total sugars, reducing sugars, sucrose, lactose, glucose (dextrose))
  • If present in excess—

  • 4 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 20% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 20%

  • 1 for declarations less than 5%

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 2 for declarations of 20% or more

  • 10% of the amount stated for declarations of 5% or more but less than 20%

  • 0.5 for declarations less than 5

Volatile nitrogenous bases
  • In case of deficiency—

  • 20% of the amount stated

  • In case of deficiency—

  • 30% of the amount stated

Part D—Vitamins and Trace Elements

Vitamin/Trace ElementLimits of variation
Cobalt±50% of the amount stated
  • ±30% of the amount stated for declarations above 200 mg/kg

  • ±50% of the amount stated for declarations up to and including 200 mg/kg

Iodine±50% of the amount stated
  • ±30% of the amount stated for declarations of 250 mg/kg or more

  • ±50% of the amount stated for declarations less than 250 mg/kg

Manganese±50% of the amount stated
Molybdenum±50% of the amount stated
Selenium±50% of the amount stated
Vitamins D2 and D3
  • ±30% of the amount stated for declarations above 4000 IU/kg

  • ±50% of the amount stated for declarations up to and including 4000 IU/kg

Vitamins other than D2 and D3In case of deficiency— 30% of the amount stated
Zinc±50% of the amount stated

Part E —Energy Value of Compound Feeding Stuffs

Feeding stuffLimits of variation
Compound feeding stuffs for poultry±0.7 MJ/kg (absolute value)
Compound feeding stuffs for ruminants±7.5% of the amount stated
Compound feeding stuffs for pigs±7.5% of the amount stated
Feeding stuffs for particular nutritional purposes for cats and dogs±15% of the amount stated

Regulation 12

SCHEDULE 7Prescribed limits for undesirable substances

Part IFeeding Stuffs

Chapter A

Column 1Column 2Column 3
SubstancesFeeding stuffsMaximum content in mg/kg of feeding stuffs referred to a moisture content of 12%
ArsenicFeed materials except:2
— meal made from grass, from dried lucerne, or from dried clover4
— dried sugar beet pulp or dried molassed sugar beet pulp4
— phosphates and feed materials obtained from the processing of fish or other marine animals10
Complete feeding stuffs except:2
— complete feeding stuffs for fish4
Complementary feeding stuffs except:4
—mineral feeding stuffs12
CadmiumFeed materials of vegetable origin1
Feed materials of animal origin (with the exception of feeding stuffs for pets)2
Complete feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats (with the exception of complete feeding stuffs for calves, lambs and kids)1
Other complete feeding stuffs (with the exception of feeding stuffs for pets)0.5
Mineral feeding stuffs5
Other complementary feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats0.5
Dioxin (sum of PCDD and PCDF), expressed in International Toxic EquivalentsCitrus pulp

500 pg I-TEQ/kg (upper bound detection limit)

Note: Upper bound concentrations are calculated assuming that all values of the different congeners less than the limit of detection are equal to the limit of detection

FluorineFeed materials except:150
— feed materials of animal origin500
— phosphates2000
Complete feeding stuffs except:150
— complete feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats
— in milk30
— other50
— complete feeding stuffs for pigs100
— complete feeding stuffs for poultry350
— complete feeding stuffs for chicks250
Mineral mixtures for cattle, sheep and goats2000
Other complementary feeding stuffs125 (fluorine content per percentage point phosphorus in the feeding stuff)
LeadFeed materials except:10
— grass meal, lucerne meal or clover meal40
— phosphates30
— yeast5
Complete feeding stuffs5
Complementary feeding stuffs except:10
— mineral feeding stuffs30
MercuryFeed materials except:0.1
— feed materials produced by the processing of fish or other marine animals0.5
Complete feeding stuffs except:0.1
— complete feeding stuffs for dogs or cats0.4
Complementary feeding stuffs (with the exception of complementary feeding stuffs for dogs and cats)0.2
NitritesFish meal60 (expressed as sodium nitrite)
Complete feeding stuffs except feeding stuffs intended for pets other than birds and aquarium fish15 (expressed as sodium nitrite)

Chapter B

Aflatoxin B1Feed materials except:0.05
—groundnut, copra, palm-kernel, cotton seed, babassu, maize and products derived from the processing thereof0.02
Complete feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats except:0.05
—dairy cattle0.005
—calves and lambs0.01
Complete feeding stuffs for pigs and poultry(except piglets and chicks)0.02
Other complete feeding stuffs0.01
Complementary feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats (except complementary feeding stuffs for dairy animals, calves and lambs)0.05
Complementary feeding stuffs for pigs and poultry (except young animals)0.03
Other complementary feeding stuffs0.005
Castor oil plant Ricinus communis L.All feeding stuffs10 (expressed in terms of castor oil plant husks)
Crotalaria spp.All feeding stuffs100
Free GossypolFeed materials except:20
— cotton-seed cakes1200
Complete feeding stuffs except:20
— complete feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats500
— complete feeding stuffs for poultry (except laying hens) and calves100
— complete feeding stuffs for rabbits and pigs (except piglets)60
Hydrocyanic acidFeed materials except:50
— linseed250
— linseed cakes350
— manioc products and almond cakes100
Complete feeding stuffs except:50
— complete feeding stuffs for chicks10
Rye Ergot Claviceps purpureaAll feeding stuffs containing unground cereals1000

Chapter C

Apricots— Prunus armeniaca L.

Bitter almond— Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb var. amara (DC.) Focke (= Prunus amygdalus Batsch var. amara (DC.) Focke)

Unhusked beech mast—Fagus silvatica (L.)

Camelina— Camelina sativa (L.) Cranz

Mowrah, bassia, madhuca— Madhuca longifolia (L.) Macbr. (= Bassia longifolia L . = Illipe malabrorum Engl.) Madhuca indica Gmelin. (= Bassia latifolia (Roxb.) = Illipe latifolia (Roscb.) F. Mueller)

Purghera— Jatropha curcas L. Croton— Croton tiglium L.

Indian mustard — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. integrifolia (West.) Thell.

Sareptian mustard— Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. juncea

Chinese mustard— Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. juncea var. lutea Batalin

Black mustard — Brassica nigra (L.) Koch

Ethiopian mustard— Brassica carinata

All feeding stuffsSeeds and fruits of the plant species listed opposite as well as their processed derivatives may only be present in feeding stuffs in trace amounts not quantitatively determinable
A Braun TheobromineComplete feeding stuffs except:300
— complete feeding stuffs for adult cattle700
Vinylthiooxazolidone (Vinyl-oxyzolidine thione)Complete feeding stuffs for poultry except:1000
— complete feeding stuffs for laying hens500
Volatile mustard oilFeed materials except:100
— rape-seed cakes4000 (expressed as allyl isothiocyanate)
Complete feeding stuffs except:150 (expressed as allyl isothiocyanate)
— complete feeding stuffs for cattle, sheep and goats (except calves, lambs and kids)1000 (expressed as allyl isothiocyanate)
—complete feeding stuffs for pigs (except piglets) and poultry500 (expressed as allyl isothiocyanate)
Weed seeds and unground and uncrushed fruit containing alkaloids, glucosides or other toxic substances separately or in combination including:All feeding stuffs3000
(a) Lolium temulentum L.1000
(b) Lolium remotum Schrank1000
(c) Datura stramonium L.1000

Chapter D

Aldrin, singly, or combined expressed as dieldrinAll feeding stuffs except fats0.01
Dieldrin, singly, or combined expressed as dieldrin0.2
Camphechlor (Toxaphene)All feeding stuffs0.1
Chlordane (sum of cis- and trans-isomers and of oxychlordane, expressed as Chlordane)All feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.02

  • 0.05

DDT (sum of DDT, TDE and DDE isomers, expressed as DDT)All feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.05

  • 0.5

Endosulphan (sum of alpha- and beta- isomers and of endosulphan sulphate, expressed as endosulphan)

All feeding stuffs except

  • maize

  • oilseeds

  • complete feeding stuffs for fish

  • 0.1

  • 0.2

  • 0.5

  • 0.005

Endrin (sum of endrin and delta- keto-endrin, expressed as endrin)All feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.01

  • 0.05

Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and of heptachlor— epoxide, expressed as heptachlor)All feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.01

  • 0.2

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)All feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.01

  • 0.2

— alpha-isomersAll feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.02

  • 0.2

— beta-isomersFeed materials except fats
  • 0.01

  • 0.1

Compound feeding stuffs except compound feeding stuffs for dairy cattle
  • 0.01

  • 0.005

— gamma-isomersAll feeding stuffs except fats
  • 0.2

  • 2.0

Part IIFeed Materials

Chapter A

Column 1Column 2Column 3
SubstancesFeed materialsMaximum content in mg/kg of feed materials referred to a moisture content of 12%
Aflatoxin B1Groundnut, copra, palm-kernel, cotton seed, babassu, maize and products derived from the processing thereof0.2
Dioxin (sum of PCDD and PCDF), expressed in International Toxic EquivalentsCitrus pulp500 pg I-TEQ/kg (upper bound detection limit)
Note: Upper bound concentrations are calculated assuming that all values of the different congeners less than the limit of detection are equal to the limit of detection

Chapter B

Column 1Column 2
SubstancesFeed materials
ArsenicAll feed materials with the exception of: — phosphates
LeadAll feed materials
FluorineAll feed materials
MercuryAll feed materials
NitritesFish meal

All feed materials of vegetable origin

All feed materials of animal origin with the exception of:

— feed materials for pets

Aflatoxin B1

All feed materials with the exception of:

— groundnut, copra, palm-kernel, cotton seed, babassu, maize and products derived from the processing thereof

Hydrocyanic acidAll feed materials
Free GossypolAll feed materials
Volatile mustard oilAll feed materials
Rye Ergot (Claviceps purpurea)Unground cereals

Weed seeds and unground and uncrushed fruits containing alkaloids, glucosides or other toxic substances separately or in combination including:


Lolium temulentum L.,


Lolium remotum Schrank,


Datura stramonium L.

All feed materials
Castor oil plant— Rizinus communis L.All feed materials
Crotalaria spp.All feed materials
Aldrin, singly or combined expressed as dieldrinAll feed materials
Dieldrin, singly or combined expressed as dieldrinAll feed materials
Camphechlor (Toxaphene)All feed materials
Chlordane (sum of cis- and trans-isomers and oxychlordane, expressed as chlordane)All feed materials
DDT (sum of DDT-, TDE- and DDE-isomers, expressed as DDT)All feed materials
Endosulfan (sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and endosulfan sulphate expressed as endosulfan)All feed materials
Endrin (sum of endrin and of delta-ketoendrin, expressed as endrin)All feed materials
Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and of heptachlor-epoxide, expressed as heptachlor)All feed materials
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)All feed materials
Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)All feed materials
alpha-isomerAll feed materials
beta-isomerAll feed materials
gamma-isomerAll feed materials
Apricots— Prunus armeniaca L.All feed materials
Bitter almond— Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb var. amara (DC.) Focke (= Prunus amygdalus Batsch var. amara (DC.) Focke)All feed materials
Unhusked beech mast— Fagus silvatica (L.)All feed materials
Camelina— Camelina sativa (L.) CrantzAll feed materials
Mowrah, Bassia, MadhucaMadhuca longifolia (L.) Macbr. (= Bassia longifolia L. = Illipe malabrorum Engl.) Madhuca indica Gmelin (= Bassia latifolia (Roscb.) = Illipe latifolia (Roscb.) F. Mueller)All feed materials
Purghera— Jatropha curcas L.All feed materials
Croton— Croton tiglium L.All feed materials
Indian mustard— Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. Coss. ssp. integrifolia (West.) Thell.All feed materials
Sareptian mustard— Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. juncea
Chinese mustard— Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Coss. ssp. juncea var. lutea BatalinAll feed materials
Black mustard— Brassica nigra (L.) KochAll feed materials
Ethiopian mustard— Brassica carinata A. BraunAll feed materials

Regulation 14 and Schedule 4 Part I, paragraph 30

SCHEDULE 8Control of certain protein sources

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5(19)Column 6Column 7(19)
Name of product groupPermitted productsDesignation of nutritive principle or identity of micro-organismsCulture substrate (specifications, if any)Composition characteristics of productAnimal speciesName of product and specified particulars

1.  Proteins obtained from the following groups of micro- organisms

1.1  Bacteria

1.1.1  Bacteria cultivated on methanol  Protein product of fermentation obtained by culture of Methylophilus methylotrophus on methanol

Methylophilus methylotrophus NCIB strain 10.515Methanolprotein: min. 68% — Reflectance index: at least 50Pigs, calves, poultry and fish

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • name of the product;

  • protein;

  • ash;

  • fat;

  • moisture content;

  • instructions for use;

  • “avoid inhalation”;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number; Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding stuffs:

  • amount of the product contained in the feeding stuff

1.1.2.  Bacteria cultivated on natural gas  Protein product of fermentation from natural gas obtained by culture of:

Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath), Alcaligenes acidovorans, Bacillus brevis et Bacillus firmus, and the cells of which have been killed

  • Methyloccus capsulatus (Bath) NCIMB strain 11132

  • Alcaligenes acidovorans NCIMB strain 12387

  • Bacillus brevis NCIMB strain 13288

  • Bacillus firmus NCIMB strain 13280

Natural gas: (approx 91% methane, 5% ethane, 2% propane, 0.5% isobutane, 0.5% n-butane, 1% other components), ammonia, mineral saltsprotein: min. 65%
  • Pigs for fattening from 25 to 60kg

  • Calves from 80kg on

  • Salmon

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “Protein product of fermentation from natural gas obtained by culture of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath), Alcaligenes acidovorans, Bacillus brevis and Bacillus firmus

  • protein

  • ash

  • fat

  • moisture content

  • instructions for use maximum incorporation rate in the feed:

  • 8% pigs for fattening

  • 8% calves

  • 19% salmon (freshwater)

  • 33% salmon (seawater)

  • “avoid inhalation”; Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the compound feeding stuffs:

  • the name “Protein product obtained by bacterial fermentation of natural gas”

  • amount of the product contained in the feeding stuff

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number

1.2.  Yeasts

1.2.1.  Yeasts cultivated on substrates of animal or vegetable origin

1.2.2.  Yeasts cultivated on substrates other than those given in 1.2.1

— Yeasts obtained from the micro- organisms and substrates listed in columns 3 and 4, the cells of which have been killed

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Saccharomyces carlsbergiensis

Kluyveromyces lactis

Kluyveromyces fragilis

Molasses, distillery residues, cereals and products containing starch, fruit juice, whey, lactic acid, hydrolized vegetable fibresAll animal species

1.3.  Algae

1.4.  Lower fungi

1.4.1.  Products from production of antibiotics by fermentation

4.1.1.  Mycelium, wet by-product from the production of penicillin, ensiled by means of lactobacillus brevis, plantarum, sake, collenoid and streptococcus lactis to inactivate the penicillin, and heat treated

Nitrogenous compound Penicillium chrysogenum ATCC 48271Different sources of carbohydrates and their hydrolysatesNitrogen expressed as protein: min. 7%Ruminants Pigs

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name: “Mycelium silage from the production of penicillin”;

  • Nitrogen expressed as protein;

  • ash;

  • moisture;

  • animal species or category;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number; Declaration to be made on the label or packaging of the compound feeding stuff: the name: “mycellium silage from the production of penicillin”;

2.  Non-protein nitrogenous compounds

2.1.  Urea and its derivatives

2.1.1.  Urea, technically pure

2.1.2.  Biuret, technically pure

2.1.3.  Urea-phosphate, technically pure

2.1.4.  Diureidoiso- butane technically pure

  • CO(NH2)2

  • (CONH2)2 - NH

  • CO(NH2)2.H3 PO4

  • (CH3)2- (CH)2

  • (NHCONH2)2

  • Urea min. 97%

  • Biuret: min. 97%

  • Nitrogen: min. 16.5%

  • Phosphorus: — min. 18%

  • Nitrogen: min. 30%

  • Isobutyraldehyde: min. 35%

Ruminants from the beginning of rumination

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name: “Urea”, “Biuret”, “Urea-phosphate” or “Diureidoisobutane”, as the case may be;

  • nitrogen level; and in addition for product 2.1.3., phosphorus level;

  • animal species or category Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding stuffs:

  • the name “Urea”, “Biuret”, “Urea-phosphate” or “Diureidoisobutane”, as the case may be;

  • amount of the product contained in the feeding stuff;

  • percentage of the total protein provided by non-protein nitrogen;

  • indication, in the instructions for use, of the level of total non-protein nitrogen which should not be exceeded in the daily ration of each animal species or category

2.2.  Ammonium salts

2.2.1.  Ammonium lactate, produced by fermentation with Lactobacillus bulgaricus

CH3CHOHCOONH4WheyNitrogen expressed as protein: min. 44%Ruminants from the beginning of rumination

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name: “Ammonium lactate from fermentation”;

  • nitrogen expressed as protein;

  • ash;

  • moisture;

  • animal species or category;

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding stuffs:

  • the name: “Ammonium lactate from fermentation”;

  • amount of product contained in the feeding stuff;

  • percentage of the total protein provided by non-protein nitrogen;

  • indication, in the instructions for use, of the level of total non-protein nitrogen which should not be exceeded in the daily ration of each animal species or category

2.2.2.  Ammonium acetate in aqueous solution

CH3COONH4Ammonium acetate: min. 55%Ruminants from the start of rumination

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the words “Ammonium acetate”;

  • nitrogen content; moisture content;

  • animal species or category;

  • Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding stuffs;

  • the words “Ammonium acetate”;

  • the amount of the product contained in the feeding stuff;

  • percentage of the total protein provided by non-protein nitrogen;

  • indication in the instructions for use of the level of total non-protein nitrogen which should not be exceeded in the daily ration for each animal species or category

2.2.3.  Ammonium sulphate in aqueous solution

(NH4)2SO4Ammonium sulphate: min. 35%Ruminants from the start of rumination

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the words “Ammonium sulphate”;

  • nitrogen and moisture contents;

  • animal species;

  • in the case of young ruminants, the incorporation rate in the daily ration may not exceed 0.5%; Declaration to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding stuffs:

  • the words “Ammonium sulphate”;

  • the amount of the product contained in the feeding stuff;

  • percentage of the total protein provided by non-protein nitrogen;

  • indication in the instructions for use of the level of total non-protein nitrogen which should not be exceeded in the daily ration of each animal species;

  • in the case of young ruminants, the incorporation rate in the daily ration may not exceed 0.5%

2.3.  By-products from the production of amino acids by fermentation

2.3.1. Concentrated liquid by-products from the production of L-glutamic acid by fermentation with Corynebacterium

2.3.2. Ammomium salts liquid by-products from the production of L-lysine monohydro-chloride by fermentation with Brevibacterium lactofermentum

Ammonium salts and other nitrogenous compoundsSucrose, molasses, starch products and their hydrolysates
  • Nitrogen expressed as protein: min. 48% Moisture max 28%

  • Nitrogen expressed as protein: min. 45%

Ruminants from the beginning of rumination

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “by-products from the production of L-glutamic acid”in the case of product 2.3.1.; “by-products from the production of L-lysine” in the case of product “2.3.2;”; nitrogen, expressed as

  • protein;

  • ash;

  • moisture;

  • animal species or category; As from 1st April 2001: approval number; Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding feeding stuffs; percentage of the total protein provided by non-protein nitrogen; indication, in the instructions for use, of the level of total non-protein nitrogen which should not be exceeded in the daily ration of each animal species or category

3.  Amino acids and their salts

All animal species

3.1.  Methionine

3.1.1.  DL-methionine, technically pure

3.1.2.  Dihydrated calcium salt of N-hydroxymethyl-DL- methionine, technically pure

3.1.3  Methionine-zinc, technically pure

  • CH3S(CH2)2-

  • CH(NH2)-COOH

  • [CH3 S(CH2)2-

  • CH(NH-CH2OH)-

  • COO]2Ca.2H2O

  • [CH3S(CH2)2-

  • CH(NH2)- COO]2Zn

  • DL-methionine: min. 98%

  • DL-methionine: min. 67%

  • Formaldehyde: max. 14%

  • Calcium: min 9%

  • DL-methione min. 80%

  • Zn: max 18.5%

Ruminants from the beginning of rumination

Declarations to be made on the label the product:

  • the name: “DL-methione”, in the case of product 3.1.1.

  • “Dihydrated calcium salt of N-hydroxymethyl-DL-methionine” in the case of product 3.1.2., “Zinc-methionine”, in the case of product 3.1.3.,

  • DL- methionine and moisture content;

  • animal species or category in the case or products 3.1.2., and 3.1.3.;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.1.4.  Concentrated liquid sodium DL-methionine technically pure

CH3S(CH2)2-CH (NH2)-COO)NaDL-methionine: min. 40% Sodium: min. 6.2%All animal species

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name: “concentrated liquid sodium DL-methionine”;

  • DL-methionine content;

  • moisture content;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.1.5.  DL-methionine, technically pure protected with copolymer vinylpyridine/styrene

  • DL-methionine: minimum 65% copolymer vinylpyridine/ styrene: maximum 3%

Dairy cows

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • “Protected methionine with copolymer vinyl- pyridine/styrene”;

  • DL-methionine and moisture contents;

  • animal species;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.2.  Lysine

3.2.1.  L-Lysine, technically pure

3.2.2.  Concentrated liquid L-Lysine (base)

3.2.3.  L-Lysine-monohydrochloride, technically pure

3.2.4.  Concentrated liquid L-Lysine- monohydrochloride

3.2.5.  L-Lysine sulphate produced by fermentation with Corynebacterium glutamicum

  • NH2-(CH2)4- CH(NH2)-COOH NH2-(CH2)4- CH(NH2)-COOH

  • NH2-(CH2)4- CH(NH2)- COOH.HCl NH2-(CH2)4- CH(NH2)- COOH.HCl

  • [NH2-(CH2)4- CH(NH2)- COOH]2-H2SO4

  • Saccharose, molasses, starch products and their hydrolysates

  • Saccharose, molasses, starch products and their hydrolysates

  • Sugar syrup, molasses, cereals starch products and their hydrolysates

  • L-Lysine: min. 98%

  • L-Lysine: min. 50%

  • L-Lysine: min. 78%

  • L-Lysine: min. 22.4%

  • L-Lysine: min. 40%

All animal species

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “L-Lysine” in the case of product 3.2.1.,

  • “Concentrated liquid L-Lysine base” in the case of product 3.2.2.,

  • “L-Lysine mono-hydrochloride” in the case of product 3.2.3.,

  • “Concentrated liquid L-Lysine monohydro-chloride” in the case of product 3.2.4.,

  • “L-Lysine sulphate and its by-products from fermentation” in the case of product 3.2.5.;

  • L-Lysine and moisture content;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.2.6.  L-Lysine phosphate and its by-products produced by fermentation with Brevibacterium lactofermentatum NRRLB-11470

  • [NH2(CH2)4- CH(NH2)- COOH]-H3PO4

Sucrose ammonia and fish solubles
  • L-Lysine: min. 35%

  • Phosphorus: min. 4.3%



Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “L-Lysine phosphate and its by-products from fermentation”

  • L-Lysine and moisture content;

  • As from 1st April 2001; approval number;

3.2.7.  Mixtures of:

(a)L-Lysine-mono-hydrochloride, technically pure, and

(b)DL-methionine technically pure protected with copolymer vinyl-pyridine/styrene

  • NH2-(CH2)4- CH(NH2)- COOH-HCl CH3S(CH2)2- CH(NH2) - COOH

  • L-Lysine + DL-methionine: minimum 50% (including DL-methionine: minimum 15%)

  • Copolymer vinyl pyridine/styrene: maximum 3%

Dairy cows

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “mixture of L-Lysine monohydro-chloride and DL-methionine protected with copolymer vinyl-pyridine/styrene”;

  • L-Lysine, DL- methionine and moisture contents;

  • animal species;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.3  Threonine

3.3.1  L-Threonine, technically pure

  • CH3CH(OH)- CH(NH2) - COOH

L-Threonine: min. 98%All animal species

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “L-Threonine”;

  • L-Threonine and moisture content;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.4.  Tryptophan

3.4.1.  L-Tryptophan, technically pure

(C8H5NH)-CH2- CH(NH2)-COOHL-Tryptophan: min. 98%All animal species

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name: “L-Tryptophan”;

  • L-Tryptophan and moisture content;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

3.4.2.  DL-Tryptophan, technically pure

(C8H5NH)-CH2- CH(NH2)-COOHDL-Tryptophan min. 98%All animal species

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • the name “DL-Tryptophan”;

  • DL Tryptophan and moisture content;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

4.  Analogues of amino acids

4.1.  Analogues of methionine

4.1.1.  Hydroxy analogue of methionine

4.1.2.  Calcium salt of hydroxy analogue of methionine

  • CH3S(CH2)2- CH(OH)-COOH

  • [CH3-S-(CH2)- CH(OH)- COO]2Ca

  • Total of acids: minimum 85%

  • Monomer acid minimum 65%

  • Monomer acid: minimum 83%

  • Calcium: minimum 12%

Allanimal species

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of the product:

  • if appropriate, the name (column 2);

  • monomer acid and total acids contents in the case of product 4.1.1. and monomer acid content in the case of product 4.1.2.;

  • moisture content:

  • animal species;

  • As from 1st April 2001: approval number;

Declarations to be made on the label or packaging of compound feeding stuffs:

  • if appropriate, the name (column 2);

  • monomer acid and total acids contents in the case of product 4.1.1. and monomer acid content in the case of product 4.1.2.;

  • amount of the product contained in the feeding stuff.

Regulation 17 and Schedule 4 Part I, paragraphs 18, 19, 26 and 31

SCHEDULE 9Permitted feeding stuffs intended for particular nutritional purposes and provisions relating to their use


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6
Particular nutritional purposeEssential nutritional characteristicsSpecies or category of animalLabelling declarationsRecommended length of time for useOther provisions
Support of renal function in case of chronic renal insufficiency(20)Low level of phosphorus and restricted level of protein but of high qualityDogs and cats
  • Protein source(s)

  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Potassium

  • Sodium

  • Contents of essential fatty acids (if added)

Initially up to 6 months(21)Indicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use” Indicate in the instructions for use: “Water should be available at all times.”
Dissolution of struvite stones(22)— Urine acidifying properties, low level of magnesium, and restricted level of protein but of high qualityDogs
  • Protein source(s)

  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

  • Urine acidifying substances

5 to 12 weeksIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.” Indicate in the instructions for use:
— Urine acidifying properties and low level of magnesiumCats
  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

  • Total taurine

  • Urine acidifying substances

“Water should be available at all times.”
Reduction of struvite stone recurrence(23)— Urine acidifying properties and moderate level of magnesiumDogs and cats
  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

  • Urine acidifying substances

Up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Reduction of urate stones formationLow level of purines, low level of protein but of high qualityDogs and cats— Protein source(s)Up to 6 months but lifetime use in cases of irreversible disturbance of uric acid metabolismIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Reduction of oxalate stones formationLow level of calcium, low level of Vitamin D, and urine alkalising propertiesDogs and cats
  • Phosphorus

  • Calcium

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

  • Total Vitamin D

  • Hydroxyproline

  • Urine alkalising substances

Up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Reduction of cystine stones formationLow level of protein, moderate level of sulphur amino acids and urine alkalising propertiesDogs and cats

Total sulphur amino

  • acids

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

  • Urine acidifying substances

Initially up to 1 yearIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Reduction of feed material and nutrient intolerances(24)Selected protein source(s) and/or Selected carbohydrate source(s)Dogs and cats
  • Protein source(s)

  • Content of essential fatty acids (if added)

  • Carbohydrate source(s)

  • Contents of essential fatty acids (if added)

3 to 8 weeks; if signs of intolerance disappear this feed can be used indefinitely
Reduction of acute intestinal absorptive disordersIncreased level of electrolytes and highly digestible feed materialsDogs and cats
  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Source(s) of mucilaginous substances (if added)

1 to 2 weeksIndicate on the package, container or label: “During periods of and recovery from acute diarrhoea.” “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Compensation for maldigestion(25)Highly digestible feed materials and low level of fatDogs and cats— Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate3 to 12 weeks, but lifetime in case of chronic pancreatic insufficiencyIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Support of heart function in case of chronic cardiac insufficiencyLow level of sodium and increased K/Na ratioDogs and cats
  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Magnesium

Initially up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Regulation of glucose supply (Diabetes mellitus)Low level of rapid glucose-releasing carbohydratesDogs and cats
  • Carbohydrate source(s)

  • Treatment of carbohydrates if appropriate

  • Starch

  • Total sugar

  • Fructose (if added)

  • Content of essential fatty acids (if added)

  • Source(s) of short and medium chain fatty acids (if added)

Initially up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Support of liver function in case of chronic liver insufficiency— High quality protein, moderate level of protein, low level of fat, high level of essential fatty acids and high level of highly digestible carbohydratesDogs
  • Protein source(s)

  • Content of essential fatty acids

  • Highly digestible carbohydrates including their treatment if appropriate

  • Sodium

  • Total copper

Initially up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
— High quality proteins, moderate level of protein, moderate level of fat and high level of essential fatty acids
  • Protein source(s)

  • Content of essential fatty acids

  • Sodium

  • Total copper

Regulation of lipid metabolism in case of hyperlipidaemiaLow level of fat and high level of essential fatty acidsDogs and cats
  • —Content of essential fatty acids

  • —Contents of n-3 fatty acids (if added)

Initially up to 2 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Reduction of copper in the liverLow level of copperDogs— Total copperInitially up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Reduction of excessive body weightLow energy densityDogs and cats— Energy value (until 30th March 2002 calculated according to EC method— see Schedule 1)Until target body weight is achievedIn the instructions for use an appropriate daily intake must be recommended
Nutritional restoration, convalescence(26)High energy density, high concentration of essential nutrients and highly digestible feed materialsDogs and cats
  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Energy value (until 30th March 2002 calculated according to EC method— see Schedule 1) -Contents of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids (if added)

Until restoration is achievedIn the case of feeding stuffs specially presented to be given via tubing, indicate on the package, container or label: “Administration under veterinary supervision.”
Support of skin function in case of dermatosis and excessive loss of hairHigh level of essential fatty acidsDogs and cats— Contents of essential fatty acidsUp to 2 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Reduction of the risk of milk fever— Low level of calcium and/or — Low cations/anions ratioDairy cows
  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Magnesium

  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

1 to 4 weeks before calvingIndicate in the instructions for use: “Stop feeding after calving.”
Reduction of the risk of ketosis(27)Feed materials providing glucogenic energy sourcesDairy cows and ewes
  • Feed materials

  • providing glucogenic energy sources

  • Propane-1, 2-diol (if added as a glucose precursor)

  • Glycerol (if added as a glucose precursor)

3 to 6 weeks after calving(28)

Last 6 weeks before and the first 3 weeks after lambing(29)

Reduction of the risk of tetany (hypomagnesaemia)High level of available carbo- hydrates, moderate level of protein and low level of potassiumRuminants
  • Starch

  • Total sugars

  • Magnesium

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

3 to 10 weeks during periods of fast grass growthIn the instructions for use guidance shall be provided on the balance of the daily ration, with regard to the inclusion of fibre and easily available energy sources. In the case of feeding stuffs for ovines indicate on the package, container or label: “Especially for lactating ewes.”
Reduction of the risk of acidosisLow level of easily fermentable carbo- hydrates and high buffering capacityRuminants
  • Starch

  • Total sugars

Maximum 2 months(30)In the instructions for use guidance shall be provided on the balance of the daily ration, with regard to the inclusion of fibre and easily fermentable carbohydrate sources. In the case of feeding stuffs for dairy cows indicate on the package, container or label: “Especially for high yielding cows.” In the case of feeding stuffs for ruminants for fattening indicate on the package, container or label: “Especially for intensively fed . . .”(31)
Stabilisation of water and electrolyte balancePredominantly electrolytes and easily absorbable carbohydrates






  • Carbohydrate source(s)

  • Sodium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

1 to 7 days (1 to 3 days if fed exclusively)Indicate on the package, container or label: “In case of risk of, during periods of, or recovery from digestive disturbance (diarrhoea). It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use.”
Reduction of the risk of urinary calculiLow level of phosphorus, magnesium and urine acidifying propertiesRuminants
  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Sulphur

  • Urine acidifying substances

Up to 6 weeksIndicate on the package, container or label: “Especially for intensively fed young animals.” Indicate in the instructions for use: “Water should be available at all times.”
Reduction of stress reactionsHigh level of magnesium and/or Highly digestible feed materialsPigs
  • Magnesium

  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Contents of n-3 fatty acids (if added)

1 to 7 daysGuidance shall be provided on the situation in which the use of this feed is appropriate.
Stabilisation of physiological digestionLow buffering capacity and highly digestible feed materialsPiglets
  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Buffering capacity

  • Source(s) of astringent substances (if added)

  • Source(s) of mucilaginuous substances (if added)

2 to 4 weeksIndicate on the package, container or label: “In the case of risk of, during periods of, or recovery from, digestive disturbance.”
Highly digestible feed materialsPigs
  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Source(s) of astringent substances (if added)

  • Source(s) of mucilaginous substances (if added)

Reduction of the risk of constipationFeed materials stimulating intestinal passageSows— Feed materials stimulating intestinal passage10 to 14 days before and 10 to 14 days after farrowing
Reduction of the risk of fatty liver syndromeLow energy and high proportion of metabolizable energy from lipids with high level of polyunsaturated fatty acidsLaying hens
  • Energy value (calculated according to EEC method

  • see Schedule 1)

  • Percentage of metabolizable energy from lipids

  • content of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Up to 12 weeks
Compensation for malabsorptionLow level of saturated fatty acids and high level of fat soluble vitaminsPoultry excluding geese and pigeons
  • Percentage of saturated fatty acids in relation to total fatty acids

  • Total vitamin A

  • Total vitamin D

  • Total vitamin E

  • Total vitamin K

During the first 2 weeks after hatching
Compensation for chronic insufficiency of small intestine functionHighly precaecally digestible carbohydrates, proteins and fatsEquines(32)— Source(s) of highly digestible carbohydrates, proteins and fats including their treatment if appropriateInitially up to 6 monthsGuidance shall be provided on the situations in which the use of this feed is appropriate and the manner in which it should be fed including many small meals per day. Indicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Compensation of chronic digestive disorders of large intestineHighly digestible fibreEquines
  • Fibre source(s)

  • Contents of n-3 fatty acids (if added)

Initially up to 6 monthsGuidance shall be provided on the situations in which the use of the feed is appropriate and the manner in which the feed should be fed. Indicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Reduction of stress reactionsHighly digestible feed materialsEquines
  • Magnesium

  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Content of n-3 fatty acids (if added)

2 to 4 weeksGuidance shall be provided on the precise situations in which the use of the feed is appropriate.
Compensation of electrolyte loss in cases of heavy sweatingPredominantly electrolytes and easily absorbable carbohydratesEquines
  • Calcium

  • Sodium

  • Magnesium

  • Potassium

  • Chlorides

  • Glucose

1 to 3 daysGuidance shall be provided on the precise situations in which the use of the feed is appropriate. When the feed corresponds to a significant part of the daily ration, guidance should be provided to prevent the risk of abrupt changes in the nature of the feed. Indicate on the instructions for use: “Water should be available at all times.”
Nutritional restoration, convalescenceHigh concentration of essential nutrients and highly digestible feed materialsEquines
  • Highly digestible feed materials including their treatment if appropriate

  • Content of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids (if added)

Until restoration is achievedGuidance shall be provided on the situations in which the use of this feed is appropriate. In the case of feeding stuffs specially presented to be given via tubing, indicate on the package, container or label: “Administration under veterinary supervision.”
Support of liver function in case of chronic liver insufficiencyLow level of protein but of high quality and highly digestible carbohydratesEquines
  • Protein and fibre source(s)

  • Highly digestible carbohydrates including their treatment if appropriate

  • Methionine

  • Choline

  • Contents of n-3 fatty acids (if added)

Initially up to 6 monthsGuidance shall be provided on the manner in which the feed should be fed including many small meals per day. Indicate on the package, container or label:“It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.”
Support of renal function in case of chronic renal insufficiencyLow level of protein but of high quality and low level of phosphorusEquines
  • Protein source(s)

  • Calcium

  • Phosphorus

  • Potassium

  • Magnesium

  • Sodium

Initially up to 6 monthsIndicate on the package, container or label: “It is recommended that a veterinarian’s opinion be sought before use or before extending the period of use.” Indicate on the instructions for use: “Water should be available at all times.”

Chapter B

1.  Where there is more than one group of nutritional characteristics indicated in column 2 of Chapter A, denoted by “and/or”, for the same nutritional purpose, the feeding stuff may have either or both groups in order to fulfil the nutritional purpose specified in column 1.

2.  Where a group of additives is mentioned in column 2 or column 4 of Chapter A, the additive(s) used must be authorised as corresponding to the specified essential characteristic.

3.  Where the source(s) of feed materials or of analytical constituents is/are required in column 4 of Chapter A the manufacturer must make a specific declaration (i.e. specific name of the feed material(s), animal species or part of the animal) allowing the evaluation of conformity of the feeding stuff with the corresponding essential nutritional characteristics.

4.  Where the declaration of a substance, also authorised as an additive, is required by column 4 of Chapter A and is accompanied by the expression “total”, the declared content must refer to, as appropriate, the quantity naturally present where none is added or the total quantity of the substance naturally present and the amount added as an additive.

5.  The declarations specified in column 4 of Chapter A which include the words “if added” are required where the feed material or the additive has been incorporated or its content increased specifically to enable the achievement of the particular nutritional purpose.

6.  The declarations to be given in accordance with column 4 of Chapter A concerning analytical constituents and additives must be expressed in quantitative terms.

7.  The recommended period of use indicated in column 5 of Chapter A indicates a range within which the nutritional purpose should normally be achieved. Manufacturers may refer to more precise periods of use, within the permitted range.

8.  Where a feeding stuff is intended to meet more than one particular nutritional purpose, it must comply with the corresponding entries in Chapter A.

9.  In the case of a complementary feedingstuff intended for a particular nutritional purpose, guidance on the balance of the daily ration must be provided in the instructions for use.

Regulation 17 and Schedule 4 Part I Paragraphs 18 and 19


Part ICategories of feed materials for use in relation to compound feeding stuffs for pet animals

Description of the CategoryDefinition
1. Meat and animal derivativesAll the fleshy parts of slaughtered warm-blooded land animals fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and all products and derivatives of the processing of the carcase or parts of the carcase of such animals
2. Milk and milk derivativesAll milk products, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment and derivatives from the processing thereof
3. Eggs and egg derivativesAll egg products fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and derivatives from the processing thereof
4. Oils and fatsAll animal and vegetable oils and fats
5. YeastsAll yeasts, the cells of which have been killed and dried
6. Fish and fish derivativesFish or parts of fish, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and derivatives from the processing thereof
7. CerealsAll types of cereal, regardless of their presentation, or products made from the starchy endosperm
8. VegetablesAll types of vegetables and legumes, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment
9. Derivatives of vegetable originDerivatives resulting from the treatment of vegetable products in particular cereals, vegetables, legumes and oil seeds
10. Vegetable protein extractsAll products of vegetable origin in which the proteins have been concentrated by an adequate process to contain at least 50% protein, as related to the dry matter, and which may be restructured or textured
11. MineralsAll inorganic substances suitable for animal feed
12. Various sugarsAll types of sugar
13. FruitAll types of fruit, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment
14. NutsAll kernels from shells
15. SeedsAll types of seeds as such or roughly crushed
16. AlgaeAlgae, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment
17. Molluscs and crustaceansAll types of molluscs, crustaceans, shellfish, fresh or preserved by appropriate treatment, and their processing derivatives
18. InsectsAll types of insects in any stage of development
19. Bakery productsAll bread, cakes, biscuits and pasta products

Part IICategories of feed materials for use in relation to compound feeding stuffs for animals other than pets

Description of the CategoryDefinition
1. Cereal grainsThe whole of the grain from all cereal types (including buck-wheat) regardless of their presentation, but from which no fraction other than hulls has been removed
2. Cereal grain products and by-products

Fractional products and by-products of cereal grains other than oils included in category 14

These products and by-products contain not more than 25% fibre in the dry matter

3. Oil seedsThe whole of the seed or fruit from all types of oil seeds and oil fruits regardless of their presentation, but from which no fractions other than hulls or shells have been removed
4. Oil seed products and by-products

Fractional products and by-products of oil seeds and oil fruits other than oils and fats included in category 14

These products and by-products contain not more than 25% fibre in the dry matter unless they contain more than 5% oils and fats in the dry matter, or more than 15% protein in the dry matter

5. Products and by-products of legume seeds

Whole and fractional products and by-products of legume seeds other than leguminous oil seeds included in categories 3 and 4

These products and by-products contain not more than 25% fibre in the dry matter

6. Products and by-products of tubers and roots

Products and by-products derived from tubers and roots other than sugar beet included in category 7

These products and by-products contain not more than 25% fibre in the dry matter

7. Products and by-products of sugar production

Products and by-products of sugar beet and sugar cane

These products and by-products contain not more than 25% fibre in the dry matter

8. Products and by-products of fruit processing

Products and by-products of fruit processing

These products and by-products do not contain more than 25% fibre in the dry matter, unless they contain more than 5% oils and fats in the dry matter, or more than 15% protein in the dry matter

9. Dried forages

Aerial parts of forage plants, cut while green, artificially or naturally dried

These products contain not more than 25% fibre in the dry matter unless they contain more than 15% protein in the dry matter

10. High fibre materialsFeed materials containing more than 25% fibre in the dry matter, such as straw, hulls and chaff, other than products included in categories 5, 6 and 9
11. Milk productsProducts derived from the processing of milk, other than separated milk fats included in category 14
12. Fish productsWhole or part of fish and other cold blooded marine animals, including products from fish processing other than fish oil and its derivations included in category 14. Also excluding products containing more than 50% ash in the dry matter included in category 13
13.Inorganic or organic materials containing more than 50% ash in the dry matter other than materials containing more than 5% of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid in the dry matter
14. Oils and fatsOils and fats from animal and vegetable sources, and their derivatives
15. Products from the bakery and pasta industriesWaste and surplus materials from the bakery and pasta industries

O.J. No. L123, 29.5.72, p. 6 (O.J./SE 1966-1972 supplement, p. 74). Point 2 of Annex 1 has been replaced entirely by the Annex to Directive 93/28/EC (O.J. No. L179, 22.7.93, p. 8)


O.J. No. L279, 20.12.71, p. 7 (O.J./SE 1971(III), p. 987). Part IV was entirely replaced by Annex 1 to Directive 84/4/EEC (O.J. No. L15, 18.1.84, p. 28). That Annex was in turn replaced entirely by Part B of the Annex to Directive 98/64/EC (O.J. No. L257, 19.9.98, p. 14)


O.J. No. L123, 29.5.72, p. 6 (O.J./SE 1966-1972 supplement, p. 74) (as replaced entirely by the Annex to Directive 1999/79/EC (O.J. No. L209, 7.8.1999, p. 23))


O.J. No. L155, 12.7.71, p. 13 (O.J./SE 1971(II), p. 480) as corrected by a corrigendum published in July 1975 (consolidated edition of corrigenda to the first series of specified editions of EC legislation (1952 to 1972))


O.J. No. L155, 12.7.71, p. 13 (O.J./SE 1971(II), p. 480)


O.J. No. L279, 20.12.71, p. 7 (O.J./SE 1971(III), p. 987) as amended by Article 1 of Directive 73/47/EEC (O.J. No. L83, 30.3.73, p. 35)


O.J. No. L83, 30.3.73, p. 21. Point 3 of Annex 1 has been replaced entirely by the Annex to Directive 92/89/EEC (O.J. No. L344, 26.11.92, p. 35)


Parts I to VIII relate only to additives covered by European Community Directives. Part IX relates only to additives covered by European Community Regulations


Certain of the listed Regulations relate to categories of additive which also include additives controlled by the Additives Directive, and which are thus listed in the relevant Part of Parts I to VIII of the Table to this Schedule. (eg. the preservative formic acid is covered by Regulation 1594/1999 (above), whereas certain other preservatives are covered by Part VII of the Table.)


O.J. No. L289, 28.10.98, p. 4


O.J. No. L347, 23.12.98, p. 21


O.J. No. L188, 21.7.1999, p. 35


O.J. No. L297, 18.11.1999, p. 8. The Annex to this Regulation is now replaced by the Annex to Regulation (EC) No. 739/2000 (O.J. No. L87, 8.4.2000, p. 14)


O.J. No. L155, 28.6.2000, p. 15


O.J. No. L206, 29.7.78, p. 63


Units of activity expressed as μmole of product released per minute per gram of enzymatic preparation


S.R. 1999 No. 296, to which there is an amendment not relevant to these Regulations


In this Schedule the contents laid down or to be declared in accordance with Columns 5 and 7 refer to the product as such.


If appropriate the manufacturer may also recommend use for temporary renal insufficiency.


If the feeding stuff is recommended for temporary renal insufficiency the recommended period for use shall be two to four weeks.


In the case of feeding stuffs for cats, “feline lower urinary tract disease” or “feline urological syndrome— F.U.S.” may complete the particular nutritional purpose.


In the case of feeding stuffs for cats, “feline lower urinary tract disease” or “feline urological syndrome— F.U.S.” may complete the particular nutritional purpose.


In the case of feeding stuffs for a particular intolerance reference to the specific intolerance can replace “feed material and nutrient.”


The manufacturer may complete the particular nutritional purpose with the reference “exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.”


In the case of feeding stuffs for cats, the manufacturer may complete the particular nutritional purpose with a reference to “Feline hepatic lipidosis.”


The term “ketosis” may be replaced by “acetonaemia”. The manufacturers may also recommend the use of ketosis recuperation.


In the case of feeding stuffs for dairy cows.


In the case of feeding stuffs for ewes.


In the case of feeding stuffs for dairy cows, “maximum two months from the start of lactation.”


Indicate the category of ruminants concerned.


In the case of feeding stuffs specially prepared to meet the specific conditions of very old animals (easily digestible feed materials) a reference to “old animals” shall complete the indication of the species or category of animal.