Rule 10
PART IAmendments to Index to Schedule 2 to the Principal Rules
“1.01 Notice to registrar of companies of voluntary arrangement taking effect
1.02 Notice to registrar of companies of order of revocation or suspension of voluntary arrangement
1.03 Notice to registrar of companies of supervisor’s abstract of receipts and payments
1.04 Notice to registrar of companies of completion or termination of voluntary arrangement
1.05 Nominee’s statement of opinion pursuant to paragraph 17(2) of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.06 Statement of affairs – company voluntary arrangement
1.07 Statement of eligibility for a moratorium pursuant to paragraph 18(1)(c) of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.08 Statement of consent to act by nominee pursuant to paragraph [18(1)(d)][38(2)] of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.09 Documents to be submitted to court to obtain moratorium under paragraph 18 of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.10 Advertisement of [coming into force][ending] of moratorium for [Newspaper][Gazette]
1.11 Notice to registrar of companies of commencement of moratorium
1.12 Notice to registrar of companies of [extension]/[further extension]
1.13 Notice to court of [extension]/[further extension] of moratorium pursuant to paragraph 44 (1) of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.14 Notice to the registrar of companies of ending of moratorium
1.15 Notice to court of end of moratorium pursuant to paragraph 22(1) of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.16 Notice to the registrar of companies by nominee of the withdrawal of consent to act
1.17 Notice to court by nominee of withdrawal of consent to act pursuant to paragraph 35(5) of Schedule Al to the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989
1.18 Notice to the registrar of companies of the appointment of a replacement nominee
1.19 Notice to court of appointment of replacement nominee pursuant to Rule 1.46 of the Insolvency Rules (Northern Ireland 1991”