
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Scheme.)

This Scheme makes provision for funding satellite-tracking devices on board fishing boats which are administered in Northern Ireland and which are over 15 metres in length, as a result of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2244/2003 laying down detailed provisions regarding satellite-based Vessel Monitoring Systems.

Article 3 sets out the eligibility criteria for the Scheme and Article 4 gives details of the method of applying for funding under it. Article 5 deals with the installation of the satellite-tracking devices on board approved fishing boats. Article 6 makes provision for payments to the provider and installer of satellite-tracking devices under the Scheme and also sets out the circumstances in which such payments will not be made. Article 8 sets out the powers of an authorised officer and Article 7 requires any applicant or any employee of any applicant to assist an authorised officer. Article 9 deals with revocation of the approval of an application and sets out the conditions for and consequences of revocation, whilst Article 10 deals with rates of interest where amounts of money are recovered.