The Rate Relief (Education, Training and Leaving Care) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007

Sandwich Course

5.—(1) For the purposes of these Regulations, a course is a “sandwich course” if—

(a)it is not a course for the initial training of teachers;

(b)it consists of alternate periods of full-time study in an institution and periods of work experience; and

(c)taking the course as a whole, the person undertaking that course is required by the institution to attend (whether at the premises of the institution or elsewhere) for full-time study for an average of not less than 18 weeks in each academic year and in each such week that person is required to attend he is expected to undertake periods of study or tuition amounting to at least 21 hours on average.

(2) A person is to be regarded as undertaking a sandwich course from the beginning of the first period of full-time study until the end of the last such period.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1), where periods of full-time study and work experience alternate within any week of the course, the days of full-time study are aggregated with each other and with any weeks of full-time study in determining the number of weeks of full-time study in each year.