
PART 3Fitness of taxis

Length of taxi

15.  Where an application is in respect of a Class A, B or D taxi licence, the total length of the taxi shall be not less than 3.96 metres.

Fuel tanks and apparatus

16.—(1) Fuel tanks and apparatus supplying fuel to the engine of every taxi shall be properly constructed of suitable material and of sufficient strength, and shall be so placed that fuel flowing from any such part shall not fall or accumulate where it can be readily ignited.

(2) Where a taxi has been fitted with a Liquid Petroleum Gas fuel system after the vehicle was first used, the applicant shall provide documentary evidence to satisfy the Department that the fuel system, components and the installation requirements, comply with ECE Regulation 67.01.

(3) In this regulation—

“Liquid Petroleum Gas” means any product essentially composed of the following hydrocarbons: propane, propene (propylene), normal butane, isobutylene, butane (butylene) and ethane; and

“ECE Regulation” has the same meaning as in regulation 2(2) of the Construction and Use Regulations.

Exhaust system

17.  The exhaust system of every taxi shall be so fitted or shielded that no flammable material can fall or be thrown upon it from any other part of the taxi and so that it is not likely to cause a fire through proximity to any flammable material on the taxi. The outlet of the system shall be so placed and the whole system be such as to prevent, so far as practicable, fumes from entering the taxi.

Steps and rails

18.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (4), the lowest step of every entrance or exit of every taxi from which a passenger can step directly to the ground, shall be not more than 435 millimetres above the ground when the taxi is unoccupied. Any fixed step shall in no case project laterally beyond the taxi unless it is protected by the front wings of the taxi, or otherwise is such that it is not liable to injure pedestrians.

(2) Subject to paragraph (4), where the lowest step of every entrance or exit from which a passenger can step directly to the ground is more than 435 millimetres, suitable steps and, where appropriate, hand rails, shall be provided.

(3) Where steps are provided, they shall be maintained in proper order and repair and comply with the following specifications—

(a)the surface of each tread shall be covered in a slip-resistant material;

(b)each retractable or folding step shall have a driver’s warning device attached to it which warns the driver that it has been deployed;

(c)subject to paragraph (4), there shall be a band of colour across the front edge of each tread of not less than 45 millimetres and not more than 50 millimetres in width, which shall contrast with the remainder of the tread; and

(d)the steps shall be soundly and properly constructed of suitable materials, and of such design as to be capable of withstanding the loads and stresses likely to be met within normal operation of the taxi.

(4) Paragraphs (1), (2) and (3)(c) shall not apply where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence and the taxi is not a heavy motor car or a motor vehicle with a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kilograms and was first used before 1st January 2001.

(5) Where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence and the taxi is a heavy motor car or is a motor vehicle with a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kilograms and an additional step is provided between the lowest step and the passenger compartment, the vertical distance between each riser shall not be less than 120 millimetres and not greater than 250 millimetres.

(6) Where paragraph (5) applies, hand rails shall be provided to assist passengers to enter or exit the taxi.

Calculation of maximum seating capacity

19.—(1) A vehicle examiner shall determine the maximum number of passengers who may be seated in a taxi.

(2) Where an application is in respect of a Class A, B or D taxi licence one passenger shall be counted for each seat length of 400 millimetres taking into account safe and unobstructed access to and from each seat.

(3) Where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence and the taxi is a heavy motor car or a motor vehicle with a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kilograms—

(a)one passenger shall be counted for each seat length of 400 millimetres; and

(b)the vehicle examiner shall take into account safe and unobstructed entry and exit gained through the nearside door.

General construction and condition

20.—(1) The bodywork, doors, upholstery and fittings of every taxi shall be soundly and properly constructed of suitable materials, and of such design as to be capable of withstanding the loads and stresses likely to be met within normal operation of the taxi and be maintained in a clean condition.

(2) All wires and equipment carrying electrical current shall be adequately insulated and protected and be so placed as not to be a source of danger.

(3) Where an application is in respect of a Class A, B or D taxi licence the taxi shall have a permanent top and shall be fitted with—

(a)at least 4 doors, of which 2 shall be situated on each side of the taxi, and each side door shall be capable of being opened independently from each other and from inside and outside the taxi;

(b)a steering wheel on the right hand side of the taxi when viewed from a forward-facing front seat; and

(c)4 wheels.

(4) Where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence the taxi shall be fitted with—

(a)at least 2 doors, of which one shall be situated on the nearside of the taxi and one on the offside or rear of the taxi;

(b)a steering wheel; and

(c)4 wheels.

(5) Where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence and the taxi is a heavy motor car or a motor vehicle with a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kilograms it shall comply with the additional specifications set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (l)—

(a)each manually operated door shall have a slam lock of the two stage type;

(b)power operated doors shall be fitted in compliance with Schedule 6 to the Construction and Use Regulations (construction requirements of minibuses);

(c)the hinges fitted to any manually operated door that opens outwards and is situated on the side of the taxi must be fitted to the edge nearest to the front of the taxi;

(d)every handle or device used to open a door on the outside of the taxi shall be not more than 1500 millimetres from the ground;

(e)all doors must be constructed to provide natural light into the taxi and enable a person immediately inside the door to see a person immediately outside the door;

(f)adequate ventilation shall be provided for passengers and the driver without the necessity of opening any main window or windscreen;

(g)there shall be adequate means of communication between the passengers and the driver;

(h)the supports of all seats shall be securely fixed in position and no seat shall be fitted to any door of the taxi;

(i)where any seat is so placed that a passenger seated upon it is liable to be thrown down a stairway in the taxi, an effective screen or guard of between 800 millimetres and 1100 millimetres in height shall be placed so as to afford adequate protection against that occurrence;

(j)the top of the side rails or panels of a taxi not having a permanent top shall be at least 910 millimetres above the floor and at least 455 millimetres above the highest part of any passenger seat cushion and the top of the front and back rails or panels shall be at least 1.21 metres above any part of the floor;

(k)adequate provision shall be made to protect the driver from the effects of glare and reflections caused by artificial interior lighting; and

(l)where the taxi is a decommissioned emergency response or military vehicle it shall be a different colour to that used by the primary user and shall not display any markings or exterior equipment that was used by the primary user.

(6) In this regulation—

“forward-facing front seat” has the same meaning as in regulation 55(11) of the Construction and Use Regulations (seat belts); and

“primary user” means the first user for which the vehicle was manufactured.

Access to doors

21.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence and the taxi is a heavy motor car or a motor vehicle with a maximum gross weight exceeding 3500 kilograms each passenger shall be provided with unobstructed access to at least 2 doors, one of which must be on the near side of the taxi and one of which must be either at the rear of the taxi or on the offside of the taxi.

(2) Access to one only of the doors referred to in paragraph (1) may be obstructed by either or both—

(a)a seat which when tilted or folded does not obstruct access to that door; and

(b)a boarding ramp, portable ramp or boarding lift which—

(i)does not obstruct the handle or other device on the inside for opening the door with which the ramp or lift is associated; and

(ii)when the door is open, can be pushed or pulled out of the way from the inside so as to leave the doorway clear for use in an emergency.


22.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), provision shall be made for the carriage of baggage of at least 80 litres capacity. This should be provided separately from the carriage of passengers, and be properly secured to ensure that there is no risk to passenger safety.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply where an application is in respect of a Class C taxi licence.