The Personal Independence Payment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 General

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

  3. PART 2 Personal independence payment assessment

    1. 3.Daily living activities and mobility activities

    2. 4.Assessment of ability to carry out activities

    3. 5.Scoring for daily living activities

    4. 6.Scoring for mobility activities

    5. 7.Scoring: further provision

    6. 8.Information or evidence required for determining limited or severely limited ability to carry out activities

    7. 9.Claimant may be called for a consultation to determine whether the claimant has limited or severely limited ability to carry out activities

    8. 10.Matters to be taken into account in determining good reason in relation to regulations 8 and 9

    9. 11.Re-determination of ability to carry out activities

  4. PART 3 Required period condition

    1. 12.Required period condition: daily living component

    2. 13.Required period condition: mobility component

    3. 14.The prescribed date

    4. 15.The prescribed date: claims for personal independence payment after an interval

  5. PART 4 Residence and presence conditions

    1. 16.Conditions relating to residence and presence in Northern Ireland

    2. 17.Absence from Northern Ireland

    3. 18.Absence from Northern Ireland to receive medical treatment

    4. 19.Absence from Northern Ireland in special cases

    5. 20.Serving members of Her Majesty’s forces and their family members – further provision

    6. 21.Terminal illness

    7. 22.Persons residing in Northern Ireland to whom a relevant EU Regulation applies

    8. 23.Persons residing in an EEA state other than the United Kingdom or in Switzerland to whom a relevant EU Regulation applies

  6. PART 5 Rate of personal independence payment

    1. 24.Rate of personal independence payment

  7. PART 6 Provisions relating to age

    1. 25.Exceptions to Article 88 where entitlement exists or claim made before relevant age

    2. 26.Claim for personal independence payment after an interval and after reaching the relevant age

    3. 27.Revision and supersession of an award after the person has reached the relevant age

  8. PART 7 Payability when person is residing in certain accommodation or is detained in custody

    1. 28.Care home residents

    2. 29. Hospital in-patients aged 18 or over

    3. 30.Payability exceptions: care homes and hospitals

    4. 31.Prisoners and detainees

    5. 32.Periods of residence

  9. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Personal independence payment assessment

      1. PART 1 Interpretation

      2. PART 2 Daily living activities

      3. PART 3 Mobility activities

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Members of Her Majesty’s forces: excluded persons

      1. 1.The following persons are not members of Her Majesty’s forces...

      2. 2.Paragraph 1(a) does not include any person who—

  10. Explanatory Note