
Article 3



Fees payable in every Department of the Court of Judicature

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemFee as from 01/04/17Fee as from 01/04/18Fee as from 01/04/19Document to be endorsed
1.On sealing—
(a) a writ of summons, or£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
(b) an originating summons, except for the payment out of court of a sum not exceeding £1,500.00 or where a fee under section 6 is payable and where no other fee is specifically provided, or£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
(c) a writ of summons or an originating summons under Order 88, or£165.00£177.00£186.00The filed copy
(d) an originating notice of motion, except a notice of appeal to the High Court, or£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
(e) a petition, except where a fee under section 4 or 6 of this Schedule is payable£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
2.On sealing an originating summons—
(a) on approval of a minor settlement£165.00£177.00£186.00The filed copy
(b) under section 31 or 32(1) of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 for discovery before commencement of proceedings£83.00£89.00£93.00The filed copy
(c) on a third party notice£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
(d) on a counterclaim£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
3.On a notice of motion under Order 53 for judicial review where application for leave has been granted£220.00£237.00£249.00The application
Interlocutory applications
4.On a sealing a summons, a notice of appointment, or a notice of motion£127.00£137.00£144.00The notice or summons
5.(a) On an ex parte application to a judge for an injunction£220.00£237.00£249.00Ex parte docket or summons or affidavit in support of the application
(b) On an ex parte application to a judge for approval of a minor settlement£165.00£177.00£186.00The ex parte docket
(c) On an application to a Master for payment out of monies invested on behalf of a minor£17.00£18.00£19.00The application
(d) On an ex parte application before a
(i) Master£165.00£177.00£186.00The ex parte docket
(ii) judge£220.00£237.00£249.00
6.On an application to transfer an action to the commercial list£165.00£177.00£186.00The application
Entering and setting down for trial in court
7.On entering or setting down any cause or matter for trial, hearing or further consideration in court, except where it is otherwise provided for in this Schedule
(a) without a Jury£330.00£355.00£373.00The setting down docket
(b) with a Jury£550.00£591.00£621.00
8.(a) On setting down a cause on motion for judgement£330.00£355.00£373.00The motion or summons
(b) Where the motion is treated as the trial of the action, in addition to the fee paid on the notice of motion£330.00£355.00£373.00The praecipe
9.On setting down other party pleadings£330.00£355.00£373.00
Examination of witness before trial
10.On the examination of a witness before trial£55.00£59.00£62.00The order
Inquiries, trials and assessment of damages or interest by Master
11.(a) On an inquiry, reference for trial or assessment of damages before a Master or Admiralty Registrar£165.00£177.00£186.00The order, judgment or certificate
(b) On an assessment of interest before a Master£127.00£137.00£144.00The judgment
12.On a decree, award, judgment, order or dismiss£83.00£89.00£93.00The judgment
Appeals to Judge in Chambers
13.On sealing a notice of appeal from a Master or Admiralty Registrar or District Judge to Judge in Chambers£220.00£237.00£249.00The notice filed
Appeals to High Court
14.On filing—
(a) a notice of appeal to the High Court, or£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed notice
(b) a case stated or a special case for the opinion of the High Court pursuant to statute and setting the appeal or case down for hearing, or£220.00£237.00£249.00The case
(c) a notice of cross-appeal to the High Court, or£220.00£237.00£249.00The notice filed
(d) a respondent’s notice of appeal to the High Court£220.00£237.00£249.00The notice filed
Application in aid of enforcement
15.On an application for an attachment of earnings order to secure maintenance payments£127.00£137.00£144.00The affidavit in support of the application
Registration of Foreign and Commonwealth Judgements
16.(a) Under Part II of the Administration of Justice Act 1920 or the Foreign Judgements (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933—
(i) on an ex parte application to register an incoming judgment or order£55.00£59.00£62.00The affidavit in support of the application
(ii) on providing a certified copy of a judgment or order for use abroad£83.00£89.00£93.00The affidavit in support of the application
(b) Under the Maintenance Orders Act 1950 or the Maintenance and Affiliation Orders Act (Northern Ireland) 1966—
(i) on an ex parte application to register an outgoing order£55.00£59.00£62.00The affidavit in support of the application
(ii) on processing an incoming registration£55.00£59.00£62.00The affidavit or order
(c) Under the Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act 1920—
(i) on an ex parte application to register an outgoing order£55.00£59.00£62.00The affidavit in support of the application
(ii) on processing an incoming registration£55.00£59.00£62.00The affidavit or order
(d) Under the maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1972 on an ex parte application to register an outgoing order£55.00£59.00£62.00The affidavit or statement in support of the application
Enforcement of Arbitration Award
17.On an application for leave to enforce an arbitration award£83.00£89.00£93.00The application
Copy Documents
18.(a) Copy document (5 sheets or less) not otherwise provided for£6.00£6.00£6.00The requisition
(b) Additional copy per page£0.50£0.50£0.50
(c) On a copy order/decree including certified or sealed£11.00£12.00£13.00The requisition
(d) On a copy order/decree produced online£9.00£10.00£11.00The requisition
19.For a certified copy of a written judgment£83.00£89.00£93.00The requisition
Bills of Sale
20.On filing—
(a) any document under the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Acts, 1879 and 1883, other than a fiat of satisfaction£33.00£35.00£37.00The document filed
(b) fiat of satisfaction£33.00£35.00£37.00The application
21.(a) For an official certificate of the result of a search in one name in any register or index under the custody of the Registrar of Bills of Sale£33.00£35.00£37.00The requisition for search
(b) For every additional name if included in the same certificate£22.00£24.00£25.00The requisition for search
Taking affidavits
22.On taking an affidavit or an affirmation or a declaration£33.00£35.00£37.00The affidavit, affirmation or declaration
23.(a) On a search of court documents, except where item 21 or 33 applies£22.00£24.00£25.00The requisition
(b) Additional fee where the search carried out by an officer of the court£11.00£12.00£13.00The requisition
Writs of Subpoena
24.On sealing a writ of subpoena per person£33.00£35.00£37.00The requisition
Warrants of arrest
25.On an application for a warrant of arrest under Article 5(3) of the Protection from Harassment (Northern Ireland) Order 1997£0.00£0.00£0.00The application


Fees payable in the Central Office

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemFee as from 01/04/17Fee as from 01/04/18Fee as from 01/04/19Document to be endorsed
Review of Taxing Master’s Decision
26.On an application to a judge to review the Taxing Master’s decision.£220.00£237.00£249.00The summons
27.(a) On lodging with the Marshall an instrument under Order 75, rule 5(1)£220.00£237.00£249.00The praecipe
(b) On the sale of a ship or goods—
(i) for every £100 or fraction of £100 of the price up to £100,000£2.00£2.00£2.00(Paid by transfer)
(ii) for every £100 or fraction of £100 of the price exceeding £100,000£1.00£1.00£1.00(Paid by transfer)
(c) On entering a reference for hearing by the Registrar£220.00£237.00£249.00The notice for hearing
(d) On retaining possession of a ship with or without cargo, or of a ship’s cargo without a ship, per day£55.00£59.00£62.00(Paid by transfer)
Court of Appeal
28.(a) On filing a notice of appeal or case stated£550.00£591.00£621.00The notice of appeal or requisition
(b) On filing a notice of cross-appeal or a respondent’s notice under Order 59, rule 6(1)£413.00£444.00£466.00The notice
(c) On any other application to the Court of Appeal£550.00£591.00£621.00The requisition
Transcript of Trial
29.A transcript of the shorthand or stenographic notes or of a recording taken by mechanical means of the whole or any part of any proceedings in respect of which—
(a) an appeal lies to the Court of Appeal, for each page£1.00£1.00£1.00The requisition
(b) leave has been given by a Judge,—
(i) in a criminal trial for each folio£1.00£1.00£1.00The requisition
(ii) in a civil trial for each folio£1.00£1.00£1.00The requisition
(iii) for each page of a second or subsequent transcript£1.00£1.00£1.00The requisition
(c) on an audio recording produced on compact disc in any court proceedings – for each hour recorded or part thereof£28.00£30.0032.00The requisition
30.Application for a deed poll£55.00£59.00£62.00The requisition


Fees payable in the Office of the Lord Chief Justice

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemFee as from 01/04/17Fee as from 01/04/18Fee as from 01/04/19Document to be endorsed
31.On presenting a memorial for appointment as commissioner for oaths or notary public£83.00£89.00£93.00The memorial
32.For every certificate of such appointment£83.00£89.00£93.00The certificate


Fees payable in the Bankruptcy and Companies Office

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemFee as from 01/04/17Fee as from 01/04/18Fee as from 01/04/19Document to be endorsed
33.(a) On sealing a petition for the winding up of a company by the court or for an order under Article 452 or 453 of the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986£165.00£177.00£186.00The petition
(b) On sealing a bankruptcy petition:
(i) if presented by a debtor or by the personal representative of a deceased debtor£127.00£137.00£144.00The petition
(ii) if presented by a creditor or other person£165.00£177.00£186.00The petition
(c) On sealing any other petition (one fee only is payable where more than one petition is presented in relation to a partnership)£165.00£177.00£186.00The petition
(d) On the hearing of a public examination£165.00£177.00£186.00The application
34.(a) On sealing any originating application£165.00£177.00£186.00The application
(b) On sealing any other application£127.00£137.00£144.00The application
The fees in Items 33 (a) and (b) are not payable on an application to set aside a statutory demand or an application by the Official Receiver when applying only in that capacity
35.On a request for a certificate to discharge bankruptcy£83.00£89.00£93.00The application
36.On a petition for an Administration Order£165.00£177.00£186.00The petition
37.(a) On any search in the office (including an inspection) other than by a bankrupt, director proposing a company voluntary arrangement, a debtor proposing an individual voluntary arrangement, or the Official Receiver when acting as such£22.00£24.00£25.00The search docket
(b) Additional fee where the search is carried out by an officer of the court£11.00£12.00£13.00The requisition


Fees payable in the Taxing Office

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemFee as from 01/04/17Fee as from 01/04/18Fee as from 01/04/19Document to be endorsed
38.On an application for taxation under the Solicitors (Northern Ireland) Order 1976£127.00£137.00£144.00The requisition
39.On the lodgement of a bill of costs5% of original bill (up to a maximum fee of £3,500)5% of original bill (up to a maximum fee of £3,500)5% of original bill (up to a maximum fee of £3,500)The bill
NOTE Provided that where the bill is taxed credit for this fee is to be given against the final fee payable
40.(a) On taxing a cash account between solicitor and own client under the Solicitors (Northern Ireland) Order 1976—
for every £50 or fraction of £50 of the amounts found to have been received and paid£0.33£0.35£0.37The account
(b) On the taxation of a bill of costs—
(i) where the amount allowed does not exceed £500£66.00£71.00£75.00The bill
(ii) where the amount exceeds £500, for every £1 or fraction of £1 of the amount allowed£0.17 (up to a maximum fee of £10,500)£0.18 (up to a maximum fee of £10,500)£0.19 (up to a maximum fee of £10,500)The bill
In addition to item 39 the Master may in any case require the bill of costs to be stamped before taxation with the whole or part of the amount of fees which would be payable if the bill were allowed by him at the full amount thereof (including in cases under the Solicitors (Northern Ireland) Order 1976, the fee payable in respect of the cash account)
(c) On the withdrawal of a bill of costs which has been lodged for taxationIn addition to item 39 such fee (not exceeding the amount which would have been payable under paragraph (b) if the bill had been allowed in full) as shall appear to the Master to be reasonable having regard to the amount of work done in the OfficeIn addition to item 39 such fee (not exceeding the amount which would have been payable under paragraph (b) if the bill had been allowed in full) as shall appear to the Master to be reasonable having regard to the amount of work done in the OfficeIn addition to item 39 such fee (not exceeding the amount which would have been payable under paragraph (b) if the bill had been allowed in full) as shall appear to the Master to be reasonable having regard to the amount of work done in the Office
(d) On assessing costs in the Chancery Division for every £1 or fraction of £1 of the sum assessed£0.11£0.12£0.13The bill
(e) On an application to the Taxing Master to review his decision£127.00£137.00£144.00The written objection


Fees payable in the Office of Care and Protection

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemFee as from 01/04/17Fee as from 01/04/18Fee as from 01/04/19Document to be endorsed
41.On an application by way of petition or originating summons for wardship, adoption or a parental order under section 30 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990£110.00£118.00£124.00The filed copy
42.On an application under section 27 of the Family Law Act 1986 for the registration of a custody order£83.00£89.00£93.00The filed copy of the order
43.On an application for registration of an enduring power of attorney£127.00£137.00£144.00The filed copy
44.On an application made pursuant to a direction of the Court under rule 4 of Order 109A£220.00£237.00£249.00The filed copy
45.On an application for a search of the register of enduring powers of attorney£22.00£24.00£25.00The requisition
Commencement Fee
46.(1) On a first application for the appointment of a controller or other originating process, except where it appears that the patient’s clear annual income is less than £1,000£220.00£237.00£249.00The requisition
(2) On commencement pursuant to a request by a personal applicant, in addition to Fee (1)£0.00£0.00£0.00
Annual Administrative Fee
47.On a certificate issued by the Office
(a) administrative fee per annum where funds are operated out of court£275.00£296.00£311.00
(b) administrative fee per annum where funds are held by Court Funds Office£385.00£414.00£435.00
Transaction Fee
48.(1) On any order (or, as the case may be, on any approval given by the court under an order) made by the court in the exercise of powers conferred by—
(1) Article 99(1)—
(b) sale, exchange etc of property
(c) (acquisition of property)
(d) (settlement of gift of property)
(h) (carrying out of contract) or
(k) (exercise of powers as guardian or trustee)
of the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 (“the Order”)
(ii) Article 102 of the Order (vesting of stock in curator appointed outside Northern Ireland)
(iii) Section 35(9) of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 (appointment of new trustee);£88.00 or in a “special case” ¼% of the pecuniary consideration as defined in Note 3 if greater than £88£95.00 or in a “special case” ¼% of the pecuniary consideration as defined in Note 3 if greater than £95£100.00 or in a “special case” ¼% of the pecuniary consideration as defined in Note 3 if greater than £100The requisition
(iv) Section 57(3) of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland) 1958 (variation of trusts for benefit of patient), provided that no fee under this item shall be taken if the property is worth less than £50 and no such fee shall exceed £500
(2) On the making by the court of any order or authority under Article 99(1)(e) of the Order (execution of will)£220.00£237.00£249.00The requisition
Control Fees
49.On passing an account where an Officer of the court (including Official Solicitor) is appointed£550.00£591.00£621.00
50.Winding-up fee on the death of a patient£303.00£326.00£342.00The requisition
51.On an application to purchase, sell or transfer house or land, release life interest or right of residence£165.00£177.00£186.00The requisition
52.Enduring Power of Attorney Account fee£165.00£177.00£186.00The requisition
53.Referral of patient to Office of Care and Protection including issue of enabling certificate and master’s direction by certificate£83.00£89.00£93.00The requisition
54.On an application to appoint a new Controller£220.00£237.00£249.00The requisition
55.Master’s subsequent direction by certificate, where no Controller Order or Short Procedure Order issued£83.00£89.00£93.00The requisition
56.Issue of a Controller ad interim Order or a short procedure order£83.00£89.00£93.00The requisition
57.On appointment of a Controller£127.00£137.00£144.00The requisition


1.  In relation to fee numbers 46 and 48–

(1) the annual administration fee shall be payable from the date of issue of the first application for the appointment of a controller or other originating process until the termination of the proceeding.

(2) no administration fee may be taken where the proceedings are terminated before any order is made.

2.  Fees number 45 and 46 are not payable where an officer of the court is acting as controller for the patient.

3.  In relation to fee number 47–

(1) “special case” means an order made by the court–

(a)under paragraph (b), (c), (d) and (h) of Article 99(1) of the Order;

(b)relating to the sale or purchase by the patient in exercise of his powers as a tenant for life under the Settled Lands Acts 1882 to 1890;

(c)under section 57(3) of the Trustee Act (Northern Ireland) 1958.

(2) In a special case, the standard fee payable shall be increased where there is readily ascertainable pecuniary consideration in the nature of capital arising to or provided by the patient (otherwise than by way of loan to, or repayment of a loan by the patient), no account being taken of the possible capitalisation of the value of rents or interest or other income payments.

(3) Where a transaction is to be approved under an order mentioned in fee number 47, the fee shall be taken on the approval of the transaction and the Office shall issue a certificate stating the amount payable.

(4) Except when the court otherwise directs, no fee shall be payable under fee number 47 upon the sale or purchase of personal chattels or any investment for the time being authorised by law for the investment of trust property or in securities quoted in any stock exchange in the United Kingdom.

4.(1) In relation to fee number 48, the clear annual income at the patient’s disposal for the purpose of this fee does not include income which accrued and became payable to him more than six months prior to the date when the court’s jurisdiction was first exercised in relation to him.

(2) In relation to fee number 48, no annual fee shall be taken where the proceedings are terminated less than four weeks from the date of issue of the first application for the appointment of a controller.

5.  In relation to fees number 45(2), 46, 47 and 48, no fee shall be payable on any income by way of a war pension or war injuries (civilian) pension in respect of–

(a)service in the armed forces of the Crown to which section 2 of the War Pensions Act 1920 applies; or

(b)service in the armed forces of the Crown after 2nd September 1939; or

(c)service before the 15th August 1945 to which the Pension (Polish Forces) Scheme 1964 applies; or

(d)detention, capture, war injury or war risk injury within the meaning of any scheme (other than that mentioned in paragraph (c) above) made under the Pensions (Navy, Army, Air Force and Mercantile Marine) Act 1939, or under that Act as amended and applied by the Pensions (Mercantile Marine) Act 1942; or

(e)war service injury within the meaning or the Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983 as amended in the case of a civil defence volunteer to whom that Scheme applied.