


Privacy and restrictions on disclosure

44.—(1) A tribunal may at any stage of the proceedings, on its own initiative or on application, make an order with a view to preventing or restricting the public disclosure of any aspect of those proceedings. Such an order may be made in any of the following circumstances—

(a)where the tribunal considers it necessary in the interests of justice;

(b)in order to protect the Convention rights of any person;

(c)for the purpose of hearing evidence from any person (“P”) which in the opinion of the tribunal is likely to consist of information which, if disclosed—

(i)would contravene a prohibition imposed by or by virtue of any statutory provision;

(ii)would breach a confidence by virtue of which P has obtained the information;

(iii)would, for reasons other than its effect on negotiations with respect to any of the matters mentioned in Article 96(1) of the Industrial Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1992, cause substantial injury to any undertaking of P’s or in which P works;

(d)in relation to proceedings before the Fair Employment Tribunal, where the tribunal considers that—

(i)the disclosure of any evidence given would be against the interests of national security, public safety or public order;

(ii)the disclosure of evidence given by any person (“P”) would create a substantial risk that P or another individual would be subject to physical attack or sectarian harassment.

(2) In considering whether to make an order under this rule, the tribunal shall give full weight to the principle of open justice and to the Convention right to freedom of expression.

(3) Such orders may include—

(a)an order that a hearing that would otherwise be in public be conducted, in whole or in part, in private;

(b)an order that the identities of specified parties, witnesses or other persons referred to in the proceedings should not be disclosed to the public, by the use of anonymisation or otherwise, whether in the course of any hearing or in its listing or in any documents entered on the register or otherwise forming part of the public record;

(c)an order for measures preventing witnesses at a public hearing being identifiable by members of the public;

(d)a restricted reporting order within the terms of Article 13 or 14 of the Industrial Tribunals Order;

(e)an order prohibiting the disclosure of specified information in accordance with Article 84(6) of the Fair Employment and Treatment Order.

(4) Any party, or other person with a legitimate interest, who has not had a reasonable opportunity to make representations before an order under this rule is made may apply to the tribunal in writing for the order to be revoked or discharged, either on the basis of written representations or, if requested, at a hearing.

(5) Where an order is made under paragraph (3)(d)

(a)it shall specify the person whose identity is protected; and may specify particular matters of which publication is prohibited as likely to lead to that person’s identification;

(b)it shall specify the duration of the order;

(c)the tribunal shall ensure that a notice of the fact that such an order has been made in relation to those proceedings is displayed on the notice board of the tribunal with any list of the proceedings taking place before the tribunal, and on the door of the room in which the proceedings affected by the order are taking place; and

(d)the tribunal may order that it applies also to any other proceedings being heard as part of the same hearing.

(6) “Convention rights” has the meaning given to it in section 1 of the Human Rights Act 1998(1).