SECTION 3.1: Production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide
Producing cement clinker in rotary kilns with a production capacity exceeding 500 tonnes per day or in other kilns with a production capacity exceeding 50 tonnes per day,
Producing lime or magnesium oxide in kilns with a production capacity exceeding 50 tonnes per day.
Any of the following activities:—
storing, loading or unloading cement or cement clinker in bulk prior to further transportation in bulk,
blending cement in bulk or using cement in bulk other than at a construction site, including the bagging of cement and cement mixture, the batching of ready-mixed concrete and the manufacture of concrete blocks and other cement products,
grinding cement clinker.
Slaking lime for the purpose of making calcium hydroxide or calcium magnesium hydroxide.
Heating calcium carbonate or calcium magnesium carbonate for the purpose of making lime.
SECTION 3.2: Activities involving asbestos
Producing asbestos or manufacturing products based on or containing asbestos.
Stripping asbestos from railway vehicles except—
in the course of the repair or maintenance of the vehicle,
in the course of recovery operations following an accident
where the asbestos is permanently bonded in any material, including in particular in cement, plastic, rubber or resin.
The industrial finishing, including shaping, drilling, or fitting manufactured asbestos products, of any of the following products where not carried out in conjunction with manufacture—
asbestos filters,
asbestos friction products,
asbestos jointing, packaging, and reinforcement material,
asbestos packing,
asbestos textiles.
Interpretation of Section 3.2
In this Section, “asbestos” includes any of the following fibrous silicates: actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite and tremolite.
SECTION 3.3: Glass and glass fibre manufacture
Manufacturing glass or glass fibre in an installation with a melting capacity exceeding 20 tonnes per day.
Unless it is an activity described in Part A of this Section—
(a)Manufacture of glass at any location with the capacity to make 5,000 tonnes or more in any 12 month period, and any activity involving the use of glass which is carried out at any such location in conjunction with its manufacture.
(b)Manufacture of glass where the use of lead or any lead compound is involved.
(c)Making any glass product where lead or any lead compound has been used in the manufacture of the glass except—
(i)making products from lead glass blanks,
(ii)melting, or mixing with another substance, glass manufactured elsewhere to produce articles such as ornaments or road paint.
(d)Polishing or etching glass or glass products in the course of any manufacturing activity if—
(i)hydrofluoric acid is used, or
(ii)hydrogen fluoride may be released into the air,
(e)The manufacture of glass frit or enamel frit and its use in any activity where that activity is related to its manufacture.
SECTION 3.4: Production of other mineral fibres
Melting mineral substances, including the production of mineral fibres, in an installation with a melting capacity exceeding 20 tonnes per day.
SECTION 3.5: Other mineral activities
Manufacturing cellulose fibre reinforced calcium silicate board.
Unless falling within any description in Part A of this Schedule, the crushing, grinding or other size reduction (other than the cutting of stone), or the grading, screening or heating of any designated mineral or mineral product, except where the operation of the activity is unlikely to result in the release into the air of particulate matter.
Any of the following activities, unless carried on at an exempt location:—
crushing, grinding or otherwise breaking up coal or coke or any other coal product,
screening, grading or mixing coal, or coke or any other coal product,
loading or unloading petroleum coke, coal, coke or any other coal product, except unloading on retail sale.
The crushing, grinding or other size reduction, with machinery designed for that purpose, of bricks, tiles or concrete.
Screening the product of any such activity as is described in paragraph (c).
Coating road stone with tar or bitumen.
Loading, unloading, or storing pulverised fuel ash in bulk prior to further transportation in bulk.
The fusion of calcinated bauxite for the production of artificial corundum.
Interpretation of Part B
In this Part—
“coal” includes lignite,
“designated mineral or mineral product” means—
clay, sand and any other naturally occurring mineral other than coal or lignite,
boiler or furnace ash produced from the burning of coal, coke or any other coal product,
gypsum which is a by-product of any activity,
“exempt location” means—
any premises used for the sale of petroleum coke, coal, coke or any coal product where the throughput of such substances at those premises in any 12 month period is in aggregate likely to be less than 10,000 tonnes, or
any premises to which petroleum coke, coal, coke or any coal product is supplied only for use there, and
“retail sale” means sale to the final customer.
Nothing in this Section applies to any activity carried on underground.
SECTION 3.6: Ceramic production
Manufacturing ceramic products (such as roofing tiles, bricks, refractory bricks, tiles, stoneware or porcelain) by firing—
(a)in kilns with a production capacity exceeding 75 tonnes per day, or
(b)where the kiln capacity exceeds 4m3, and the setting density of the kiln exceeds 300 kg/m3.
Firing heavy clay goods or refractory goods other than heavy clay goods in a kiln where the activity does not fall within a description in Part A of this Section.
Vapour glazing earthenware or clay with salts.
Interpretation of Part B
In this Part—
“clay” includes a blend of clay with ash, sand or other materials;
“refractory” means refractory material (such as fireclay, silica, magnesite, chrome-magnesite, sillimanite, sintered alumina, beryllia and boron nitride) which is able to withstand high temperatures and to function as a furnace lining or in other similar high temperature applications.