Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Ddeddfwriaeth Eilaidd o 2003 with a subject starting with EDUCATION wedi dod o hyd i 23 o ganlyniadau.

TeitlBlynyddoedd a RhifauSort ascending by Math o ddeddfwriaeth
The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 (Principal Teachers) Order 20032003 No. 607Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The Pupils' Educational Records (Scotland) Regulations 20032003 No. 581Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 Amendment Order 20032003 No. 487Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
Students Awards Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 459Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Nursing and Midwifery Student Allowances (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20032003 No. 401Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
Education (School Information and Prospectuses) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 378Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Education (Grants for Disabled Postgraduate Students) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 370Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Education (School Meals) (Scotland) Regulations 20032003 No. 350Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The Education (Student Loans) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 340Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 339Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
Education (Student Support) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 298Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Stevenson College (Change of Name) (Scotland) Order 20032003 No. 297Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The Education (Student Loans) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 20032003 No. 285Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The Education (Assisted Places) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20032003 No. 281Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The St Mary’s Music School (Aided Places) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20032003 No. 280Offerynnau Statudol yr Alban
The Education (Student Loans) (Repayment) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 166Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Teachers' Superannuation (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2003 (revoked)2003 No. 147Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 121Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
Further Education (Amendment of Governing Bodies' Powers) Order (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 110Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
Teachers' Superannuation (Additional Voluntary Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 20032003 No. 86Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon

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