Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Ddeddfwriaeth Eilaidd o 2012 with a subject starting with M wedi dod o hyd i 50 o ganlyniadau.

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Deddfwriaeth fesul Blwyddyn

Deddfwriaeth yn ôl Pennawd Pwnc

1. Dewiswch Lythyr Cyntaf Pennawd

2. Adfer Canlyniadau

TeitlBlynyddoedd a RhifauSort ascending by Math o ddeddfwriaeth

Magistrates’ Courts

The Magistrates’ Courts (Amendment No.2) Rules (Northern Ireland) 20122012 No. 415Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Magistrates’ Courts (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 20122012 No. 189Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Magistrates’ Courts (Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982) (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 20122012 No. 414Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Magistrates’ Courts (Costs in Criminal Cases) (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 20122012 No. 430Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon
The Magistrates’ Courts (Declarations of Parentage) (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 20122012 No. 190Rheolau Statudol Gogledd Iwerddon

Magistrates’ Courts, England and Wales

The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Rules 20122012 No. 3089 (L. 12)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Criminal Procedure Rules 20122012 No. 1726 (L. 6)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Family Procedure (Amendment No. 3) Rules 20122012 No. 2046 (L. 7)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Family Procedure (Amendment No. 4) Rules 20122012 No. 2806 (L. 10)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Family Procedure (Amendment) (No.2) Rules 20122012 No. 1462Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Family Procedure (Amendment) (No.5) Rules 20122012 No. 3061Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Family Procedure (Amendment) Rules 20122012 No. 679 (L. 3)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Magistrates’ Courts (Detention and Forfeiture of Cash) (Amendment) Rules 20122012 No. 1275 (L. 4)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Magistrates’ Courts (Regulation of Investigatory Powers) Rules 20122012 No. 2563 (L. 9)Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Magistrates’ Courts (Sexual Offences Act 2003) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Rules 20122012 No. 2018Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

Marine Management

The Conservation of Habitats and Species (Amendment) Regulations 20122012 No. 1927Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

Marine Pollution

The Merchant Shipping (Ship-to-Ship Transfers) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (revoked)2012 No. 742Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig


The Human Medicines Regulations 20122012 No. 1916Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Medicines (Products for Human Use) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 (revoked)2012 No. 2546Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
The Medicines (Products for Human Use) (Fees) Regulations 2012 (revoked)2012 No. 504Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

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