The Bus User Complaints Tribunal Regulations 2002

Determining the complaint

8.—(1) The Tribunal shall consider the notice of complaint and any additional representations submitted under regulation 7(1) by the complainant and any representations and response submitted by the bus operator under regulations 6(2) and 7(1) and shall, subject to paragraph 2, determine the complaint.

(2) Where, following consideration under paragraph (1), the Tribunal is unable to determine the complaint without further information it may adjourn its consideration to a future date to be specified and request further information from the complainant, bus operator or any other person whom it believes to be in possession of the information so required.

(3) The Tribunal shall advise the complainant and bus operator of an adjournment under paragraph (2).

(4) The determination when given shall be entered forthwith in the register maintained under regulation 6(1)(b) with a statement of the reasons for the decision and the Tribunal shall send a copy of that entry to the complainant and bus operator.