
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order further amends the National Health Service (Functions of the Common Services Agency) (Scotland) Order 1974 (“the principal Order”).

The principal Order confers certain functions on the Common Services Agency including under article 3(o) of the principal Order, the function of prevention, detection and investigation of fraud or other irregularities in relation to the provision of general medical, dental and ophthalmic services, pharmaceutical services and personal medical services under the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (“the fraud function”).

Article 2 of this Order amends article 3(o) of the principal Order so as to extend the fraud function conferred upon the Common Services Agency so that it may be exercised not only in relation to those particular services but also all the services provided under the 1978 Act. These functions were previously exercised by Health Boards and NHS trusts.