The Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals (Scotland) Order 2006

PART 1General procedures for cleansing, disinfection and treatment

1.  A person carrying out cleansing, disinfection and treatment (including measures to destroy rodents and insects) must do so in accordance with this part of (if different) any instructions given by a veterinary inspector.

2.  A person using a disinfectant or degreasing agent under this Order must ensure that they are used as effectively as possible and must, in particular, give consideration to the following in deciding which products to use and how to use them–

(a)the nature of the premises to be cleansed or disinfected;

(b)the type of vehicle or other thing to be cleansed or disinfected;

(c)any instructions from the manufacturer of the product (or of a veterinary inspector) as to pressure, minimum temperature and required contact time.

3.  A person cleansing and disinfecting under this Order must ensure that–

(a)bedding, litter and faecal matter are thoroughly soaked with disinfectant;

(b)equipment and installations which would otherwise impair effective cleansing and disinfecting are, where possible, removed or dismantled and either cleansed and disinfected or destroyed (if this is considered necessary by the person carrying out the cleansing and disinfecting or is required by a veterinary inspector);

(c)the ground, any floors, ramps and walls are washed and cleansed by thorough brushing and scrubbing.

4.  A person washing with liquids applied under pressure must avoid recontaminating areas or parts previously cleansed.

5.  A person who has cleansed and disinfected part of any premises must avoid recontaminating that part as he cleanses and disinfects other parts.

6.  A person carrying out a cleansing or disinfecting procedure must ensure that a written record of that procedure is made, showing the date and time the procedure took place.

7.  A person who makes such a record must keep it at the premises (or, if that person is a person in charge of a vehicle and the procedure involved cleansing or disinfecting that vehicle, with the vehicle).