Regulation 7
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Option | Activity and eligibility conditions | Rate of Payment |
74. Removal of vegetation/debris from SSSI Sites notified for their geological features | (1) This is a capital item with a 5 year commitment attached. (2) A beneficiary is eligible for payment under this option for the removal of vegetation and/or debris on SSSI Sites notified for their geological features where– (a)such features have been assessed by SNH as being in unfavourable condition due to encroaching vegetation and/or accumulating debris; or (b)SNH confirms that these features are at risk of falling into unfavourable condition due to encroaching vegetation and/or debris. (3) The beneficiary must– (a)submit a management plan to the Scottish Ministers detailing how they will manage the site to benefit the geological features by removing– (i)accumulating debris; and/or (ii)trees, tree saplings and scrub; (b)keep a copy of the management plan and provide this on request by the Scottish Ministers. The management plan must– (i)describe the area of conservation value that will benefit from the management; (ii)state the extent of the vegetation/debris to be removed; (iii)describe the type of management and treatments to be used to achieve this, including any follow up action; and (iv)mark the areas on a 1:10,000 scale map; (c)provide a report to the Scottish Ministers on submission of a claim for payment of aid, that includes– (i)details of the methods of removal used; (ii)details of the time spent on removing the vegetation and/or debris, if the beneficiary carries out the works; (iii)details of the locations where the vegetation and/or debris was cleared from; and (iv)photographic evidence of the work carried out. (4) A beneficiary may make only one claim for payment under this option in any 5 years. A one off payment will be paid in arrears. | Up to 100% of actual costs. |
75. Erosion Control | (1) This is a capital item with a 5 year commitment attached. (2) A beneficiary is eligible for payment under this option where a beneficiary carries out erosion control works as part of a management plan aimed at achieving the favourable condition of features for which SSSI Sites or European sites were notified. (3) The beneficiary must– (a)submit a management plan that– (i)demonstrates an understanding of the erosion processes affecting the site; (ii)considers the implications of controlling the erosion; (iii)provides details about intended management, where and when works will take place, what the benefits will be and how these will be monitored; and (iv)if features are being affected by other herbivores, includes measures to address these impacts and the impacts of burrowing animals in an integrated way; (b)for sites affected by coastal erosion, obtain specialist advice and consult with the relevant local authority; (c)where controlling burrowing animals– (i)does so through a control programme agreed with the Scottish Ministers; and (ii)complies with all appropriate legislation and relevant Codes of Practice as outlined in the programme guidance. (4) A beneficiary may make only one claim for payment under this option in any 5 years. A one off payment will be paid in arrears. | Up to 100% of actual costs. |
76. Renewable energy powered pumps for water troughs | (1) This is a capital item with a 5 year commitment attached. (2) A beneficiary is eligible for payment for a pump under this option where the pump installed is powered by renewable energy (solar, wind or water power) and is to provide water to a trough for livestock. (3) A beneficiary may make only one claim for payment under this option in any 5 years. A one off payment will be paid in arrears. | Up to 100% of actual costs. |
77. Capital works required for features for which SSSI Sites and European sites were notified to help bring them into favourable condition | (1) This is a capital item with a 5 year commitment attached. (2) A beneficiary is eligible for payment under this option on land on or adjacent to SSSI Sites and European sites for capital works aimed at bringing the features for which the SSSI Site or European site was notified into favourable condition. (3) The beneficiary must agree the eligible costs in advance with the Scottish Ministers. (4) A beneficiary may make only one claim for payment under this option in any 5 years. A one off payment will be paid in arrears. | Up to 100% of actual costs. |