The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2011


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations make amendments to the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 (the “principal regulations”).

Regulation 3 adds new definitions to regulation 2 of the principal regulations.

Regulation 4 makes amendments to regulation 5 of the principal regulations, including requiring an applicant to complete a consultation on the proposed application and to submit detailed information (including the outcome of the consultation) to the Health Board with the application.

Regulation 5 makes amendments to regulation 8 of the principal regulations relative to changes to the forms that have been substituted by the Schedule to these Regulations.

Regulation 6 makes an amendment to regulation 15 of the principal regulations, adding a pharmaceutical care plan to the list of particulars that a Health Board must make available at its offices for inspection.

Regulation 8 makes amendments to Schedule 3 of the principal regulations, including an obligation on the Health Board to notify certain dispensing doctors of an application and making changes to the way in which an appeal against the decision of the Health Board is dealt with.

Regulation 9 makes amendments to Schedule 4 of the principal regulations, altering the constitution and operation of the National Appeal Panel. The amendments include a reduction in the number of Panel members from nine to three and requiring the chair of the panel to be legally qualified.

Regulation 10 makes transitional provision relative to applications made prior to the commencement of these regulations.

The Schedule substitutes a new Schedule 2 to the principal regulations reducing the number of forms used.