
Regulation 3(1)

SCHEDULE 10Authorised treatments

1.  Mechanical extraction processes.

2.  The usual physical processes, including in-line water extraction (diffusion) of the edible part of the fruit used in the manufacture of a concentrated fruit juice (except in-line water extraction (diffusion) in relation to grapes used in the manufacture of a concentrated fruit juice), if the fruit juice obtained in this way complies with—

(a)in the case of fruit juice, the requirements in Schedule 2; and

(b)in the case of fruit juice from concentrate, the requirements in Schedule 3.

3.  In the production of grape juice where sulphitation of the grapes with sulphur dioxide has been used, desulphitation by physical means, if the total quantity of sulphur dioxide in the finished product does not exceed 10 mg per litre of the juice.