Scottish Statutory Instruments
2015 No. 64
National Assistance Services
The National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2015
Laid before the Scottish Parliament
19th February 2015
Coming into force
6th April 2015
The Scottish Ministers make the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by section 22(5) of the National Assistance Act 1948(), as applied by section 87(3) and (4) of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968(), and all other powers enabling them to do so.
Citation, commencement, interpretation and extent
1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2015 and come into force on 6th April 2015.
(2) In these Regulations “the principal Regulations” means the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992().
(3) These Regulations extend to Scotland only.
Amendment of regulation 20 of the principal Regulations
2. In regulation 20 of the principal Regulations (capital limit)() for “£26,000” substitute “£26,250”.
Amendment of regulation 28 of the principal Regulations
3. In regulation 28(1) of the principal Regulations (calculation of tariff income from capital)()—
(a)for “£16,000” (in each place it appears) substitute “£16,250”; and
(b)for “£26,000” substitute “£26,250”.
Amendment of Schedule 3 to the principal Regulations
4. In paragraph 28G of Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the principal Regulations (disregard of savings credit)()—
(a)in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), for “£5.95” (in each place it appears) substitute “£6.00”; and
(b)in sub-paragraphs (3) and (4), for “£8.95” (in each place it appears) substitute “£9.00”.
5. The National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2014() are revoked.
A member of the Scottish Government
St Andrew’s House,
17th February 2015
These Regulations amend the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Regulations 1992 (“the principal Regulations”). The principal Regulations concern the assessment of a person’s liability to pay for accommodation provided under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 (“the 1968 Act”). By virtue of section 87(3) of the 1968 Act, accommodation provided under the 1968 Act or section 25 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 shall be regarded as accommodation provided under Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948.
Regulation 2 amends the principal Regulations so that the capital limit set out in regulation 20 is increased from £26,000 to £26,250.
Regulation 3 amends the principal Regulations so that the capital limits set out in regulation 28(1) are increased from £16,000 and £26,000 to £16,250 and £26,250 respectively.
Regulation 4 amends the principal Regulations so that the amounts of savings credit to be disregarded from income in accordance with paragraph 28G of Schedule 3 are increased from £5.95 and £8.95 to £6.00 and £9.00 respectively.
Regulation 5 revokes the National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2014 which provided the equivalent sums for the year beginning 7th April 2014.
No Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared in respect of these Regulations on the basis that there is no foreseeable impact on business, charities or voluntary bodies.