Synodical Government Measure 1969

[F1M9(1)This Rule applies in the case of every election which is to take place at the annual meeting, subject to any variations made by a resolution under Rule M10 or M11.E

(2)A candidate must be nominated, either before the meeting in writing or at the meeting, by two persons each of whom—

(a)must be entitled to attend the meeting, and

(b)must have his or her name on the roll of a parish.

(3)If the number of candidates does not exceed the number of seats to be filled, each candidate is declared elected.

(4)If the number of candidates exceeds the number of seats to be filled, an election must take place in accordance with the following provisions.

(5)Every lay person whose name is on the roll of the parish is entitled to vote in the election.

(6)Each person entitled to vote has as many votes as there are seats to be filled, but may not give more than one vote to the same candidate.

(7)Votes may be given by a show of hands; but if one or more persons object to that, each vote is to be given on a voting paper signed on the back by the voter.

(8)If there is an equality of votes, the election is decided by the drawing of a lot by the presiding officer.

(9)On a recount of an election or a stage of an election, either on an appeal or at the request of the presiding officer or a candidate, if the original count and the recount are identical at the point when a lot must be drawn, the original lot must be used to decide.

(10)The presiding officer for an election at the annual meeting is the chair of the meeting, unless a presiding officer is appointed under Rule M11(3).]

Textual Amendments