Parochial Registers and Records Measure 1978

11 Care, etc. of register books and records in parochial custody.U.K.

(1)Every person having the custody of any register books or records in parochial custody shall be responsible for their safe-keeping, care and preservation.

(2)The provisions contained in Schedule 2 to this Measure shall apply to any register book or record which is retained in parochial custody under an authorisation issued under subsection (3) below.

(3)Where the bishop of a diocese issues an authorisation in writing to that effect, any register book or record which is required by section 10(1) of this Measure to be deposited in a diocesan record office for the diocese and is specified in the authorisation may be retained in parochial custody.

(4)An application for an authorisation under subsection (3) above shall be made in writing by the person or persons having the custody of the book or record in question, and the bishop shall issue the authorisation if he is satisfied that the provisions of the said Schedule 2 are being and will be complied with as respects that book or record.

(5)If it appears to the bishop of a diocese that any such provisions are not being complied with as respects any book or record to which an authorisation issued by him or a predecessor in office of his under subsection (3) above relates, he shall revoke the authorisation.

(6)The bishop of a diocese shall from time to time issue directions with respect to the safe-keeping, care and preservation of the other register books and records in parochial custody in his diocese; and all persons concerned shall comply with such directions.

(7)Subject to subsection (8) below, directions under subsection (6) above shall require the register books and records to which the directions apply to be kept in the appropriate parish church or other place of public worship and shall include directions with respect to the type of container in which those books and records are to be kept.

(8)The bishop may if he thinks it necessary to do so issue further or different directions under subsection (6) above to a particular incumbent, priest in charge or parochial church council or to particular churchwardens or with respect to particular registers or records in parochial custody.

(9)The expense of complying with directions issued under this section and with the provisions of the said Schedule 2 (if applicable) shall be met by the parochial church council concerned.