Care of Cathedrals Measure 1990 (No. 2)

13Inventories, etc

(1)It shall be the duty of the administrative body of a cathedral church to compile and maintain an inventory of all objects in the possession of the chapter which the fabric advisory committee considers to be of architectural, archaeological, artistic or historic interest, in accordance with rules made under this Measure, and to complete the compilation of that inventory before the expiration of the period of five years beginning with the date on which this section comes into force.

(2)It shall be the duty of the fabric advisory committee of a cathedral church to designate those objects included in the inventory compiled and maintained for the cathedral church under subsection (1) above which the committee considers, after consultation with the Commission, to be of outstanding architectural, archaeological, artistic or historic interest.

(3)It shall be the duty of the administrative body of a cathedral church to prepare a plan indicating the extent of the land surrounding the cathedral church of which the fee simple is vested in the chapter and to complete the preparation of that plan before the expiration of the period of two years beginning with the date on which this section comes into force, and the chapter clerk shall send the plan to the Commission.

(4)On receiving a plan prepared by the administrative body under subsection (3) above, the Commission shall, after consultation with the administrative body, indicate thereon the precinct of the cathedral church for the purposes of this Measure.