  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Short title

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Appointed day

  5. 4.Repeals

  6. 5.Savings for incorporation of Company, existing policies, actions, etc

  7. 6.Existing directors, officers, etc., to continue in office

  8. 7.Name of Company

  9. 8.Head office, etc

  10. 9.No policy deemed to be effected until payment of premium

  11. 10.Policies to be liable for claims of Company against members

  12. 11.Execution of assignations, etc., of policies

  13. 12.Effect of assignation to Company of its own policies

  14. 13.Liability of members

  15. 14.Regulations of Company

  16. 15.Special resolution

  17. 16.Redemption of stock

  18. 17.Ranking of claims under policies in winding up

  19. 18.Surplus assets on winding up

  20. 19.Service of writs and notices on Company

  21. 20.Companies Clauses Acts not to apply

  22. 21.General Acts to apply


      Regulations of The Standard Life Assurance Company

      1. Interpretation

        1. 1.Definitions

      2. Objects

        1. 2.Objects of Company

      3. Powers

        1. 3.Powers of Company

      4. Trusts

        1. 4.Company not to regard trusts

      5. Members

        1. 5.Members

        2. 6.Admission of members

        3. 7.Cessation of membership

        4. 8.Duration of membership

        5. 9.Assignees, etc

      6. Notice to owner of policy

        1. 10.Owners of policies bound by notice to previous owners

      7. Meetings of members

        1. 11.Annual general meeting

        2. 12.Special general meeting

        3. 13.Special resolutions

        4. 14.Business at annual general meeting

        5. 15.Quorum

        6. 16.Absence of quorum

        7. 17.Chairman of general meetings

        8. 18.Adjournment of meeting

        9. 19.Voting

        10. 20.Taking of poll

        11. 21.Chairman’s casting vote

      8. Voting of members

        1. 22.Qualification of member to vote

        2. 23.Representatives of corporations

        3. 24.Votes of incompetents

        4. 25.Proxies

        5. 26.Form of proxies

        6. 27.Deposit of proxies and authorities to vote

        7. 28.Authority conferred by proxies

        8. 29.Validity of proxies

        9. 30.Objections to voting

        10. 31.Number of votes

      9. Directors

        1. 32.Management of Company vested in directors

        2. 33.Number of directors

        3. 34.Directors may act notwithstanding vacancy

        4. 35.Qualification of directors

        5. 36.Continuance in office of present directors

        6. 37.Vacation of office of director

        7. 38.Directors may contract with Company

        8. 39.General notice as to director’s interests

        9. 40.Disclosure of interest to officer of Company

        10. 41.Directors may hold other office except auditor

        11. 42.Directors may become members or directors of any company promoted, etc., by Company

        12. 43.Remuneration of directors

        13. 44.Additional remuneration and expenses

      10. Retirement and election of directors

        1. 45.Retirement and election of directors

        2. 46.Election of directors

        3. 47.Eligibility for election

        4. 48.Co-option of directors

      11. Committees of directors

        1. 49.Committees

        2. 50.Chairman of committees

        3. 51.Proceedings of committees

      12. Meetings of directors

        1. 52.Meetings of directors

        2. 53.Notice of meetings

        3. 54.Chairman and deputy chairman

        4. 55.Quorum

        5. 56.Voting

        6. 57.Resolution in writing

        7. 58.Validity of acts and proceedings

      13. Local directors

        1. 59.Local directors

        2. 60.Remuneration of local directors

        3. 61.Qualification of local directors

        4. 62.Meetings of local directors

      14. Minutes

        1. 63.Minutes

      15. Officers, employees, etc.

        1. 64.Chief executive, actuary and secretary

        2. 65.Professional advisers, employees, officers, agents, etc

        3. 66.Power of directors to delegate

      16. Attorneys

        1. 67.Attorneys may be appointed by directors

      17. Trustees or nominees

        1. 68.Appointment of trustees or nominees

      18. Borrowing powers

        1. 69.Power to borrow and give security

      19. Seal

        1. 70.Common seal

        2. 71.Seal for use abroad

        3. 72.Canadian seal

        4. 73.Authentication of documents

      20. Execution of deeds, etc.

        1. 74.Execution of deeds, etc

      21. Separation of funds

        1. 75.Formation and application of separate funds

        2. 76.Prospectuses for separate funds

      22. Reserve funds

        1. 77.Reserve funds

      23. Actuarial report

        1. 78.Actuarial valuation and report

      24. Distribution of profits

        1. 79.Appropriation of surplus

        2. 80.Bonus distribution

        3. 81.Encashment of bonus

        4. 82.Bonus on claims between distributions

        5. 83.Directors may by arrangement limit, postpone, restrict or commute right of participation

        6. 84.Power to declare distributable surplus not to be delegated

      25. Accounts

        1. 85.Accounts to be kept

        2. 86.Books to be kept at head office or elsewhere

        3. 87.Members' right to inspect books

        4. 88.Annual accounts and balance sheet

        5. 89.Annual report of directors

        6. 90.Copies to be sent to members, etc

      26. Auditors

        1. 91.Qualification and duties of auditor

        2. 92.Audit of separate funds

      27. Indemnity, etc.

        1. 93.Indemnity of officers, etc., of Company

        2. 94.Individual responsibility

      28. Claims in bankruptcy, etc.

        1. 95.Representative in bankruptcy, etc

      29. Surrender of assurances

        1. 96.Surrender, alteration, etc., of assurances

      30. Notices

        1. 97.Service of notices by Company

        2. 98.Service of notices upon Company