Marks of Proof.U.K.
The Marks denoting definitive Proof shall be the Proof and View Marks now used by the Two Companies respectively; (that is to say,)
As to the Gunmakers Company:
The Letters G P interlaced in a Cypher surmounted by a Crown, and the View Mark being the Letter V surmounted by a Crown; (videlicet,)
As to the Guardians:
Two Sceptres crossed, a Crown in the top Angle formed by the crossing of the Sceptres, the Letter B in the proper right Angle, the Letter C in the proper left Angle, and the Letter P in the lower Angle; and the View Mark being Two Sceptres crossed, a Crown in the top Angle formed by the crossing of the Sceptres, and in the lower Angle the Letter V; (videlicet,)
The Marks denoting provisional Proof shall be as follows:
As to the Gunmakers Company:
The Letters G P interlaced in a Cypher surmounted by a Lion rampant; (videlicet,)
As to the Guardians:
The Letters B P interlaced in a Cypher surmounted by a Crown; (videlicet,)
The Marks denoting provisional Proof of Barrels proved in the State for definitive Proof shall be as follows:
As to the Gunmakers Company:
The Letters V G P interlaced in a Cypher surmounted by a Lion rampant; (videlicet,)
As to the Guardians:
The Letters V B P interlaced in a Cypher surmounted by a Crown; (videlicet,)