42 Claims for Registration of Members of Birmingham Gun Trade.U.K.
For the Purpose of making and revising from Time to Time a yearly Register of Members of the Birmingham Gun Trade, every Person claiming to be a Member of the Birmingham Gun Trade, and whose Name shall not appear as such Member on the Register then in force, or appearing thereon shall be desirous of making a new Claim, shall, between the First and Second Mondays (both Days inclusive) in the Month of March in the Year for which he claims to be registered, send in to the Birmingham Proof House, if by Post Post-paid, a Claim in the Form in Schedule A., Part I., to this Act annexed, and the Law Clerk to the Guardians shall make out and sign a List containing the Names, Descriptions, Addresses, and Qualifications of all the Members entered on the Register then in force, and also a List containing the Names, Descriptions, Addresses, and Qualifications of all Persons then claiming to be registered, and shall publish such Two Lists on or before the Third Monday in the Month of March in the Year in which the Revision is to be made.