Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963

6Restriction of bookmaking on tracks

(1)Except on an approved horse racecourse on a day on which that racecourse is used only for the purpose of horse races, bookmaking shall not be carried on on any track unless the occupier of the track is the holder of a licence authorising the provision of betting facilities on that track granted and for the time being in force under Schedule 3 to this Act (in this Act referred to as a " track betting licence ") :

Provided that this subsection shall not apply in relation to anything done on any track on any day if—

(a)during the period of twelve months in which that day falls, being a period beginning with 1st July in any year, bookmaking has not been carried on on that track on more than seven previous days ; and

(b)notice of the intention to permit bookmaking on that track on that day has been given by post not less than seven clear days beforehand by the occupier of the track to the chief officer of police for any police area in which the track or any part thereof is situated.

(2)Bookmaking shall not be carried on on any licensed track on any day which is not one of the betting days fixed under paragraph 14 of Schedule 3 to this Act by the authority who granted the licence.

(3)If bookmaking is carried on by any person on any track on any day in contravention of this section, that person and, if that person is not the occupier of the track, that occupier also, shall be guilty of an offence:

Provided that where the occupier of a track is charged with an offence by reason of a contravention of this section on the part of another person, it shall be a defence for him to prove that the contravention occurred without his consent or connivance and that he exercised all due diligence to prevent it.