4U.K.The court shall, for the purposes of the inquiry, have power—
(a)to enter and inspect any place or building the entry or inspection whereof appears to the court requisite for the said purposes;
(b)by summons signed by the court to require any person to attend, at such time and place as is specified in the summons, to give evidence or produce any documents in his custody or under his control which the court considers it necessary for the purposes of the inquiry to examine;
(c)to require a person appearing at the inquiry to furnish to any other person appearing thereat, on payment of such fee, if any, as the court thinks fit, a copy of any document offered, or proposed to be offered, in evidence by the first-mentioned person;
(d)to take evidence on oath, and for that purpose to administer oaths, or, instead of administering an oath, to require the person examined to make and subscribe a declaration of the truth of the matter respecting which he is examined;
(e)to adjourn the inquiry from time to time; and
(f)subject to the foregoing sub-paragraphs, to regulate the procedure of the court.