Sea Fish Industry Act 1970

8Registration of persons engaged in the white fish industry

(1)The Authority may keep such registers as they think fit of persons engaging in the white fish industry by carrying on any prescribed business, and the Authority on application made by any person to be registered as a person carrying on a prescribed business, and on payment of such fee not exceeding five shillings as may be prescribed (if any), shall register him in the appropriate register as a person carrying on that business.

(2)Subject to any prescribed exemptions, no person shall after the expiration of the prescribed period engage in the white fish industry by carrying on a prescribed business unless he is registered under this section in the appropriate register as a person carrying on that business, and any person contravening this subsection shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £25.

(3)The Authority may include in any register kept under this section particulars of the places where the persons registered carry on their business and the number of vessels to which this Part of this Act applies or vehicles kept for use in the business.

(4)A person shall, on making application to be registered in any register kept under this section, and also on being required to do so by notice given to him by the Authority at any time while his name appears in any such register, furnish to the Authority such information as the Authority may require for the purpose of their powers under this section, and any person registered in any such register as carrying on a prescribed business shall, whenever required to do so as aforesaid, make to the Authority a written declaration stating whether or not he is carrying on that business as a nominee of another person and, if so, giving the name of that other person.

(5)The Authority, on being satisfied that a person whose name is entered in any register kept under this section as a person carrying on a prescribed business has ceased to carry on that business, shall delete that entry in the register.

(6)Registration in any register kept under this section in the name or style under which a business is carried on (whether or not the entry includes the names of those carrying it on) shall operate, so far as relates to that business, as the registration of any person who has given the Authority written notice that he is the person or one of the persons for the time being carrying it on; and the entry relating to the business shall be deleted under subsection (5) above if, but only if, the Authority are satisfied that the business is no longer carried on under that name or style by a person who has given them such a notice or is no longer such as to require registration in that register.

(7)Any register kept under this section shall be kept at the Authority's office and, so far as is practicable, a duplicate of it shall be kept at the office used by the Scottish Committee in Scotland; and the register and duplicate shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection.