Pensions (Increase) Act 1971

1Present increases

(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the annual rate of an official pension may, if any qualifying condition is satisfied, be increased by the pension authority in respect of any period beginning on or after 1st September 1971, as follows:—

(a)a pension beginning before the year 1969 may be increased by the amount necessary to bring the rate up to the 1969 standard, that is to say, to the rate arrived at by applying to the basic rate of pension the multiplier given in Schedule 1 for the year in which the pension began, and by a further 18 per cent, of the rate as so increased;

(b)a pension beginning on or before 1st April 1969 but not earlier than that year may be increased by 18 per cent, of the basic rate ;

(c)a pension beginning in the six months following 1st April 1969 may be increased by 16 per cent, of the basic rate;

(d)a pension beginning in the six months following 1st October 1969 may be increased by 14 per cent, of the basic rate;

(e)a pension beginning in the six months following 1st April 1970 may be increased by 10 per cent, of the basic rate;

(f)a pension beginning in the six months following 1st October 1970 may be increased by 6 per cent, of the basic rate.

(2)In the case of a pension beginning before the year 1969 the increase authorised by subsection (1)(a) above shall take the place of those authorised by the Pensions (Increase) Acts 1920 to 1969, but in the cases provided for by section 6 below shall be of the larger amount there specified by reference to increases that might have been made under those Acts.