

SCHEDULE 4The Housing Revenue Account


7Any requirement of this Schedule as respects any amount to be debited or credited to the account may be met by taking in the first instance an estimate of the amount, and by making adjustments in the account for a later year when the amount is more accurately known or is finally ascertained.

8A local authority may, with the consent of the Secretary of State, exclude from the housing revenue account any of the items of income or expenditure mentioned in the foregoing provisions of this Schedule, or may with such consent include any items of income or expenditure not mentioned in those foregoing provisions.

9Where it appears to the Secretary of State that amounts in respect of any items of income or expenditure other than those mentioned in the foregoing provisions of this Schedule ought properly to be credited or debited to a housing revenue account, or that amounts in respect of any of the items of income and expenditure mentioned in the foregoing provisions of this Schedule which ought properly to have been credited or debited to the account have not been so credited or debited, or that any amounts have been improperly credited or debited to the account, he may, after consultation with the local authority, give directions for the appropriate credits or debits to be made or for the rectification of the account, as the case may require.

10The Secretary of State may direct that items of income or expenditure, either generally or of a specific category, shall be included in or excluded from the account.

11Any surplus shown in a housing revenue account at the end of a year shall be carried forward to the next following year and included as an item of income for the purposes of section 28 or 29 of this Act.

12References in this Schedule to houses and other property to which the housing revenue account of a local authority relates shall be construed as references to houses, buildings, land and dwellings in respect of which the authority are required by section 23 of this Act to keep the account.