Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972


Voluntary Combination

1An agreement entered into under section 1(2) of this Act shall provide for the appointment of a joint planning committee, which shall consist of representatives of the local planning authorities concerned, and for the delegation to the joint planning committee of all or some of the functions (other than the power to borrow money or to levy a rate) relating to the purposes for which the combination has effect, and the agreement may make provision for the transfer of property and liabilities, the adjustment of liabilities between the authorities, the transfer and compensation of officers, the settlement of differences and for such other matters as appear to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of carrying the combination into effect.

2The expenses of the joint planning committee shall be defrayed by the constituent authorities in the proportions specified or provided for in the agreement, and the proportion of expenses falling to be defrayed by a local planning authority shall be defrayed by (hat authority in like manner as if the expenses had been incurred by that authority for the purposes for which the combination has effect.

3The Secretary of State may, on the application of the local planning authorities concerned, make an order for the purpose of giving effect to any of the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Schedule.

4The Secretary of State may by order constitute the joint planning committee a body corporate.

5The Secretary of State may, if it appears to him expedient so to do, make an order withdrawing the consent given by him to the combination under section 1(2) of this Act of any two or more local planning authorities and dissolving the combination; and any such order may contain provisions regulating the rights and liabilities of the authorities concerned and such other provisions (including provision for the transfer and compensation of officers), as appear to the Secretary of State to be necessary or proper in the circumstances:

Provided that the Secretary of State shall not make such an order except after holding a local inquiry unless all the authorities concerned have consented to the making of the order.