[The Accounts Commission for Scotland.]
[The Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council.]
[The Advisory Council established under section 3 of the Scottish Qualification Authority Act 2002.]
[The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.]
[The Antarctic Act Tribunal established under regulations made under the Antarctic Act 1994.]
An Arbitration Tribunal established under Schedule 3 to the Industry Act 1975.
[The Armed Forces Pay Review Body.]
[The Arts Council of England.]
[The British Railways Board.]
[The British Transport Police Authority.]
The British Waterways Board.
[Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg (the Welsh Language Board).]
[The Care Council for Wales.]
[The Care Quality Commission [and the Healthwatch England committee] .]
[The Central Arbitration Committee.]
[The Channel Four Television Corporation.]
[The Charity Commission.]
[The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.]
[The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.]
The Civil Aviation Authority.
[The Civil Nuclear Police Authority.]
The Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal.
[The Civil Service Commission]
[The Coal Authority.]
[Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.]
[The Commission for Equality and Human Rights.]
[The Commission on Human Medicines.]
The Commission for Local Administration in England.
[The Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland.]
[The Committee on Climate Change.]
[The Competition Appeal Tribunal.]
[The Competition Commission.]
[The Competition Service.]
[The Consumer Council for Water, and each regional committee of the Council established under section 27A of the Water Industry Act 1991.]
The Copyright Tribunal.
[The Council of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.]
The Covent Garden Market Authority.
[The Criminal Cases Review Commission.]
The Crown Estate Commissioners.
The Development Commission.
A Development Corporation within the meaning of the New Towns Act 1981 or the New Towns (Scotland) Act 1968.
[The Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board for Northern Ireland.]
[The Disclosure and Barring Service.]
[ The Electoral Commission.]
[The Employment Appeal Tribunal.]
[The English Sports Council.]
[The Environment Agency.]
[The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.]
The Fair Employment Tribunal for Northern Ireland.
[The First-tier Tribunal.]
[The Food Standards Agency.]
The Foreign Compensation Commission.
[The Forestry Commissioners.]
[The Gambling Commission.]
Gangmasters Licensing Authority.
[The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority.]
[The Health and Care Professions Council]
The Health and Safety Executive.
[The Health and Social Care Information Centre.]
[The Health and Social Care Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority in Northern Ireland.]
[Healthcare Improvement Scotland.]
Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
[The Homes and Communities Agency.]
[The Horserace Betting Levy Appeal Tribunal for England and Wales.]
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.
[The Human Tissue Authority.]
[The Independent Commission for Police Complaints for Northern Ireland.]
[The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority.]
[The Independent Police Complaints Commission.]
An Industrial Court established in Northern Ireland.
The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council.
[Invest Northern Ireland.]
A Joint Planning Inquiry Commission constituted under Part III of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act [1997].
[The Judicial Appointments Commission.]
The Labour Relations Agency.
The Lands Tribunal for Northern Ireland.
The Lands Tribunal for Scotland.
The Law Commission.
[The Legal Services Board.]
[The Local Government Boundary Commission for England.]
The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland.
The Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales.
[The Low Pay Commission appointed under section 8(9) of the National Minimum Wage Act 1998.]
[The Marine Management Organisation.]
[A Mayoral development corporation (see section 198 of the Localism Act 2011).]
[The Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales]
[The Mental Health Review Tribunal for Northern Ireland.]
The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland.
[The National Audit Office.]
[The National Consumer Council.]
[The NHS Pay Review Body.]
[The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.]
[The National Lottery Commission.]
[The National Policing Improvement Agency.]
[Natural England.]
[The Natural Resources Body for Wales.]
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
[ The Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.]
[The Northern Ireland Law Commission.]
[The Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission.]
[The Northern Ireland Social Care Council.]
[The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.]
[The Office for Budget Responsibility.]
[The Office of Communications.]
[The Office of Fair Trading.]
[The Office for Legal Complaints.]
[The Office of Rail Regulation.]
[The Office of the Renewable Fuels Agency.]
[The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills.]
The Oil and Pipelines Agency.
[The Parades Commission for Northern Ireland.]
The Parole Board . . . .
The Parole Board for Scotland . . . .
[The Board of the Pension Protection Fund.]
A Pensions Appeal Tribunal.
[The Pensions Regulator.]
[The Planning Appeals Commission constituted under Article 110 of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.]
A Planning Inquiry Commission constituted under Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
A Planning Inquiry Commission constituted under [Part III of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997].
[The Prison Service Pay Review Body.]
[The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care]
[A regional committee of the Gas and Electricity Consumer Council established under section 18(2) of the Utilities Act 2000.]
[A regional water authority established in accordance with section 2 of the Water Act 1973.]
The Review Board for Government Contracts.
[The Review Body on Doctors and Dentists Remuneration.]
[The Risk Management Authority established under the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003.]
A Rural Development Board.
[The School Teachers' Review Body.]
[The Scottish Charity Regulator.]
[The Scottish Committee of the Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council.]
[The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission.]
Scottish Enterprise.
[The Scottish Environment Protection Agency.]
[The Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council.]
[The Scottish Housing Regulator]
The Scottish Land Court.
The Scottish Law Commission.
[The Scottish Legal Aid Board.]
[Scottish Natural Heritage.]
[The Scottish Qualifications Authority.]
[The Scottish Social Services Council.]
[Scottish Water.]
The Sea Fish Industry Authority.
[The Sea Fish Licence Tribunal.]
[The Security Industry Authority.]
[Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig.]
[The Senior Salaries Review Body.]
[The Serious Organised Crime Agency.]
Sianel Pedwar Cymru.
[Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland.]
[The Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission]
The Social Security Advisory Committee.
[The Standards Commission for Scotland.]
[The Statistics Board.]
[The Sustainable Development Commission (an advisory sub-committee of The Sustainable Development Commission Limited).]
[The Training and Employment Agency Advisory Board in Northern Ireland.]
The Transport Tribunal.
[The Tribunal established under section 65 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.]
[The Tribunal established under section 91 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.]
[The trustee corporation established by section 75 of the Pensions Act 2008.]
[The Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund.]
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
[The United Kingdom Sports Council.]
[The Upper Tribunal.]
[The Valuation Tribunal for England.]
[The Valuation Tribunal Service.]
The Water Appeals Commission for Northern Ireland.
[The Water Industry Commission for Scotland.]
[The Water Services Regulation Authority.]
[The Welsh Committee of the Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council.]
[The Welsh Water Authority.]
[The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales.]