Merchant Shipping (Liner Conferences) Act 1982


The Contracting Parties to the present Convention,

Desiring to improve the liner conference system,

Recognising the need for a universally acceptable code of conduct for liner conferences,

Taking into account the special needs and problems of the developing countries with respect to the activities of liner conferences serving their foreign trade,

Agreeing to reflect in the Code the following fundamental objectives and basic principles:

(a)The objective to facilitate the orderly expansion of world sea-borne trade;

(b)The objective to stimulate the development of regular and efficient liner services adequate to the requirement of the trade concerned;

(c)The objective to ensure a balance of interests between suppliers and users of liner shipping services;

(d)The principle that conference practices should not involve any discrimination against the shipowners, shippers or the foreign trade of any country;

(e)The principle that conferences hold meaningful consultations with shippers' organisations, shippers' representatives and shippers on matters of common interest, with, upon request, the participation of appropriate authorities ;

(f)The principle that conferences should make available to interested parties pertinent information about their activities which are relevant to those parties and should publish meaningful information on their activities,

Have agreed as follows: