Insurance Companies Act 1982 (repealed)

X1 Applicable law in the absence of choiceU.K.

Editorial Information

X1The existing provisions of Sch. 3A (paras. 1-5) became Sch. 1A Pt. I with effect from 20.05.1993 when a new Pt. I heading was inserted. Versions of those provisions as they stood at any time before that date cannot be accessed by navigation from this version. To view those versions, it is recommended that users either conduct an 'advanced search' specifying an 'as at' date earlier than 20.05.1993 or navigate via the Sch. 3A heading.

X22(1)The choice referred to in paragraph 1 must be expressed or demonstrated with reasonable certainty by the terms of the contract or the circumstances of the case.

(2)If that is not so, or if no choice has been made, the contract shall be governed by the law of the country (from amongst those considered in the relevant sub-paragraphs) with which it is most closely connected.

(3)Nevertheless, a severable part of the contract which has a closer connection with another country (from amongst those considered in the relevant sub-paragraphs) may by way of exception be governed by the law of that other country.

(4)A contract is rebuttably presumed to be most closely connected with the member State where the risk is situated.

Editorial Information

X2The existing provisions of Sch. 3A (paras. 1-5) became Sch. 1A Pt. I with effect from 20.05.1993 when a new Pt. I heading was inserted. Versions of those provisions as they stood at any time before that date cannot be accessed by navigation from this version. To view those versions, it is recommended that users either conduct an 'advanced search' specifying an 'as at' date earlier than 20.05.1993 or navigate via the Sch. 3A heading.